What did you learn from Michae Jackson?

He taught how to live life, and about the world, and especially music.

Before i got into him I was a bit of a bad person, n i really didn't know what music was, i was listening to red hot chilli peppers and nirvana, boy has that changed, haha! my favourite kind of music is motivational music, i work harder now, help people more, im healthier. I try to fill myself with love and positivity as much as possible and spread it, like a heat wave haha

Jackie xxxxxxx I love you all xxx
-The media dont always tell the truth.
-Do not judge before doing research.
-To always appreciate the wonder and magic of the world.
...........what i learned from him is the reason i became such an extreme fan...... he taught me that no matter WHAT you go through..... stay true to your faith in the Lord...nothing is so horrible that you can't go to God with it and keep living for him.... :'( I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!
He taught me love, forgiveness, and acceptance of everyone. He taught me to be a better parent(the Oxford speech especially inspires me). And he taught me to heal the world--volunteering for causes benefiting animals and children are a part of my life on a daily basis. I used to be very selfish and egotistical...I think I've come a long way from that from seeing Michael's selflessness and humility.
What did you learn from Michael Jackson? As for me he taught me to be myself and never let negative people get you down.

he taught me sooo many things.... but i think i will say for now Grace. Michael was like water... he just flowed... with grace. that is a one reason no one can dance like him.
That I need to be a better person. If he can go through the hell he went through and still be loving and compassionate to everyone then I need to make more of an effort to do the same.
-Heal the world for the next generations, so the world can be a better place.
- Forgiveness. Always forgive.
- Prejudice is ignorance.
-Be pure, innocent.. Be like a child, not child-ish.. but childlike
- He showed me how important childhood is, and how it can affect ones life..
-Be thankful
I don´t like to be angry, really.. I don´t want to waste time on being angry. Enjoy life, and don´t take anything for granted. And always forgive. even if it´s a friend or an enemy.
Never judge a book by its cover, learned that in 5th grade, not froom my teachers, but him
dont forget to let people know you love them
help those who arent as fortunate
Even though I don't have children of my own, Michael taught me how important it is for parents to spend quality time with their children and that children need a parent's attention and love (both physically and emotionally). Children need to feel loved. Simple theory but it's not always practiced. And I NEVER believed in spanking or hitting a child but hearing about Michael's relationship with his father, and how that affected him all through his life, I believe that now more than ever. And how precious the innocence of a child is. That should always be protected (Michael saw too much at too early an age).

Oh, and that it's not really so bad to be shy (I have always been also). In fact, it's a very refreshing and rare quality in a person.
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What did I learn from Michael?? So much!!! I could write a book about what I learned from Michael.. really.

One of the greatest lessons believe in yourself and dont let others get you down. Follow your dreams and aspirations and no mater who will try to knock you down they cant take them away from us :)

another I really admire Michaels strength. He is such a fighter and I love him for that :wub:
I have learnt a lot form Micheal. A few of the things he talks about is what Mahatma Gandhi tought to the world. Michael liked to read what the Mahatma wrote or said.
MG: "Give ALL Gain All" 1942
MJ: He gave love to the world and gained so many hearts

MG:"Power based on Love is a thousand times more effective and permanent that one derived from fear of punishment"

MJ: All For L.O.V.E.


doesn't that remind you of MJ song. "If you want to make the world a better place then take a look at you self and make that change?"

Michael also thought us to give freely to the unfortunate and education is important.
Heal the world and save the Children.

Practice, Practice, Practice.

Thanks Mike.
what did i learn from mj???? he taught me to love all people despite race religion .. he taught me to to love nature the world