What country you've ever been you love the most ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
the netherlands
As the title says: what country you have ever been in do you love most of all? For example; The country I love the most is Turkey(I live in the Netherlands), because the people are so nice, I love the food and atmosphere and there is much more why I like it.
Can you tell me, what your favorite country is?
my ranking would be:

1) Greece

2) Italy

3) Netherlands

4) Spain

5) UK

6) USA

7) Switzerland

I've been to a few other countries but I've not seen a lot of those then so I don't know.
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I definetly have to say...USA had an amazing trip in 2003 to Vegas,and other towns,that i simply loved every minute of it,and i can't wait to do it again.But this time,it will be even better.:wub:

Also think that Holland and Germany are lovely countries.
The place i loved the most in Holland is Den haag.that cathedral....
In Germany it hard to pic place...can only say thati love what i saw very very much

France...Paris by night can really be magic.But unffortunately was never there with my bf.

Belgium...Antuerp is amazing!
Mariajoaosilva, can I ask you where you are from? I live in Holland so it's nice to hear that from you. But I do not agree. I don't like Holland as much as you do. Haha, you get used to it and if you really know how and what it is to live here, you wouldn't be that happy. I'm not saying that it's not good to live here, but sometimes you get so tired of all the laws and rules there are. It is not normal, it is insane!
But after all, I'm happy to have a chance to live and have a good life. I'm very thankfull, especially when you look at the poor children in Africa. Sometimes we are selfish, aren't we?
I really love my home country Canada, we're a multi-cultured country which I wish Michael should tour there, have nice cold weather in winter and very nice tour attractions. I also love a few countries in Europe like UK, Italy and Sweden. But the country I love the most other than these countries is Japan. I love these people there, very intelligent and smart with technology and electronics and we were very blessed what they've done for us. I also love their animations and mangas cause that's the main reason why I love Japan so much. That's part of me that'll never change.
italy.gorgeous places, culture,food and language
1- Japan absolutely! The people are verrryy nice and sweet. You can do whatever you want, and I feel free when I'm there. The most thing I loved was Disney, it was beautiful to see.
2- France, I agree with ''Mariajoaosilva'', it's really magical at night..
3- Libanon, I feel like i'm home whenever im there..the people are veryy nice as well.
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Mariajoaosilva, can I ask you where you are from? I live in Holland so it's nice to hear that from you. But I do not agree. I don't like Holland as much as you do. Haha, you get used to it and if you really know how and what it is to live here, you wouldn't be that happy. I'm not saying that it's not good to live here, but sometimes you get so tired of all the laws and rules there are. It is not normal, it is insane!
But after all, I'm happy to have a chance to live and have a good life. I'm very thankfull, especially when you look at the poor children in Africa. Sometimes we are selfish, aren't we?

I'm From Portugal....But although i agree with you that it can become normal,i do not agree when you mention the rules and laws,because those exist anywhere you live.:yes:
I have wonderful memories of the holidays i spent in your country.And yes,you have all the reasons to be happy.
1- Japan absolutely! The people are verrryy nice and sweet. You can do whatever you want, and I feel free when I'm there. The most thing I loved was Disney, it was beautiful to see.
2- France, I agree with ''Mariajoaosilva'', it's really magical at night..
3- Libanon, I feel like i'm home whenever im there..the people are veryy nice as well.

Have you ever had the chance to be in that magical town,Paris,with the one you love?;D
I so much want to have that experience one day.But because i didn't,i'm wondering if you did,and how was it?;D
1. USA - cuz well it's where I'm from.
2. Italy - loved it when I was there on vacation and would love to go back.
My faveroutes are England and France - there is so much interesting history everywhere and loads of stuff to see and do in the big cities! And I especially find France so incredibly beautiful!
I just visited England and Paris. Beautiful history and architecture in both countries. Paris really impressed me, It is such a beautiful city.
i think i loved the most:
France, especially the riviera
Italy - Rome
I'vw been to France (Lyon)- loooooooved it there so much
to The Czech Republic (Harrachov, Prague) and I just adored there
Budapest (Hungary), Kiev( Ukraine), Wiesbaden (Germany)....so amazing places....

but my heart will always go to my native country -Poland.... and especially The Tatras (the mountains), Zakopane, Cracow and the surroundings
these are the places I feel totally at home
and being there (even in my spirit) just for a moment makes me weep out of joy:)
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the country i love the most is the country that :heart:Michael lives in! :wub: and so at the moment its U.S.A.

when i was in school there was a poem in my litriture book which impressed me:

sombody asked her/his true lover, this question "which country u love the most and which place is the best" and the lover replied "the best place in the world is where ur beloved one lives"

thats exacly how i feel :blush:
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Hands down, England!
I went to London in 2001 as a 15th bday present and it was just great! I loved everything about that city and didnt want to come back! i hope to go back there again, and maybe live there for a while!

Never been to other countries, but i also love France and Germany and I really look forward to visiting one day, and USA too! :)
Have you ever had the chance to be in that magical town,Paris,with the one you love?;D
I so much want to have that experience one day.But because i didn't,i'm wondering if you did,and how was it?;D

ehehhe, no not yet. But I would love to do that, ever. :wub:
What country you've ever been you love the most ?
Does this question mean what countries I love the most where I haven't been ever
Which countires I love the most where I have been in my life ? :scratch:

USA is my answer for the first one, never been there but got to love it..

And to second one, Germany, Italy and Spain :)
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I've been to Singapore, very GREAT
btw, visit Vietnam sometimes, u r very welcome :)
From all the countries I've been to so far, Italy is definately my favorit. Beautiful scenery, lovely culture, art and friendly people (that is, once you've covered up the blond hair :p). And very important aswell, the weather! After a year of ongoing rain and grey skies nothing makes me more happy then a warm, sunny day! :D
sombody asked her/his true lover, this question "which country u love the most and which place is the best" and the lover replied "the best place in the world is where ur beloved one lives"

Sounds like he was just trying to get in her pants.

Anyway, the only foreign countries I've been to are Canada and Pakistan (I'm Pakistani myself), and of those I guess I prefer Pakistan. For longterm living, though, I think I'm too Americanized to be anywhere else.
well the only place i have ever been abroad is spain so i will have to pick that lol - i do love it!! :D
But ofcourse i love England to because it is where i live