What changes would you like to see made in this decade?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Now that the 00's has finally come to an end, what sort of changes would you like to see in this brand new decade we have just come into?
More love for everyone, including animals.

I want people to neuter their cats.
There are to many who gets a kitten and love it for some months and when the kitten begins to get older they don´t want it and they leave the cat somewhere far fram home.
Without food and shelter.Or they let the cat have kittens and when they don´t find home to them they leave the kittens in a carton in the forrest.
The cats could say they don´t care about us.
I want peope to care.
I would like to see more advancement in viewing television shows on the internet, so I can rely less on cable.

I sure would love to see the NYC public transportation system updated and improved to benefit the rider. I'm tired of slow buses!

I would like for President Obama to have some incredibly successful achievements that will finally shut the naysayers up once and for all.

For someone to finally invent the flying car.

A pill to reverse graying of hair. :)

A pill to straighten curly hair. :)

More seriously, I would like to see advancement in the treatment of or even cures for cancer, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's, and whatever other chronic conditions or diseases that need attention.