what book genre do you read?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
yes...thinking of MJ being an avid book dude made me wonder about peeps here that also read.

i love mystery..Agatha Christie type(trying to crack a mystery really fascinates me, and i actually have been able to be right about some clues, at times)..and anything by Stephen King, tho i haven't read him in a while..lol :D

what about you peeps? what book genres and books are favs of yours?
Anything but sci-fi to be honest, although i liked hitchhikers guide hehe :D


well, sometimes, for me, i decide i won't read a certain genre, then that is when a 'unique' book comes out that sorta fits that genre, then i get interested, anyway..lol.

another thing...to me..it surely is beating going to the movie versions. these days, books are more fun than movies..IMO...

not that i don't like movies, but the books are just better, to me.

*watch a movie come out that changes my mind.* :lol:
I love films, but books beat them every time i agree :)

My favourite author at the moment is Iain Banks. It takes a few chapters to get into his novels - he's one of those authors where he estranges the reader rather than involving them in his material, but once you get into them they're addictive!
I love films, but books beat them every time i agree :)

My favourite author at the moment is Iain Banks. It takes a few chapters to get into his novels - he's one of those authors where he estranges the reader rather than involving them in his material, but once you get into them they're addictive!

Wow! that's a talent...being able to estrange a reader, but still get them interested! WOW

i never heard of that. gotta look into that author. what's the main subject interest of this author?