What are your pet peeves?


Proud Member
Jul 2, 2012
I don't know about you but I've got a few..

-animal abuse
-bad grammar (lol)
-racist remarks
-COCKROACHES (more like a phobia:hysterical:)

etc..it could be anything, I'm sure I'll think of more as we go :rofl: post away and vent :punk:
For me it's any kind of prejudice... racism, homophobia, kicking people who are already on the ground because "it's probably their own fault", or "they just need to move on!"... :pth:
Yes definitely the latter is one of mine too, also people who think that won't happen to them is a major pet peeve. It's like, you're human, hello! none of us is safe from misfortune.:beee:
- People who complain about spelling errors (it happens to everyone)
- Bugs. Any kind.
- La Toya Jackson
Yes definitely the latter is one of mine too, also people who think that won't happen to them is a major pet peeve. It's like, you're human, hello! none of us is safe from misfortune.:beee:

Exactly! Not everything bad that happens is caused by bad decisions. And even if something IS, like you say, we're all humans... we make mistakes, and we don't plan for things to go wrong for us.
Exactly! Not everything bad that happens is caused by bad decisions. And even if something IS, like you say, we're all humans... we make mistakes, and we don't plan for things to go wrong for us.
Definitely! and bad grammar is not the same as spelling mistakes. A lot of people know how to spell but just don't bother to do it..
-the smell of matches lol
-apples with their peel, gets stuck between your teeth and it's annoying
- Bad grammar
- Liars
- People who make plans with you and then constantly let you down
-People who are loud just to be annoying
-Those who contradict just to piss you off
MJ haters

Dr Death

Animal abuse and anyone else who harms any animals in any way

People who don't see we should protect the environment

My learning disabilities (They prevented me from becoming an astronomer. Which was my dream job.)

My skin disorder that I have

Prejudice people

Cloudy night skies (Especially when I want to do some star gazing.)