What Are YOU Thankful For..?


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
Thank You for My Life

Dear God, thank you for my life on this earth, however challenging or not.

Thank you for giving me free will to love and be loved, to make my own decisions, to learn from my mistakes, to laugh when I am happy, to cry when I am sad.

Thank you for my family, my friends, my pets, my colleagues, and for every other living creature I meet along my journey.

Thank you for giving me strength to overcome adversity, to do what's right for the benefit of the greater good, to rise above negativity.

Thank you for giving me hope for an end to world suffering, pain, and war, for a beginning of a world filled with light and everlasting love.

By Debbie Gissoni

To you and yours from me and mine...:wub: Happy Thanksgiving..!

:angel:Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Great Post!

I am thankful to GOD and my faith.

I am thankful for my family... Even though sometimes we dont see eye to eye.

I am thankful for my job, I know how hard getting one is now a days so I defintly do not take it for granted.

I am thankful that I can live comfortably and have a roof over my head and food in my stomach.

Last but defintly not least cause I could go on forever, I'm thankful to have some really really great people in my life.
Yay, great post! :clapping:

I'm just really thankful for family and friends. It's been a hard year losing my job, felt like I lost my dignity and self worth for a while... but it's my family and my friends that propped me up and kept me going forward. It really made me realize how lucky I am.... and how great they are. Without special people in your life, there's not much else, you know?

So yeah.... that's what I'm most thankful for :wub:

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving you all.... and eat lots of food haha!

I'm making my Aussie friends their very first American Thanksgiving Dinner today.... they are already like this --->>> :clapping: :wild:

...and I haven't even started cooking yet :lol:
I am Thankful to God and the life He has blessed me with. I am Thankful for my family, especially this year, since I lost my aunt in California. I hold each and every family member real tight this Thanksgiving and Holidays. I am Thankful for the beautiful friends I have in my life. I try hard not to take any of you, family and friends, for granted. I love you.