What are you thankful for?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving I thought what a good topic this would be to discuss or just to write it down. This time in the world is hard and alot of people are going through bad times, but we all should have something that we are thankful for in this time of season for being thankful and giving. I will let you know what I am thankful for first of all.

I am thankful for the Lord for blessing me being with my family. I am thankful that I have a good steady job and co workers whom I truly am blessed to have in helping me with the wonderful children that I teach. I am thankful that the Lord blessed me with a promotion and leading my own classroom. I am thankful that I have a wonderful family (2 girls and 1 boy and a husband). I am thankful to have good health and hope to get better at taking care of myself (a diet).

Well enough of boring you. It's your turn now so what are you thankful for this holiday season?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and God Bless! :)
I'm thankful for having the best mother anyone can have,
I'm thankful for my family doctor that is like an older sister to me.
I'm thankful for my online friends,because if it wasn't them,i would be very lonely,
I'm thankful for my Boyfriend and his family.Besides being one of the most human and amazing Men i ever knew, he is also the one that shows me all the time that LOVE has no bonderies when it's real and genuine.
I'm thankful for all the prayers,love and support i am getting,and for having in God a real father .

God Bless you all!
:angel:The Precious Gift Of LIfe...and being able to help Heal the World even if it is just one person at a time...:angel:
I am thankful that I know God.
I am thankful for the fact that I was born healthy and that I can work out and do things that some people seem to take for granted.
I am thankful for the fact that I have a family.
I am thankful for the fact that I have a girlfriend who loves me very much.
I am thankful for the fact that I can go where I want whenever I want.
I am thankful for the fact that I can work.

:) Nice thread.
Every single good and nice moment my boyfriend is still living!

Also thankfull about the rest of my life... my parents, my brothers, my friends and my workmates, my boss... all the chances life has been and still is offering me.
I am thankful for: my health. Seeing patients in such bad health as I do in my job, I've grown to appreciate just how precious my good health is. I am also thankful for my job - that the company I work for has so much faith in me, they are willing to help me get through nursing school AND give me a job as a nursing assistant on my way to becoming an RN. I am thankful for having such a large and loving family. I am not only happy but proud to be a fan of Michael Jackson. And I am thankful for having this wonderful fan community available to me during all of my times of great triumph as well as despair.
great idea! I am thankful for my faith in GOD...without it i probably would have given up by now. For my family, my friends(espeically the ones that i still get along with despite drama and trials that have happened..except for one were stil trying to work out..:( ), for this prayer book i got in the mail thats really been helping me..for being allive..for all the experiences, up and down that ive had this year, for being a fan of :heart: Michael :heart: , for this wonderful community that ive grown to love :hug: love you guys! ^_^

Tons of little things, as I call them my "little wins". But I'm majorly thankful for my inner and outer strength that God has blessed me with and my ability to focus and get things done. I have to be strong because I basically live without any relatives, just me and my son. I have them but they all live miles away and sometimes I wonder if that's God's will.

So, I'm very thankful to him that he has made me able and strong enough to stand alone and to remain mentally tough and in control of my life.

I thank God for every unexpected and expected good fortune that comes my way. God is the root of my life and without his love I would have no life. I came close to death as an infant.

Yeah, I complain about things that seem to be out of my control, but when I sit and talk with God, I realize that those things that I have trouble with are eventually tackled and put away and I'm a stronger person in the aftermath.

I thank God for loving me and waking me up each morning.
I'm thankful for my family, friends and all the loving people I have around me,
I'm thankful for being healthy,
I'm thankful for that I was born in such a safe place in this world, Finland,
I'm thankful for that I've found God,
I'm thankful for that I've got the chance to know Michael's music.

Nice thread :)
im thankful i have a roof over my head

im thankful i got my health and no bad allergic reaction problems ..no asthma..i can see..i can hear..so im blessed and really thankful for all of that.

im thankful i have atleast a couple people to turn to

im thankful im loved

im thankful i can sing

im thankful that i get to be around when michael jackson is around too..future generations of fans wont get that.

im thankful to other public figures who inspire me to keep on moving.

im thankful that when i get stressed and feel really down i can lift myself up again and move forward.

im thankful i was born in america where i love our freedom and culture.

im thankful for music in this world.

im thankful to be born in the internet age.

very thankful.
I'm thankful that I am healthy and happy in both mind and body.
I'm thankful to be born in australia where I can achieve anything I work for.
But most of all... I am thankful for my friends who I love to pieces and who give me strength in those times when I need it most. :give_heart:
I'm thankful for my friends, wchich are always with me
I'm thankful for my parents that I have them!

That's the most important things to me...
I am thankful to God
I am thankful for my Mother
thankful for my grandmother..
thank you for those who lifted me up
and left me in good spirits, you all know who you are *HUGS*