What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy?? (Merged)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So, ever since Michael has passed it has been this recurring issue over and over again in my mind, "What am I going to do, to do my part to help his legacy remain?"

As in, what can I do to make sure that everything that he fought for, loved, lived for and believed in isn't forgotten. Through watching and reading interviews, to listening to his music...it is almost haunting how passionate he was about doing whatever he could to make the world a better place.

I don't want to talk a whole lot about myself here, but I was kind of dead in the water as far as college goes. I had begun my degree as an Early Education Major, but was falling behind quickly due to lack of interest. I felt that a teaching degree would make me little money, and would be so under appreciated. I had almost decided to quit my degree and start up a new one in Mortuary Sciences.

Michael changed my mind, and I feel it almost to be a blessing.

After his death I began to almost obsessively research all of the things that he had accomplished in his life, and discovered his immense love of children and helping them. It made me feel literally sick to my stomach knowing that he was gone, and now there was this huge hole. Who is going to fill it?

His fans.

We will never be able to fill Michael Jackson's shoes as far as charity goes. We may not be able to give millions of dollars combined between all of us, and visiting hospitals and donating tons of gifts may also be out of the question. But one thing that I'm sure we all have is a little bit of time, somewhere.

What I have vowed to do in honor of Michael, is to finish my teaching degree. I feel that there is a whole new fire burning, that is pushing me towards my degree, and I have a whole new reason and desire to teach. I want to make that little (or big) difference in our future. I want to make children feel appreciated, that they matter and can make a difference. I want to see children smile like Michael could make them smile.

I have also vowed to continue being a Big Sister in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, after almost quitting because I felt it was 'too big of a hassle' due to conflicts with work.

And last but not least, in my community there used to be a summer program at our local park. A volunteer would run it for the summer, and the children would go there twice a week during the afternoon for games, crafts, and snacks. It was discontinued due to lack of volunteer interest. If my town will sponsor me, and I can find someone to help me, I would love to restart this annual tradition that I loved so much as a child, in honor of Michael, so that other children could love it as much as I did and have the same wonderful memories I have.

So the question is...What are YOU going to do?? The smallest of things matter and help =]
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

I'm starting small - helping my neighbors. I've always been a giver but Michael has helped me to stop feeling like I'm being too nice. I'm helping with animals and children especially. Also, I will teach the children about Michael's legacy. That was his favorite audience.
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

I want to honor his legacy by finishing my degree in computer science this year. I want to start visiting hospitals and volunteering in my neighborhood. I've been wondering how I could thank MJ for his influence in my life as well. I first need to learn how to drive first, before I start volunteering.:D
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

Ive been thinking about this alot. The biggest thing I can do at this moment is keep working hard on my degree in medical genetics, im about to start a year placement in a scientific team looking at genetic deafness. I like to think anything I might contribute might one day help people be cured of deafness and be able to hear michael's music. I want to go into cancer research when i graduate and will work hard for the rest of my life towards the goal of preventing the suffering of millions from cancer. Other then that im telling my family and friends that i love them everyday.
Continuing the Legacy: Let's Do It!!

Hey you guys,

I hope all of you are doing alright and hanging in there. I hope you have people around you to love and support you during this time, and I want to send out some love to the fans in London who are gathering at the O2 as we speak. So many of us were supposed to be living the day of their dreams today....we all feel the loss and the pain.

I'm slowly starting to return to the forums to read the news...and post here and there. I wanted to discuss the following:

Ever since Michael left us, I have felt this unexplainable need to continue his legacy. Now, more than ever, I realise how much the world needs people like Michael. I guess the saying is right; "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone".

With the past years being filled with all the lies, accusations, and fabrications I believe even Michael's BIGGEST fans had trouble seeing through it all and remembering what Michael was in essence all about: HEALING THE WORLD. Using his talent and heart to try and make this world a better place through unity and love.

Now, more than ever, I feel the need to help continue Michael's legacy and contribute to making Michael's wish a reality.

This doesn't mean donating millions to a good cause. Hell, I don't think any of us has millions of dollars in their bank account. But we can start really small. Smile to everyone you meet during your day. Help an old lady get on the bus or give her your seat. Help the old man pack his groceries. Play with the little kid next door.....

I started by asking AEG for a refund for my MJ tickets....and instead of keeping 1 ticket as a keepsake I decided to give my 75 pounds to http://www.keepachildalive.org instead, in honor of Michael.

For years now, I have been donating monthly to a charity (Clown Doctors...anyone remember Patch Adams?) which helps children in hospitals forget about their misery and simply make them SMILE, and I am looking into becoming a monthly donator for more charities that support children's health, children's rights, and children's well- being. They are our future. Let's protect them.

I remember years ago, the Michael Jackson Internet Fanclub (MJIFC) had a project going where they 'adopted' a child through an organisation. Members could donate money and we would receive pictures, letters and other stuff from her. I was very young then (11 I think), but I loved the idea. I would like to do something similar now...and wondering if anyone wants to join me.

I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Let us come together and Heal The World!!!! Who's with me?

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Re: Continuing the Legacy: Let's Do It!!

great! each year i donate a percentage of my income to a charity. last year it was www.orangutan.org.au - the orangutan has lost most of it's forests due to PALM OIL plantations & these guys help them out a lot. so don't buy palm oil products (usually just says listed as veg oil on packaging)

i also like this one - http://www.oxfamunwrapped.com.au/ you can buy a family a duck or a goat, or buy a village a well or a bridge.
Re: Continuing the Legacy: Let's Do It!!

I'm a member of the RSPCA.
Also plan to help out in the local cat rescue charity shop...
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

My friend Leslie and I who went down to L.A together as strangers and because of M.J have now become good friends are starting a charity event to be held every year on Michael's birthday. We're going to have dance off's, impersonators, singers, dancing, food etc. and have it be by donation. Whatever money we raise we are going to donate to a charity in Michael's name.

I could go on about my personal growth and what I'm going to do myself, but we'd be here for decades.
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

I want to heal my relationship with my family and keep a closer bond with my friends. That may seem selfish, but it is at least spreading love.

Then when I graduate I want to be a great English teacher and help my students who need it.
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

Michael Jackson Documentary by some fans, putting it into a dvd and then whatever is made from that will go to the Heal The World Foundation.

I listen to michael all the time, and dance and just am happy as anything listening to Mikes voice as it inspires me to move on.

Be great if people check out the website for the documentary I am putting a lot of work into it :) www.freewebs.com/embracedmjvision (PS i'm a not promoting myself but something that will go to a good cause).
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

well until i work i cant give money, so for now im going to work on being a better and kinder person, and give where i can :)
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

I'm also part of a documentary :) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fandemonium/59452462950?ref=nf They've been filming since 2005, and when I was at Neverland I met a guy named Michael who is friend's with the producer, Jenny. Turns out they met at Neverland. Isn't that rad! They're both super super sweet people and I really want this to take off as they're trying to make it a feature film.
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

I'm also part of a documentary :) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fandemonium/59452462950?ref=nf They've been filming since 2005, and when I was at Neverland I met a guy named Michael who is friend's with the producer, Jenny. Turns out they met at Neverland. Isn't that rad! They're both super super sweet people and I really want this to take off as they're trying to make it a feature film.

Ohh good luck :) Want Mine To Take Off Too :)
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

Aww, those are all really great ideas! Michael would be so proud! As long as we continue to give to the world like he did, he will never really die =]
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

i would love to see the same love care and unity among fans fansites and forums as we had started during the trisal before michaels passing there seemed to be some sort of competition between so many siters and forums
we need to go back to those days were we were one for michael specially now he s gone it would mean so much to have one worldwide unity of michaellovers where everyone no matter what happened in the past or will happen in the future is loved cared for accepted and welcomed
really i think that would have been teh best ever legacy we can give him since he loved all of his fans so very very much without any exception
imagine what a statement that would be to the world that we as fans from different background websites and fanclubs can work out all differences and are as one united in our loive for the biggest man that ever walked the earth
Re: Continuing the Legacy: Let's Do It!!

I'M WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

for my birthday i got some mj dvds that i already have so i'm going to put them on ebay and make it clear the money will go to one of michaels charitys in honour of him.

I'm going to heal the world till i die
Re: Continuing the Legacy: Let's Do It!!

I will work for what he worked for until the day I die

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

My mission in continuing MJ's legacy is to spread more love and kindness to the people I see everyday in life. I want to continue being more appreciative of the life that I am privileged to have and I want to spend more quality time with my family and friends. I also want to forget any negative feelings I may have felt with people in the past. Life is too short and it is such a waste of time to hold on to grudges. These are just little steps that I am taking because every little does count in healing the world. Since MJ's passing, I've been more inspired and I have become more determined to chase my dreams and succeed in life. Anything is possible if we are really dedicated and passionate about what we strive for. Michael believed that and we all should feel the same way.
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

i'm gonna contribute more with charities, give more donations ect.
simply gonna try & heal the world :)
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

i'm gonna contribute more with charities, give more donations ect.
simply gonna try & heal the world :)

That's all that any of us can try and strive or, is healing the world =]
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

Well I already support Cancer Research ( I'm a survivor ), Help for Heroes
and have sent 12 sick children and their families to Florida ( though that was three years ago (make a wish).

I try my best to be polite wherever possible ( though its often looked upon as wierd to be polite these days ), We support local schools in our business and give them a magical Christmas carol and presents day.

At the moment my contribution is to play MJs songs LOUDER!!!!!!!!!

Basically at the end of the day love for our lost lives in our hearts.
Re: Continuing the Legacy: Let's Do It!!

Awesome ideas, people.
I really believe we should carry on what Michael started.

In my opinion, Michael's fans are special people. We KNEW what he was about and we understood. Therefor it's important that we never forget that this planet we live on is not ours, it's something we've been given and we need to take care of it.

We also need to take care of eachother. :)
Re: Continuing the Legacy: Let's Do It!!

I gonna give more to charity. I always gave something to charity when they did collect. And next to that i always sign petitions for amnesty international, greenpeace, woman of Burma etc while i'm at Festival Mundial (which was also something for charity but now it's more comercial and about money unfortunately). My old clothes always go to charity aswell. This year i also gave some money to help Panda bears. I saw them in Guilin (China) and they look so cute, but they are not. In fact they are very agressive. It would be a shame if they fail to exist(good English?) such as a lot of other animals. And i always give my seat to older people and help some people out sometimes. Like watching thier belongings when they have to go to a restroom.

My plan is to give a certain amount of money too one or 2 charities a year. (I don't want to stay with one charity coz there are to many). One for people and one for nature/animals i guess. Coz i think both are important.

Next to that I might look for some voulenteer work. Next to my normal job but i don't have time for that right now and such so that's something for on the long term.
Re: Continuing the Legacy: Let's Do It!!

its all about the children and being kinder people and helping more

i work for childrens services so will make sure to do my upmost best to ensure those children are looked after properly and are provided with the right care.

its all for u michael:better:
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

bump. =]

come on, what are you going to do people?? =]
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

Ok, i'm starting small...
Plan 1) Stop swearing
Plan 2) Give my money from my This Is It ticket to charity

Next step is to find more things I can do and opportunities to help others. My church did a session last week called 'Indiscriminate Act of Kindness' which made me think of Michael alot. There was a song that was amazing by this irish guy called Foy Vance who I have never heard of before but this song is amazing and is called 'Indiscriminate Act of Kindness' - click here if you are interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL8A-b9XZaI. The lyrics are so touching.
Re: What Are YOU Going To Do To Help Carry On MJ's Legacy??

well first i been spreading the word about MJ, and anytime anyone says something untrue i jump on them with loaded facts so they understand ahaha. And ive done a Billie Jean tribute to him to at a show earlier, and am doing another one this week. Gotta love MJ!!