what are MJ qutoes in reference to his haters?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
San Antonio Texas
Like what does he say in qutoes? like i have rino skin or something like that lol..help i need some qutoes to what MJ says to his haters.
To Gloria Allred when she began criticizing his parenting abililties:
"Aah, tell her to go to hell."
MJ on his Whacko ***** reputation:
“I don’t pay attention to that. In my opinion, it’s ignorance. It’s usually not based on fact. … Every neighborhood has the guy who you don’t see, so you gossip about him. You see those stories about him, there’s the myth that he did this or he did that. People are crazy!”

From Ebony magazine last year.
he doesnt really say anything except for "hee hee" grabbing his crotch, spinning arouhd and kicking - i allways thought he did that in reference to his haters lol
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.
Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.
Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it "
Michael Jackson
MJ on his Whacko ***** reputation:
“I don’t pay attention to that. In my opinion, it’s ignorance. It’s usually not based on fact. … Every neighborhood has the guy who you don’t see, so you gossip about him. You see those stories about him, there’s the myth that he did this or he did that. People are crazy!”

From Ebony magazine last year.

best one. aside from the go to hell one.
People will always pass Judgement no matter what you do...so it really does'nt bother me, everybody is strage to somebody..
