What alcoholic drinks give you confidence

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
2301 Jackson street , i know your jealous
So im going to this thing on monday meeting loads of new people i just wanna be a little tipsy and wanna be able to remember everything but i wanna be confident so im wondering what drinks give you confidence :)
None of them. Confidence is something you either have or you don't. No amount of alcohol is going to make you more confident. The only thing you're going to achieve is perhaps a psychological addiction to alcohol under the delusion that it makes you "more confident." A popular yet erroneous misconception. You're better off going exactly as you are and having a good time sober.

My guess is that you are, of course, a kid. My advice is that you stay away from alcohol until the point you're mature enough to handle it properly.
Im 16 i know full well what alcohol can do but it makes you care less what people think, that's what i mean

If you haven't tried alcohol before, you shouldn't drink anything before going to a big party with lots of people you don't know. Don't do it.
You have to learn how you react and handle drinking first.
Wellllll I can't give alcohol tips to a 16 year old, thats illegal lol Aren't you underage? Maybe you should wait a few more years. Not judging your maturity or anything, but you will get what I mean about waiting "when your older". Geez now I feel old.

Also with regards to the confidence, alcohol doesn't give you any. What it can do is make you lose some of your inhibitiions, which may be a good or bad thing depending on the situation i guess. That's why people sometimes act silly when theyre tipsy, it's not confidence but it's the lack of inhibitions, if you get what i mean? So I don't think alcohol helps you make friends or impress people. Confidence is something you have to get your own head around, it's not something "you either have or you don't". Anyone can have confidence, but it's your decision to make about whether you will walk into that room full of people and make yourself believe that they will welcome you and like you. That's how I try to work my mind when I'm nervous around people. They don't know who you are or whether you're normally shy, so now is your chance to make a good impression. You don't need any alchohol to think/be like that. It's easier than you think! Remember they're people just like you. Try positive thinking exercises (sounds lame but it works wonders and its a real solution) and let us know how it goes :D
I understand your anxiety over this, I really do. But I really wish you would think twice about using alcohol to give you confidence. Please, just be yourself and allow yourself to feel whatever feelings you're experiencing be it nervousness, anxiety, whatever. You are only 16 and confidence will come eventually with experience.
Personally, I don't drink alcohol. I guess due to that, what I'm going to say may be seen as biased but I'll say it anyway;

Wouldn't it be a bigger confidence boost to meet these people sober and then afterwards be proud of yourself for doing it without any help from alcohol? It would prove to yourself that you have inner strength. Also, whilst alcohol might at the time make you feel more confident, what happens if you end up doing/saying something you later feel embarrassed about? That might knock your confidence back further.

Anyway, whatever you decide to do, good luck and believe in yourself! Let these people see you for who you are :)
Sorry but we cannot allow this thread to stay open as you are only 16 and it is an illegal offence for anyone to be discussing what alcoholic drinks you should drink.
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