What about heaven..?

Does anyone think michael jackson will go to heaven?

I really wish he is in heaven, it would be such a nice supprise!

im not sure what you believe in?( there has to be more to life or death then we already know) just be care and listen to your heart
the way i see it is when we die we go to heaven or hell?
i know michael went to heaven to teach a few angels how to dance the moonwalk
and is writing songs with SAINT michael
yes I believe in heaven and I believe he is there..
I also believe we will see him there one day .. I like to believe this because its comforting.
Well with my religion being Brethren we believe that after death there is an intermediate state-the time between death and the final judgment. And there is also a final state-the eternal destiny which will last forever. In parts of the New Testament paradise is describe. Our Lord Jesus says that those who overcome shall “eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. So anyway I truely think that is where Michael is now. He is in paradise now.

And I wish I was there with him.
I am a christian, and therefore believe in heaven. Michael was a beautiful, kind-hearted, innocent man. He made mistakes in his life, and it's just unfortunate that he was held so high that it was forgotten that he was only human. I truly believe that Michael is at peace in heaven.
I believe there is something after death but I don't know if that is heaven. I hope there is a heaven. And I hope there will be a time we will meet Michael again.
I believe there is something after death, a heaven or something. And I'm sure Michael is there right now dancing his feet of with Sammy Davis Jr and James Brown.
I strongly believe he is and that has helped me a lot!