We've Had Enough


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Oahu, Hawaii
The song we had enough, originally released with the Ultimate Collection. It is easily one of Michael's most powerful songs in terms of both the passion you can feel oozing from the song as well as the moving lyrics that accompany it. It is very unfortunate that this song never got the time of day from the public aka non-hardcore fans to be appreciated as it should have been. Now however with Michael gone we must spread the message he meant to be received by the world, let's make We've Had Enough the number 1 download on Itunes or any other popular downloading site people may use. Itunes of course being the goal because it is the most popular online stores today and a lot of people depend on that little chart of the top 10 singles on the right-hand side of the screen to tell them what is worth getting.

If you truly have had enough of the tabloid lies and the defamation of our angel then let us tell the world that We've had enough and let the public decide if they've had enough as well.

Please any and all support would be amazing, I know we can do it, MJ fans just have to band together. Let's show the world we can make a difference by speaking out. :)

There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one

P.S. Thanks for taking the time to read this, I know I'm still a new member but I really really do appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart :D

oops I think I may have put this in the wrong section, goes to show you how much of a newbie I am, sorry!
That Song was such a powerful song,It reflected what he was going through at the time of the Ultimate Collection's release.I cried when I heard that song. It was so sad. I wished I was with him to comfort him while he was singing that song. Did you all hear any other voices besides Michael and His Background vocals ? I thought I did. I guess Nobody knows but The engineers who recorded the song on that day.
a few years back i put together a video for this song, as i felt it really needed one.. to date, it has received well over 300,000 views on YouTube... here is a link if you still haven't seen it..



Your video is amazing you have done a great job I loved watching it! I love this song Michaels' words are so powerful he always tells it like it is, I miss him so much!!

Your video is amazing you have done a great job I loved watching it! I love this song Michaels' words are so powerful he always tells it like it is, I miss him so much!!


thanks so much! glad u enjoyed it!
