We've Had Enough


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have been listening to We've Had Enough today. I love this song. Michael's vocals are so incredible and the message and emotion of the song are so intense. He sounds a lot like he did in This Is It (the movie, not the song).

Michael was really in a good place musically when he finished this song. We've Had Enough is a little more raw, less produced than Invincible.

This makes me dislike Tom Sneddon more than I can express without using the H word. He really deprived the entire world of years of amazing music with his personal vendetta.

But, before I get too far off track. I couldn't find another thread about this song. What does everyone else think of it?
It's my favorite of the new tracks from The Ultimate Collection. It makes me think about how George Bush messed up the United States and the world.
I really love the song. It has such a deep meaning on a emotional scale. The line "She innocently questioned why her father had to die" always gets to me :cry:
I think of Paris too when I hear the beginning of the song.
I bought the ultimate collection just because of we have had enough.
I can hear these lines in my head even if I´m not playing the song right now;

We're innocently standing by
Watching people lose their lives
It seems as if we have no voice
It's time for us to make a choice

Only god could decide
Who will live and who will die
There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one

He sings with such emotion, we really have to do something.
I love it.
I love the song SO much
i have for years!
and my jaw was on the floor when i saw the fan made video.
like you said, disturbing but VERY powerful.
I cannot believe some of those things happen in this world. it's so shocking.
The first time I heard the song, I fell in love with it, it's just very hard for me to listen to it since Michael's passing.
We-ve Had Enough is FANTASTIC, the lyrics, Michaels voice, the passion he put on it, that was always on all MJ songs, but i mean, the message, its awesome. Its one of the many examples of what I call the most personal Michael Jackson musical style.
I think what he put on those lyrics AND Melody AND music AND his VOCALS all he wanted to transmit and he succeeded, but it was ignored, and it was ON PURPOSE, cause sometimes, MANY TIMRES this kind of wake up songs are better for some to be hide than to be heard.... POLITITIANS DO NOT NEED THEM... wars are needed for polititians....

This was a cry for humanity to WAKE UP, he was always thinking on how to make this world WAKE UP, his point was to make people realize the state of the world, all he sings, the passion he puts on its selfexplanatory, i dont think i could explain it better than Michael himself and this video, i saw this one video, take a look, it was POWERFUL

It is indeed a very moving song and this video really brings home the message.
Michael cared so much for the failing state of mankind and his song ''We've had enough'' is very prophetic.:yes:
We're innocently standing by
Watching people lose their lives
It seems as if we have no voice
It's time for us to make a choice

Only god could decide
Who will live and who will die
There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one

He sings with such emotion, we really have to do something.
I love it.

Those are the lyrics I love most. You are right MIST, we REALLY have got to do something and we cannot wait on politicians and corporate heads to do the job for us, as Michael reminded us all in the movie.

It is such a powerful song, it's almost like a musical typhoon, sandstorm and tsunami put together. The sheer rawness and realness of it always get to me. The beginning of the song used to remind me of Amadou Diallo and all the other innocent victims of racial profiling. The second verse it's obviously related to the war in Iraq.

A couple of years ago, maybe three, i started this habit of periodically reading comments on YouTube on all of Michael's social/political songs/anthems (more or less known - anything from Earth Song, HTW and Man in the mirror to WYWTOM and We've had enough itself), as these were the very songs that made me love him so much and mattered the most to me. I wanted to get the 'pulse' of people, to see how the public felt about this kind of songs and beyond the occasional moronic line, i was surprised to find out how many people did indeed get the message, but i still feel it hasn't gotten to enough people. Michael has said and sang all of this many, many times and in many ways. I wonder what will make us take heed and answer his call to awakening and action. I'm afraid that if June 25th 2009 didn't, nothing will. Hopefully, for all of us, I'm wrong.

Going back to the song though - when they posted that song list from which we could make our playlist for This is it last year, I was so upset not to find We've had enough among them, it would have been in the top 3 of my choices. Try and imagine a performance of it.....i'm sure powerful would not begin to describe that experience.

The quality of the song, in terms of composition, depth of lyrics and vocal perfomance just go to prove Michael's continous growth as an artist and the consistency of his message. I could never understand the 'all hail Thriller' logic - maybe it's because i am a child of the 90s, maybe i am attracted to this kind of issues, but it has always been my ferm belief and conviction Michael's craft has only gotten better with time and no darn music critic or anyone else on this planet will make me feel any other way.
I love this song but its always been very difficult to listen to- it always makes me cry. Partly because of Michaels raw passionate heart-wrenching voice and lyrics but partly because the first time i heard this song was with this video on youtube. Since then i can't listen to the song without seeing this video play again in my head.

WARNING - its very graphic and can be disturbing to watch as well as depressing. But powerful none the less!