"We've had enough"... What a song..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is one of my favorite of Michael's latest works.. Its so powerful.. I can feel Michael's anger on there.
Another thing I like about the song, is the "hoo-hoo" and the "aus" and all other trademark Michael jibberish that were so rear on "Invincible". Although I'm a staunch "Invincible" fan, I feel that although songs like "Butterflies" , "Break of Dawn", "Don't walk away" were brilliant, they could easily be done by other artists unlike earlier tracks like "Is it is scary", or "Who is it", "Earth Song" which can only be done by Michael and Michael only.
But "We've had enough" retains that unique Michael Jackson element, everything about it is so typically Michael and i don't think it can be trapped within the confines of a genre either.Its such a great peice.
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But "We've had enough" retains that unique Michael Jackson element, everything about it is so typically Michael and i don't think it can be trapped within the confines of a genre either.Its such a great peice.

I agree with you 100%! It's pure MJ (and it's amazing)!!! :)
man that song makes me cry lol

it is amazing i love it and yeah you can really feel the anger and emotion, no one else could have done it, the whole TUC box set is worth buying just for that song imo :yes:
Yeah I love this song and I think if Michael is going to sing about these type of issues this is the way he should sing it. Less "Heal The World" cheesy type music and more of this. I hope he makes more songs like this in the future.
^^Heal The World is a beautiful emotional song, lyrics and melody...NOT cheesy, cheesy has a negative connotation and IMO there is nothing negative about wanting to 'heal our wounded planet'. It is sweet, too idealistic, you could say..but not cheesy. And We've Had Enough is amazing !and I would love to see Michael perform it live one day.
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"Heal The World" is a better song, in my view, then "WHE". It's not cheesy, I don't think. It's beautiful and from the heart and it's really an iconic piece of music, a lot of people know that song. But "WHE" is a great song, and Michael sang the hell out of it.
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We've Had Enough could have found great success... When I first listened to that song.. I remember where I was and my reaction.. I mean it HIT ME..

that song had life sucked right out of it being released on Ultimate Collection.. Though I love having it on there.. It would have done so much more have it be released on Michaels new album.
love this song.like the thread started said its one of those songs that is sooo MJ and u can only see mj recording it. (those are his greatest songs) its so frustrating that this song will prob never see the light of day
Heal the world is a amazing song. but yes, it is cheesy, but that dose not mean it is a bad thing. many grate things are "cheesy". but the song is thoching people in many ways. I know many people lay when thay say yhey don´t like heal the world. But We've Had Enough I can not say the same. to me it is over produced. it ha a very poor to easy lyric. And it sounds like he is really trying to hard to make something with a strong massage.