Were you offended by the Mr Jefferson episode of South Park??


I just finished watching it for the first time. For those of you who haven't seen it, there is an episode of South Park where they have a character called Mr Jefferson, who is a spoof of Michael.

Some parts are funny. There are a lot of amusing references taken from the Bashir documentary. Michael had a good sense of humour so I'm sure he probably would've found it funny.

There are a lot of comments about racism in the police department against rich black men etc.

The only part which I found offensive as an MJ fan were the comments about his parenting abilities. I felt that went below the belt and wasn't exactly fair. But that's what South Park does....

What did you guys think?
It didn't bother me. Sure they made fun of Mike but they were making more fun of the racist police and how they want to frame rich black people

They also say in the episode that Michael was framed back in 93 so that's a good thing
I didn't find it offensive. They rip every celebrity and were taking shots at the police for framing Michael as the DA there, who conviniently works for Santa Barbara, says he's 'been trying to frame a rich innocent black man for years.' So no, I didn't find it offensive. It wasn't long after the Blanket incident when everyone was wrongfully questioning his parenting abilities. Sadly this didn't stop until he passed, when the media actually did a U-turn after seeing the kids and then began to praise his ability as a parent.
No. It was just as funny as all the other celebs South Park bases their episodes around, and it wasn't even as insulting as others. The end "lesson" that Mr. Jefferson needs to grow up and be a better father was kinda ignorant ("that's ignorant!") because I don't think you can really assess somebody's parenting skills from one incident and a biased documentary, but South Park always has a tendency to be stuck up its own ass with its messages (they even picked on themselves for that in one episode by talking about Family Guy and having someone say "at least Family Guy isn't stuck up their own ass with some preachy message!"). But that doesn't detract from the hilarity and social awareness of the show. And even though it's subjective, I think Matt & Trey are right about things 90% of the time.
i though it was in away funny. I love South Park i watch it all the time. That episode was spot on about the DA and Michael being framed bc at least in that one Matt and Trey did their research before making the episode otherwise they could have just mad ea whole episode making fun of Michael and making him look bad which is what South Park does. Its what they are known for and they pretty much get to do whatever they want even if it offends people they still get away with it in a way. So no that one wasnt as offensive BUT the the one from last season the one titled "Dead Celebrities" was very offensive to me bc they just went on ahead and made fun of michael after he died. that was just mean even after Matt and Trey said they were not going to do another Michael episode bc they did that already. so they lied and im still angry about that.
The only part which I found offensive as an MJ fan were the comments about his parenting abilities. I felt that went below the belt and wasn't exactly fair. But that's what South Park does....

I hated that part, but i never watched the whole thing. I don't like that kind of humor, it's hard for me to laugh at anything they do. What i do love is the Simpsons :)
I watched it once, didn't like it and haven't watched that episode again.

The "Dead Celebrities" is one I'll never watch
i know MJ had a sense of humor, but we don't really know what MJ would like..

i don't like south park's sense of humor, even if there are times, when they say things that smack of truth in society. mixing stuff like that, makes for emotional blackmail, and covering up stuff that shouldn't be conveyed in a message. so, this is the way sp does things, so that makes it alright? not to me.

besides, if u have to ask if it's offensive, there must be some possible red flag feelings that it's known that something like this, can evoke.

i believe having a sense of humor means having a sense of when something is funny and when it is not. the sleepover thing was not funny. it only reinforces what MJ haters want to think, and twists what MJ was about, and the innocence of a sleepover, and takes a hack at MJ's parenting skills. the cop thing is true, but funny in a sad way, more than a funny way, which really means it's not funny at all.
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besides, if u have to ask if it's offensive, there must be some possible red flag feelings that it's known that something like this, can evoke.

I am more than capable of forming my own opinion on whether or not it was offensive, I was merely asking what other fans thought.

I was left with mixed feelings, really. I am a big South Park fan and often find myself agreeing with a lot of their social commentaries, but I do feel that the episode with Mr Jefferson was a cheap shot at an easy target.

The plastic surgeory jokes were not original or particularly funny. The Bashir take-offs on the other hand were hilarious ("No Blanket, it's ignorant").

What I found frustrating however was how they obviously didn't have the balls to pick an angle and stick with it. One second they portrayed him as a rich black man being set up by a racist police department, the next they were implying impropriety at childrens sleep-overs. In 2004 with the impending trial looming, Michael Jackson as a public figure was something of a grey area, so it would've taken balls to have picked a side. It's a shame they weren't man enough to do this.
What I found frustrating however was how they obviously didn't have the balls to pick an angle and stick with it. One second they portrayed him as a rich black man being set up by a racist police department, the next they were implying impropriety at childrens sleep-overs. In 2004 with the impending trial looming, Michael Jackson as a public figure was something of a grey area, so it would've taken balls to have picked a side. It's a shame they weren't man enough to do this.

I actually thought that they picked a side on that issue. Like you said this episode aired after the second allegations but before the trial. At that time not many media would go with saying he's innocent, South park saying he was framed was a very strong point, a definite side to take.

As far as the trial goes they were very clear saying that he was set up because he was a rich black man. The way they planted evidence, the way they called Santa Barbara T.S. and how he told what they did etc. The sleepover thing was just a dream and they also took a jab at the parents who took money.

So as far as the allegations goes I felt they were saying "these are all just things people imagine/dream, with parents only after (care about) money and cops trying to frame him just because he's a rich black man"... and that's why I wasn't offended.

sure they also portrayed another side that included plastic surgery, child-like demeanor, paternity/maternity and parenting skills - which wasn't funny and had been done/ said million times before.

again in the end they also downplayed them all when either stan or kyle (I forgot) said that perhaps Mr. Jefferson was judged unfairly / everything was lies. Their only point / criticism was "when you have kids you have to grow up".

edit: interesting thing I saw when I watched the episode again. at the dinner they ask Mr. Jefferson what he does/ what his job - occupation is, he says he's retired and when asked more he says "pharmaceuticals".
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I love the way they had Mike talk on there

He'd be like ''Hello everybody HEEE HEE! SHAMONE! It's nice to see you all''

I can just imagine the real Mike talking like that in everyday conversation. Like ''Salvation Army tommorrow Bill HEEEE HEEE!! No don't laugh you get good stuff. SHAMONE!!!!''
I wasn't offended.
I agree that the part about his parenting skills (and the age old plastic surgery jokes) was a punch below the belt but those were compensated with the DA character who was trying to frame a rich innocent black man for years. I think that was a strong argument in Michael's favor.