Were will mily cyrus be at 18 years old?

I think at that age she's gonna sit at home watching TV and just having memories that somebody ever knew her... then there will be another 'one-sezon star', another, etc.

that's what I thnk :p
i kinda have to have agree here. Disney is all about making money off of young kids who are cute, and marketable and once they grow up and start looking older they get canned and disney goes and finds some other kid to whore out to the public. Miley is no different. once she is 18 she will a has been most likely and only have the memories of what she was to remind of her of what she used to have. although she could go off and quit music and focus on acting and be kinda like Hilary Duff or be just like her who we all prob. though would end up a has been to but she is still acting and making music along with perfumes. theres no telling where someone like Miley Cyrus will be. she has a has a famous dad so being he's back making a name for himself Miley will prob. still around and do what she wants to keep her name alive. but one thing is for sure though she wont be as popular or have a huge fan base anymore bc her fans will have grown out of Hannah Montanna and Miley all together.
Her teen audience that grew up with her will probably still support her so.... I'm thinking she's here to stay... :no:

I hope I'm wrong though....

More movies probably. I see her trying to break into acting as she gets older (not counting the Hannah Montana movie) Mostly because her fans are gonna realize she doesn't have much of a voice to work with. And you can't sing about innocent partying forever.

More movies probably. I see her trying to break into acting as she gets older (not counting the Hannah Montana movie) Mostly because her fans are gonna realize she doesn't have much of a voice to work with. And you can't sing about innocent partying forever.


I like her better as an actres than as a singer....She doesn't annoy me as much...

I like her better as an actres than as a singer....She doesn't annoy me as much...

LOL, yep.

And I gotta hand it to her, she doesn't do too bad on her show acting. She's good with the goofy parts when she has to be. Could be a little better in the more dramatic areas, but it'll do for now.

More movies probably. I see her trying to break into acting as she gets older (not counting the Hannah Montana movie) Mostly because her fans are gonna realize she doesn't have much of a voice to work with. And you can't sing about innocent partying forever.

The message about innocent partying would be a lot more believable if she wasn't wearing such revealing clothes and dancing round a pole whilst doing so!
I think that she will act in some movies trying to move away from the Hannah Montana image. I think that what will happen after Disney either dumps her or she moves away from it. I would love to see what will happen in 2 years with Miley.
I am seeing a Britney route when she hits 18. She admires Britney too o_O
Those pics of her on My space page that were leaked don't help nor the pic on that magazine showing her back with wet hair and red lipstick + the stripper pole on the teen choice awards either O_0 and her playing a role in the new sex in the city movie, talking about trying to go up to soon! lol *roles eyes* But, that's the music industry right?

Money talks B.S walks!


I do think she sings better then she acts though, so I guess stick to that?
She almost 17 so one more year to find out. Anyways she starting to get theatrical movie roles now and we can assume she can get by without Hannah Montana
Well Disney won't be interested in her any more. It depends how large her fan base remains really - if people want to see her, the big boys will pander to that and she'll be employed either to sing or act until she loses her popularity.
Maybe she'll pull a Hillary Duff like an earlier poster said, I'm sure the Hannah Montanna fever is going to die down soon. Disney has a plan in place, they are good at making child stars but sometimes they get sooo big its hard to move out of that role. I hope Miley succeeds, not really a fan but I wish her the best. Hillary is doing good but she played her cards right, branched off into a few disney movies and then a few series guest spots and on to more serious stuff, I don't think she's going to be a HUGE megastar actress but she'll do well for herself as she's doing already...hopefully Miley will be the same...I do hope the hannah montanna thing is dropped soon though before Hollywood refuses to take her "seriously"

speaking of Hillary, both she and Shai are doing well, they came from the same series and branched off into other things....had to take a lot of hard work though so we'll see.
Sadly, I think Disney will find the next best thing and see $$$ in their eyes. Then that just leaves her in the dust.
Well 18 is not that far off for Miley-she'll be 18 late next year actually. I think she'll still have a big fanbase and I think she'll probably continue to act in movies and focus on her singing career.
yeah raven did but she doesnt really play that role anymore unless its in movies and alot of actors in their 20's have been able to play the teen role for years bc they look soo young. Miley sh emight be able to still play the teen role in movies but not on disney. her show i think is on its last season right now. im not sure. Hannah Montanna will be another memory in pop culture once she's too old in disney years to play the part. like i said she will most likely pull a Hilary Duff bc once she left disney and Lizzie Maquire popularity died down and did the one movie she went on to do other things with her music and acting. she's even been playing alot serouis roles or more mature roles i should say. Miley will take the same road or not at all. she could just do one thing and focus on it and quite the other thing all together which would prob. be music bc alot of singers now days seem to stop with their music and focus on acting. we'll see what happens though.
She probably has to struggle cause as a singer she will not be able to transform properly from a childstar into an outgrown singer (although she sings very well) as Michael did it.

I think she will do more in acting... doing movies, or she'll just taking care of her... children and she sure will be a good mother