Well, the inevitable happened...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
My husband got laid off today....and the unemployment office seems to be a pretty popular place these days....:(
My husband got laid off today....and the unemployment office seems to be a pretty popular place these days....:(

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that! :better: I've been in that boat for the majority of the last year now...it's no good... sucks actually....

Tell him to keep his head up, stay as positive as he can, hit the unemployment office right away, and to be aggressive when looking for work (if he does). It's very challenging and competitive all around right now.

Things WILL get better, but may take a while. You guys do have each other though and that is very important :)
I'm sorry to hear that Linda. I hope your husband is able to find another job. Hopefully this economy will get better...:(
oh... I am so sorry to hear this. :no: I hope for the best real soon. I really do. Its no fun being laid off. But its happening quite frequently over here too. :/
I'm very sorry to hear that, Linda. My friend just sent me a text message an hour or so ago, she got laid off as well. Tough times...
I'm sending positive thoughts and lots of L.O.V.E your way.
I don't know if it's any comfort but it's bad here too where I live, if you want a new job you can't find anything! the depression really is as bad as they say...they said the next year will be better? I sure hope so, this has been going on for too long

actually I don't want to sound like a bummer...yes you can find a job but you have to stay confident and never give up because the competition is ruthless these days
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To all that replied- thank you so much. Your support means the world to me now. I really really appreciate your kind words....love you guys!!

Oh and to top it all off, my monthly visitor came yesterday too..when it rains it pours...literally!!
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Anyone else experiencing job loss right now? What are you guys doing about it, and how are you handling the stress?
I was jobless for months in a row this year before I finally found a good job, it was so hard and frustrating college education doesn't guarantee a job right away. I live in the capital but I think that's worse because there's so much competition here at least that's how I see it in a smaller town I think I'd have more chances to get hired faster
I just kept on looking and looking and I was prepared to even get a job I didn't like just so I can have a stable job, I need stability because I want to continue my studies. as for the stress everyone handles it differently, I for one I need to talk and I talk A LOT. if I have that one person I can talk to to get things off my chest then I'll be fine I can't hold things inside...the rest is up to you you have to never give up. oh and it's very important not to be afraid at job interviews, some people act like their life depends on it lol but there's no need to you have to treat it like it's just another interview and stay relaxed...
OH !! i'm sorry to hear this =[
i hope he'll find a job soon
stay strong no matter what :huggy:
may god be with you
I'm sorry to hear that, Linda. I really hope things get better for you very soon. :)
Sorry to hear that, I'm sure things will pick up soon. You've got some L.O.V.E coming at'ya :D
Anyone else experiencing job loss right now? What are you guys doing about it, and how are you handling the stress?

At first I was sick over it because it's SO stressful. Then I realized that wasn't the way to handle it at all. For me, it's been about being aggressive in applying for jobs/or unemployment benefits, sitting down and going through everything to budget the best I could, finding things to do outside of the house that are either free or super cheap.... because if you stay inside too long you start to become depressed and too worried and you just feel worse.

Try not to worry all the time about it. I know that is easier said than done but try sometimes to put it out of your mind. Stress is very very bad.
Sorry LInda :( :hug:
I am not unemployed but they havent pay me last month, and is 21th and they will be probably wont pay me this month on time neither....
I have to go to the Labor office to make a claim and is so frustraiting :(
I hope everything work for the best :better::angel:
well to be honest I got laid off about 10 months ago....things have only in the last 2 months or so started to pick up again...I was called back to work for about 16 hours a week right now....the job market is very competitive...were I live unemployment is at 13%....I am sorry Linda that this has happened to your husband....keep on top of that unemployment office...they will take their time as always....keep on your toes.....:hugs to you...:hug:
Oh no :( I'm sorry Linda. I'm praying he finds a new job soon. In the mean time... :better:
Ive been unemployed for almost a year now. I also just bought a house about 6 months before I was laid off. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard. I have 9 years of work experience as a computer programmer, so hopefully it won't take me long to find something.
I'm so sorry to hear that Linda. :( Times are really tough, I'm currently only working part time because I just could not find a full time job at all after I was left jobless in June. I hope things pick up for you both soon. :better:
I'm so sorry Linda. I've really struggled to find work after I finished uni and still haven't found anything. I am fortunate to be working full time but its just a regular run of the mill low income job. There is just nothing out there. Hugs to you :hug:
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hug!! i lost my job the at the end of last year. i took almost 6 monthes to find a new one. don't worry. everything will be better though it is hard at the beginning.
i don't know what the situation in us. i regreted having gone to college. in fact experience is far more important than diploma in china.
Linda...i am so sorry to hear what you are going through now...i hope your husband will find something very soon.keep the faith dear!hugs
Wow!! Seems like a lot of you guys are in the same boat!! My husband is over 50...I don't think he could be retrained - although I am looking into it. As for myself, I plan on filing for FAFSA aid in the form of a government grant so that I can go back to school and finish that nursing program...
I am so sorry to hear that!!! I will be praying for you and your husband!
Wow!! Seems like a lot of you guys are in the same boat!! My husband is over 50...I don't think he could be retrained - although I am looking into it. As for myself, I plan on filing for FAFSA aid in the form of a government grant so that I can go back to school and finish that nursing program...

Linda...isnt that form called FASFA...my son is a college student and I had to fill this out for him.....good luck to you.....here in RI there is a place right at the mall were we go and fill it out...or you can just go down to financial aid at the college you want to attend they will help you......I dont know if you already knew this...just thought I would throw it out there.
Wow!! Seems like a lot of you guys are in the same boat!! My husband is over 50...I don't think he could be retrained - although I am looking into it. As for myself, I plan on filing for FAFSA aid in the form of a government grant so that I can go back to school and finish that nursing program...

Yeah there's so many out of work right now, it's scary as...

I was lucky enough to just pick up a temp job until Christmas. At least it's something for a month. Maybe it's the turn of my luck... I really hope so. It's hard staying positive after almost 11 months being without work.

See, I have this same worry about my father. He's been with the same company for 25 years and they just got bought out by another company. People around him have just had their jobs slashed and he's terrified he'll see the same fate. He's over 50 and he's like... what am I going to do if that happens? Even if he finds a new job doing the same thing, you know he's going to start out making like half of what he is now.... it's very unfair. If it does happen, maybe he can take some classes or something? I have no idea....
Oh, good for you! Yeah I think going to school is really smart right now. The more education you can get, I think the better your chances. I'm trying so hard to save every penny from this temp job towards school.

Keep positive... all of us in this thread... I think it will turn around, you know? It's just taking a really long long time.

Hugs :better:

I like this thread, I feel so... NOT alone in what I'm going through work/money wise. Thanks for that :wub:
Sorry to hear your bad news Linda. Hope your hubby gets a new job very soonx
We started taking a 10% paycut a few months ago and this will go on until next year. *blah* But what can I do, I've been through alot tougher and challenging life tests this year. I just stay optimistic and keep moving on. :)

Keep positive thoughts and stay strong Linda. :) Sending good vibes your way. :flowers: