Welcome to the Bozo awards. Have fun.

That's why it's sad to hear cher speak about mike baddly I stopped being a fan of hers cause of that. I hat when people can be so ignorant. She said that you always hear that he's around little boys. So that made her believe he was guilty and she shat on him for the so call dangling of baby blanket! She was so shockingly rude it was horrible! that was a few yrs ago and then about a month or two ago she called him a genuis when remembering him on her shows....go figure. She's a fool!
Hey, hey come on. Don't ruin my thread, Have some fun with Michael please, otherwise this thread will be closed. If I have to close it myself.
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:D My little one was dancing to it :) We both enjoyed it! thank you dats
**tilts diva hat**

Cher is a human, to err is human ...

I mean, she is Cher **snap snap** please don't dis the Diva-Goddess of all fags & queens **smile and a snap**
Cher has always had a love-hate relationship with MJ. I remember during a dance sequence for one of these shows, she told Michael that she hated him (in the way you say "I hate you" to somebody who can do something better than you) but Mike was just a kid and didn't understand how she meant it. He felt really bad about that and I don't think Mike ever got that she meant that she was kinda jealous of him and his dancing ability.
