Weird Transvestite Dream I Had Last Night.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I had a dream where I was a man dressed up like a woman. I knew that I was really a man, but kept denying it to my coworker James and (male) suitor, even though they slightly implied that they knew that I wasn't really a woman.

My suitor said something along the lines of,"You know what, I'll take you to dinner anyway." I continued the denial to him. James said, "That was really nice of him to offer to take you to dinner, knowing your
secret." I continued denying being a man.

Just before my dinner date with my suitor, I finally decided to open up to James. I said, "I'm really a man, dressed as a woman." He replied, "I know." I said, "Please don't tell anyone." He replied,, "I won't."

We ended up in an Entertainment store, and I picked up The Wayans Brothers Show DVD. A selling point on the DVD was, "TWBS is one of the funniest television shows ever!"(true) The box said that the DVD was the 7th season, copyright 2006.

I knew that was wrong, because TWBS was started in 1995 and ended in 1999, so they sure as hell didn't have 7 Seasons. They had about 4 seasons. And, the cover of the dream cover only had Shawn on it, not Marlon, unlike a real-life WB DVD would have.

I woke up shortly after my suitor and I were in an elevator on our way to the date.

Can anyone interpret this dream for me?