Weird Dreams or Experiences Since MJ Died?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Anyone else? This has happened to me. The other night I had a terrible nightmare. When it was time to wake up, I couldn't. It was so odd. I was half asleep but then again I wasn't. I could hear the cars outside on the street and what was going on in my house, but I couldn't move. I tried so hard, but felt so numb. I honestly felt like someone was holding me down and preventing me from getting up. It was so weird and it was a terrible feeling. I decided to try and go back to sleep and then I woke up a few minutes later and ran out of my bed. It was terrible. I don't want to sound crazy, but I honestly feel like MJ's spirit is very much alive. I don't think he'd visit me 'cause I didn't know him so it doesn't make sense, but the whole thing was just so odd. I've never experienced such a nightmare before.

My opinion is that people who die before their time usually cannot rest. The spirit is still there and it's angry and sometimes stuck between worlds. That's my feeling anyway because I do believe in the super natural, but I would think Michael would be peaceful. He was peaceful in life so why wouldn't he be that way in the after life? Either way, the whole nightmare I had just freaked me out.

After MJ died, I remember getting a very strange feeling. I was actually both very sad and also scared to go to bed the night that he died. I just got an eerie feeling that he was around somewhere and wasn't happy, as crazy as that sounds and I found it very hard to sleep in the following days.

Anyone else have any strange experiences since MJ's passing though? And do you think it's more in your mind or something else that's related to Michael?
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!omg
that's all happend to me
and about the spirit
sometimes if someone loved his family - friends -anybody SO MUCH
when he die he can't leave them so his spirit stays with me
just like if he's with them
they can feel him
but cannot see him but he can see them watch them
,, if u need to know ANYTHING about spirits -etc
just ask me i swear i know ALOT about them
i'm not kidding
pm me at any time
i'll be happy
more than million

oh and about that thing
you can't move..
it's NOT a dream or a nightmare
it's true
it happend for me a couple of times
you were awake
it has something to do with ghosts , spirits - etc
seriously i'm not kidding...
and more than billion experiences happend to me if u wanna know anything else just pm me ok bye
but i'm sorry
i can't tell anyone about those experiences
cuz i promised someone okay?
i hope you understand :(
i'm sorry
Yes i know what you mean i always feel MJ's spirit around me and i too was afraid to sleep i couldn't actually i had to have an alcoholic beverage to put me to sleep the 3 nights after he died and i refused to sleep with the light off i was really afraid. This morning i had a nightmare it was about MJ in my dream i was at his funeral it was very sad. And when i woke up i felt so weak and i cried i miss him so much :(. But yes i always feel his spirit all the time i know he's watching over me I believe in the super natural too. So i can relate to what your saying.
I've had a similar experience with being half sleep, but couldn't move. I'm not sure what the temporary paralysis comes from, maybe it's our fear preventing us from moving? I've tried to find a scientific reason for it, but my raw feeling at the time, was that I felt there were something holding me down, and I didn't get relief until I gave up trying to wake up and drifited back into complete unconsciousness.

I wonder why we all have so many similar events happening.
I've had a similar experience with being half sleep, but couldn't move. I'm not sure what the temporary paralysis comes from, maybe it's our fear preventing us from moving? I've tried to find a scientific reason for it, but my raw feeling at the time, was that I felt there were something holding me down, and I didn't get relief until I gave up trying to wake up and drifited back into complete unconsciousness.

I wonder why we all have so many similar events happening.

oh about the thing that you can'e move and stuff
it's not your fear
alot of arab people around here know it
i know it's a bit silly but they say it's a ..ghost..
that won't let you move for 1 - 2 mintues
it happend to me
my mom was next to me i wanted to scream buti couldn't do nothing it's like a horror movie lol
anyways it's called (Sleep paralysis)
that's what it is
google it
Thanks for the info Paris! I never heard of Sleep Paralysis, but I will look it up. It seldom happens to me, but when it does happen it's the worst feeling. You are completely helpess. Ugh, hate hate hate it.

Yes i know what you mean i always feel MJ's spirit around me and i too was afraid to sleep i couldn't actually i had to have an alcoholic beverage to put me to sleep the 3 nights after he died and i refused to sleep with the light off i was really afraid. This morning i had a nightmare it was about MJ in my dream i was at his funeral it was very sad. And when i woke up i felt so weak and i cried i miss him so much :(. But yes i always feel his spirit all the time i know he's watching over me I believe in the super natural too. So i can relate to what your saying.

Aww :( that must have been terrible. I'm glad to know i'm not the only one though, I was sure I was going crazy or something and also glad to know I'm not the only one who was afraid to sleep after MJ died. I have no idea why, but I was just really scared and pretty much was up for 2 days straight. I kept getting up to make sure all the doors were locked constantly and kept closing my bathroom door. It was all so strange, sad and eerie. Just a terrible time in general. Wish it never happened, I miss him.