Weird Al Remembers Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Legendary pop music parodist Weird Al Yankovic has written a touching remembrance for Rolling Stone about the passing of Michael Jackson.

Yankovic, who parodied both Beat It (Eat It) and Bad (Fat), reveals on the magazine's website that Michael was a gracious man who didn't mind being poked fun of and was an avid fan of Weird Al's movie UHF.

Writes Yankovic:

The first time around I pursued Michael Jackson about a song parody, it was a shot in the dark. We're talking about the most popular and famous person in the known universe, and here I was, this goofy comedy songwriter. He not only returned our phone calls, but he approved it. He thought it was a funny idea. Then when we did the second parody, "Fat," he was nice enough to let us use his subway set for the video, so he's always been very supportive.

The first time I met him in person was long after I had gotten permission to do "Eat It" back in 1984. There's a contract somewhere that has his signature next to mine, proving that we are the co-writers of "Eat It," which is surrealistic in and of itself. The first time I actually ran into him was backstage at one of his concerts, this was maybe four years later, when Even Worse came out with my second parody, "Fat." I went backstage, and he was seeing a lot of people, but I brought along a gold record of Even Worse to present to him, and he was very gracious and thanked me for it and said some nice things. After the fact, I thought, "That's probably the last thing Michael Jackson needs, another gold record for his storage locker." Seeing him in person was amazing, it was otherworldly. He was and continues to be so iconic, it's hard to even conceive of him as a human being. He always was bigger than life.

Our second meeting was a TV show taping. He was performing "Black or White," and I remember Slash was onstage and I talked to [Michael] briefly afterwards. He told me he would play my movie, UHF, for his friends at Neverland Ranch, and he was very soft-spoken, very quiet, but always very friendly to me.

I considered parodying "Black or White" around that time. Michael wasn't quite so into it, because he thought "Black or White" was more of a message song, and he didn't feel as comfortable with a parody of that one, which I completely understood, and in a way, he did me a huge favor, because I was already getting pegged as the guy who did Michael Jackson parodies, and because he wasn't so into it, I decided to go with Nirvana, which wound up revitalizing my career. I don?t know what kind of career I would have today if it hadn't been for Michael Jackson. In a very real sense, he jump-started my career. "Eat It" basically changed me from an unknown into a guy that got recognized at Burger King.

I wish that I had met him :(
Aww that was a nice story! MJ had a good sense of humor, he didn't take himself as seriously as some think. People always accuse MJ of having a big ego, but at least he could poke fun at himself. MJ is the best. I love him. Thx for posting.
That's great. And I love UHF, too! Finally found it on DVD a year ago :D
That's a great article. I agree with all of you, it's great that Michael wasn't afraid to poke fun of himself.

Michael was a funny guy.....but sadly, the media ignored that side of him while he was here. :(
thank you very much for sharing that :flowers:

weird al ... :lol: i can see the two of them goofing around and having a blast together :D
It's pretty respectful that he decided to leave Black or White alone. I actually really disliked Weird Al when I was a kid; I hated seeing MJ get made fun of.

But I'm over it now.
He was and continues to be so iconic, it's hard to even conceive of him as a human being. He always was bigger than life.

Its sad yet so true.... Michael was bigger than life, but he was also just like everyone else.. A part of me would want to treat him like a normal person if I saw him walking down the street, but the fan in me would scream my head off and chase him down on the ground.. Its no way of normal living, but it was Michaels destiny. No wonder he had to disguise himself in public..
Weird Al is the man! Love him to pieces, and I have always known him to be such a stand up guy. And this proves it. Other "funny men" need to take note that this is how one does it with class!

**Starts singing**

You're butt is wide
Well mine is too
Better watch your mouth
Or I'll sit on you...

well he actually performed "Snack all night" at a few concerts but MJ asked him not to RECORD the song and he never did so.
Very respectful words be 'Weird' Al. I always liked him, and Eat It and Fat. These songs were prove Mike had a great sense of humor. Without his permission, they couldn't have been done, obviously.
Great to hear from Weird Al Yankovic.

When I think of the Thriller era (when I became an MJ fan), I always think of Weird Al.

Throughout 1983 I had been watching Michael Jackson through music videos (and the one night performance on Motown 25 on NBC). But for the longest time, my parents refused to buy Thriller for me in '83. Instead, they bought me a compilation record that included J5's biggest hits and some of Michael's early solo stuff (all Motown).

But I still wanted Thriller....BADLY.

As a compromise, they bought me Weird Al's "Eat It" 45" record single in early '84.

I listened to that record over and over and over again. Then a few short weeks later, my parents finally let me have the real deal, THRILLER on a brand new cassette tape (which I then became nearly obsessed with listening to lol).

So I will always think of Weird Al when I think of Thriller. To me they go hand in hand.

Thankfully, by the time Bad came out, I didn't get Weird Al's Fat single first. I proudly went to Wal-Mart and bought the Bad album, then later picked up Fat on record single. :)

Since '84, I've been a big Weird Al fan. I was lucky enough to see him in concert last Summer, and the highlight of the show was his performance of Fat. He came out in the whole fat costume and the MJ black apparel. It was incredible. He also performed Eat It, but he didn't do the whole was part of a medley. But it was cool nonetheless.
I love werid al..hes so cool

And it was sweet of what he said bout mike :)
Aww that was a nice story! MJ had a good sense of humor, he didn't take himself as seriously as some think. People always accuse MJ of having a big ego, but at least he could poke fun at himself. MJ is the best. I love him. Thx for posting.

Big ego? Michael had a very low self esteem and he was so can anyone say he had a big ego?
Big ego? Michael had a very low self esteem and he was so can anyone say he had a big ego?

Because of things like The History Statutes, King of Pop title and other things. I always thought he had a healthy ego about his achievements, but I never really heard him brag about his achievements. He always remained nice and humble about his success.
Very respectful words be 'Weird' Al. I always liked him, and Eat It and Fat. These songs were prove Mike had a great sense of humor. Without his permission, they couldn't have been done, obviously.

Yes they could have. Coolio did not give Wierd Al permission to do "almish paradise", which is hilarious, lol
"Eat It" and "Fat" were great parodies. I love them. My favorite Weird Al album has to be that one where he parodies Nirvana, which was the album "Off The Deep End".

Glad he didn't parody "Black Or White". :)
Weird Al is the man! Love him to pieces, and I have always known him to be such a stand up guy. And this proves it. Other "funny men" need to take note that this is how one does it with class!

**Starts singing**

You're butt is wide
Well mine is too
Better watch your mouth
Or I'll sit on you...


:rofl: :lol: I love 'Fat' that video is hilarious
Yes they could have. Coolio did not give Wierd Al permission to do "almish paradise", which is hilarious, lol
Al said that his people had told him Coolio had approved, but there was a misunderstanding. Coolio did say later that the song was put out without permission and he didn't agree with the topic of Al's version. But Coolio appeared with Al later on an awards show. Technically the song is Stevie Wonder's anyway (Pastime Paradise). But someone doing a parody doesn't have to get permission from the orginal songwriters according to copyright laws. Al just does so out of courtesy and has always done so. Al has asked Prince several times if he could parody his songs, but Prince refused. So Al never did one.
Weird Al is the man! Love him to pieces, and I have always known him to be such a stand up guy. And this proves it. Other "funny men" need to take note that this is how one does it with class!

**Starts singing**

You're butt is wide
Well mine is too
Better watch your mouth
Or I'll sit on you...


We have his videos- actually hubby got them. When I first showed it to our twin boys after they turned 5 years old, they were freaked out bit.. asking is "What happened to him?" Is that Michael? " The look on their faces! LOL

The one twin got worried and ran off! No consoling that one when he gets worried. LOL The other twin understood when I said it was just someone else sort of pretending to be Michael and singing a different song.

Al's letter was very touching - brought me a lump in my throat. So many would not be where they are today if it were not for Michael.