Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10 (Update on Post #35 for Jan 10, 2010) Iphone tribute


Michael Jackson Dominates 2009 Album Sales

Michael Jackson had planned a 50-show comeback in London in the summer of 2009. Thanks to Dr. Conrad Murray, he never got a chance to perform.


Just the same, his untimely death made the King of Pop as popular as ever. He ranked as the top-selling artist of 2009 with 8.2 million albums sold.

According to Nielsen SoundScan, that's nearly double No. 2 finisher, Taylor Swift, who at least beat all living musicians with a huge 4.6 million sold.
Jackson died June 25, just weeks before he was to return to the stage. His rehearsal footage has been made into a double CD and film, This Is It.


Fox News sued for airing interview with Michael Jackson ex

Exclusive: Fox News was sued today for copyright infringement by a TV producer who claims the network improperly aired an interview with Michael Jackson's ex-wife during its non-stop coverage of the singer's death.

In a complaint filed today in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, F. Marc Schaffel claims Fox News aired an "extended portion" of his 2003 interview with Debbie Rowe on "Geraldo at Large" on July 5 without first obtaining permission.

Here's where it gets interesting. Schaefel says when he complained to FNC the network's lawyers claimed a "fair use" right to broadcast the footage because it was extremely newsworthy given Jackson's high-profile death. If true, that wouldn't quite gibe with News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch's recent crusade against media outlets "stealing" his company's content online under the guise of fair use.

"In its quest to satisfy its unquenchable thirst to broadcast anything associated with Michael Jackson, Fox News, part of the vast News Corporation broadcasting empire, one of the fiercest defenders of its own intellectual property from unauthorized exploitation, demonstrated no hesitation in exploiting the work of others without payment," the complaint says.

The lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages for copyright infringement, goes on to quote Murdoch from a Sky News Australia interview in which he threatened to sue the BBC and other outlets:
  • "There's a doctrine called 'fair use,' which we believe to be challenged in the courts and would bar it altogether," Mr. Murdoch told the TV channel. "But we are better," added Mr. Murdoch. "If you look at them, most of their stuff is stolen from the newspapers now, and we'll be suing them for copyright."
A call to Fox News was not immediately returned.
Schaffel is represented by Howard King at LA's King Holmes Paterno & Berliner.

Today in
Michael Jackson History

2001 - Michael Jackson's publicist Cheri Fein announced the Jackson would be recording two to three songs for the new Jackson Five album.


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Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10

thanks for the news mairemarie :sun:

i found some news today too :D :waving: ;)

Michael Jackson’s Death Investigation is Complete


He passed way back in June of 2009, and finally the investigation into Michael Jackson’s death has been concluded.
According to a report, the King of Pop died as a result of acute Propofol intoxication and his personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray will be charged with his death.
Now that the investigation has been concluded, detectives will be presenting their findings to the Los Angeles County District Attorney for the next step in the process.
And though Dr. Murray didn’t break any laws by administering Propofol to *****, he’ll likely be charged with involuntary manslaughter due to gross negligence.

here is link: http://www.celebrity-gossip.net/cel...ksons-death-investigation-is-complete-214016/

Michael Jackson - Best Selling Artist 2009

Nielsen SoundScan have released their figures for US music sales in 2009 with Michael Jackson, Taylor Swift and Lady GaGa all featuring high in the charts.

Topping the album chart was Taylor Swift's 'Fearless' which sold 3.2 million copies, while Susan Boyle's 'I Dreamed A Dream' not far behind on 3.1 million copies. In third spot Michael Jackson's 'Number Ones' sold 2.3 million copies and Lady GaGa's debut 'The Fame' came in at Number Four with 2.23 million albums sold.

Michael Jackson was the 2009 best-selling artist, as the singer’s June 25th death led to a massive resurgence of his catalog. In total, the King of Pop sold 23,000,000 albums worldwide in 2009.

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here is link:http://www.mjportal.com/michael-jac...michael-jackson-best-selling-artist-2009.html

Michael Jackson: His death has been the greatest comeback

I am the coolest aunt in the world; I would even say the coolest adult around town. That, you see, is the perceptions of the kids I was dancing with recently. It was Ashleigh's birthday (my younger cousin /niece) and a posse of four to ten year olds and I were dancing to Michael Jackson's videos. I earned high marks that I was up on the moves. They thought it was pretty amazing that I was moving through Billy Jean, Beat It, Thriller, to name a few, and that all the dance moves that they just learnt, I have known now, for more than half my life. I've laughed to myself at their compliments, thinking I've been doing these moves since I was a teenager. They are the new generation of Michael Jackson fans. One common thread united us in that room, we were fans, albeit from different generations.
A new generation of Michael fan has emerged since his passing. These kids are hip on technology, and, as we researched people and places when doing project back in the days, by reading books , they are youtubing and whatever other internet stuff, to get information. His videos are now the books; each song has its own unique little movie and the kids are loving it. I think the profound loss that was felt when he died and the media frenzy that followed, has served as the platform for his introduction to children and they are enjoying what they have discovered.
The zealousness of these young ladies as we danced and sang matched mine, the light and excitement in their eyes gave me an insight on how my eyes were at that moment. The kind of concentration on their faces as they tried to catch the zombie moves during Thriller reminded me of back in the days when me and my girls were adamant that we were going to learn it so we could use it in one of our dances.
In September, I was in New York, and it was my nephew Naseem's birthday. His mother told me since Michael has passed, both Naseem who is seven and Alanyah, who was then almost two were Michael Jackson's fans. So, for Naseem's birthday, I thought buying a CD for him, would be giving me some Aunty kudos. I bought a double disc that chronicled Michael's music from childhood to Off the Wall. I approached Naseem giving him a grand lecture, that looking back, I chuckle at my desperate attempt of trying too hard. With great ceremony, I announced that Michael was the same age as he is now, when he made some of these songs, and I went on and on. Naseem looked at it and he went straight to his computer and pressed something, and all of Michael Jackson's videos that were on youtube was right on the screen. He could access any one of them with one press on his computer.
His cousin Chance was there, and yes he is a Michael Jackson fan too, he is six. They took me from Michael Jackson as a child with the Jackson five, to everything else in his life that was captured on film, that could be shown on Youtube. It was an incredible experience to see this man through these children's eyes. We had a danceathon, when some of the videos were shown, I had to change in work out clothes as we sweated with each of the children's favorites. Things I failed to see in the videos were seen by these children seeing it with fresh eyes. I've been seeing Remember the time video for so long, and I didn't notice some of the stuff, until Naseem and Chance with enthusiasm pointed out some of the details.
I started seeing from then, the ads for This is it, and I knew no matter where I was, I would be seeing this. I wanted to see if I could figure out what was it about this man that was so compelling, and fascinating to so many different generations. I knew he was talented, but, my respect for his talent increased after his death, especially how the kids with fresher, and keener eyes are seeing him.
This generation is very visual, and I can say, Michael was way ahead of his time, as all his videos have captured the imagination of the children. His dancing, is timeless, his iconic moves for each video, excites these children to a level that no modern act today is doing.
The movie was the piece in the missing puzzle. I saw a master at work, a man in control with every aspect of his performance. He was a perfectionist, and his creativity was out of this realm. I saw that his man was influenced by so many different things artistically, and by life in general, and in him it converged, and merged, becoming one melting pot , that became his uniqueness. As a friend of mine said, who saw the movie, "Genius is hard work".
Michael was disciplined, and dedicated to his craft. He was committed to his purpose, and everyone that was in that production had that kind of commitment. Everyone chosen to do the This is it tour had that little something extra about them. He was mindful of these details, and that made everything I saw at a level of excellence. Everything that appeared effortless , to the audience, were thought out, and rehearsed until it was second nature.
It has reenforced to me, that putting everything in your chosen field, and making excellence, the standard you maintain, will ensure that all boundaries will surpass, even years, as quality speaks. It also reenforced to me, age is but a number, as Michael was up on his dancing, as smooth and agile as the twenty five year olds who were dancing with him
I left the theatre feeling happy, the group of women, that I went with all thought we would be sobbing by the end of the show. We all left pleased , sharing different moments that we enjoyed. I know, I've been very passionate publicly in what I thought were the abuses meted out to Michael. I felt angry at how he was treated. Today, I feel vindicated. His death has been the greatest comeback. Good is definitely stronger than evil.

here is link:http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/entertainment/THIS-IS-IT_7310964

U.S. album sales fall in '09 despite Jackson boost


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - U.S. album sales tumbled for the eighth time in nine years as the rate of growth in legal digital downloads slid in a turnaround from recent years, according to industry figures issued on Wednesday.
Total album sales fell 12.7 percent to 373.9 million units during the 52-week period ended January 3, according to retail data collected by tracking firm Nielsen SoundScan. Late pop star Michael Jackson was the top-selling artist, and Taylor Swift had the No. 1 album, followed by Susan Boyle.
The decline in total sales follows a 14 percent drop in 2008, and it sets a new low since Nielsen SoundScan began publishing point-of-sales data in 1991. Sales have plummeted 52 percent from the industry's high-water mark of 785.1 million units in 2000, due largely to Internet piracy and competition from other forms of entertainment such as video games.
While recession-weary consumers spent more money on movies and live concerts in 2009 than they did the year before, they drew the line at music purchases. Liquidations of the Virgin Megastore and Circuit City retail chains did not help matters, nor did the reduction in display space at outlets such as books retailer Borders Group Inc.
On the other hand, the death of Michael Jackson in June provided a boost. The pop singer was the best-selling artist of the year, accounting for 8.3 million units. Neither he nor the next two artists, country star Taylor Swift and the Beatles, actually released new albums last year.
Swift was a distant second with 4.6 million units, mostly for her second album "Fearless," the biggest seller of 2009 and the No. 3 seller of 2008; the Beatles sold 3.3 million units of their newly remastered catalog.
Digital downloads through online retailers such as Apple Inc's iTunes store, have taken on greater importance to the industry, but the impressive growth of recent years is waning. Digital track sales rose 8.3 percent to a record 1.16 billion in 2009, but that was far less than a 27 percent increase in 2008 and a 45 percent leap in 2007.
Digital album sales rose 16.1 percent to 76.4 million units, also a record, after jumps of 32 percent in 2008 and 53 percent in 2007.
After Swift, the No. 2 album of 2009 was Scottish singer Susan Boyle's debut release "I Dreamed a Dream," which sold 3.1 million copies after just six chart-topping weeks in stores. Jackson's 2003 hits package "Number Ones" was the No. 3 seller with 2.4 million copies.
Rapper Lil Wayne, who had the top album in 2008, might have featured in the top tier of 2009 with his long-awaited follow-up, but he encountered a problem that exemplifies the industry's woes. His new disc "Rebirth" leaked on the Internet last month, six weeks before its scheduled release date. It is not yet known when or if it will come out officially.
Overall music sales, including albums, singles, music video and digital tracks inched up 2.1 percent to a record 1.5 billion units in 2009. But growth slowed from 10.5 percent in 2008 and 14 percent in 2007.
Among the labels, Vivendi SA's Universal Music Group remained dominant with 30.2 percent of total album sales, down from 31.5 percent in 2008. Sony Corp's Sony Music Entertainment, the home of Jackson and Boyle, followed with 28.6 percent, up from 25.3 percent. Warner Music Group Corp captured 20.6 percent, down from 21.4 percent. Closely held EMI Group Ltd, home of the Beatles, rose to 9.2 percent from 9.0 percent.
Rock remained the top genre, accounting for 124 million albums, a drop of 11 percent. R&B moved up to No. 2 with 70 million (down nine percent), swapping places with third-ranked alternative (68 million, down 16 percent). Country was fourth, suffering only a small drop (46 million, down 3.2 percent).

here is link:http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE60608720100107?type=musicNews
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10

hi :waving: it's the weekending :sun:

8th January 2009
Kingston Digital announced an agreement with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment to deliver Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT on a special Kingston Data Traveler USB flash drive.
Timed to the DVD and Blu-ray Disc release of Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT, the limited edition drive will be available on http://www.facebook.com/l/671ec;www.kingston.com/shop and at major U.S. retailers on 26 January, 2010. The film can be backed up on up to three PCs and is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. Windows Media Player is required for viewing.
"Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is dedicated to exploring new distribution channels, and we are pleased to work together with Kingston on a program that introduces consumers to Flash memory as a vehicle for enjoying their favorite movies on devices like netbooks and PCs," said Sony Pictures Home Entertainment senior vice president digital distribution Joe Arancio.
"We are humbled and excited to present this movie starring Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer of all time, on Kingston Flash memory," said Kingston vice president consumer markets group Rick Webb. "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is a leader in providing quality content and this collaboration into digital media adds unique value to our memory offerings. This Data Traveler USB flash drive is destined to be a collector's item."
There is no mention of the film being released worldwide on a USB flash drive.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/l/671ec;businessofcinema.com
6th January 2010
The 41st Annual NAACP Image Award nominations were announced today, and Michael Jackson was honored in 2 different categories.
Outstanding Variety – (Series or Special)
"BET Awards 2009" (BET)
"Bill Cosby: The Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor" (PBS)
"Michael Jackson Memorial Service"
"Wanda Sykes: I'ma Be Me" (HBO)
"We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial" (HBO)
Outstanding Motion Picture
"The Blind Side" (Warner Bros. Pictures)
"Invictus" (Warner Bros. Pictures)
"Michael Jackson's: This Is It" (Columbia Pictures)
"Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire" (Lionsgate)
"The Princess and the Frog" (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Congratulations to Kenny Ortega and everyone else who worked on both projects.
The 41st NAACP Image Awards will air Live on February 26, 2010 at 8/7c on the Fox television network in the USA.
Click on the link below to see the full list of 2010 nominees:-
Source: NAACP Image Awards
31st December 2009
Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video, with that unforgettable graveyard dance, will rest among the nation's treasures in the world's largest archive of film, TV and sound recordings.
The 1983 music video, directed by John Landis and still the subject of lawsuits over profits, was one of 25 films to be inducted Wednesday for preservation in the 2009 National Film Registry of the Library of Congress.
It's the first music video named to the registry. It had been considered in past years, but following Jackson's death, the time was right, said Steve Leggett, coordinator of the National Film Preservation Board.
Under the terms of the National Film Preservation Act, each year the Librarian of Congress names 25 films to the registry that are "culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant to be preserved for all time. These films are not selected as the "best" American films of all time, but rather as works of enduring importance to American culture.
"Established by Congress in 1989, the National Film Registry spotlights the importance of protecting America’s matchless film heritage and cinematic creativity," said Billington. "By preserving the nation’s films, we safeguard a significant element of our cultural patrimony and history."
Annual selections to the registry are finalized by the Librarian after his review of hundreds of titles nominated by the public and extensive discussions with members of the National Film Preservation Board, as well as the Library’s motion-picture staff. The Librarian urges the public to make nominations for next year’s registry at the Film Board’s website (http://www.facebook.com/l/671ec;www.loc.gov/film/).
For each title named to the registry, the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation works to ensure that the film is preserved for future generations, either through the Library’s massive motion-picture preservation program or through collaborative ventures with other archives, motion-picture studios and independent filmmakers. The Packard Campus is a state-of-the-art facility that acquires, preserves and provides access to the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of films, television programs, radio broadcasts and sound recordings.
Click on the link below to view the full list of films inducted in 2009:-
Source: National Film Registry
20th December 2009
A t-shirt worn by Michael Jackson in the 1983 video of Beat It, wass part of an auction of memorabilia of the late king of pop in Los Angeles earlier today.
The sleeveless shirt, depicting cherubs and a heart, was given to Bradley Bennett, then 11, in 1983 after Jackson befriended him at the Jehovah's Witness Congregation in the San Fernando Valley.
Bradley visited Jackson several times at the singer's home in Encino and the youngster wore the T-shirt with pride when Jackson gave it to him just after the release of Beat It, the third single from the Thriller album.
The Beat It video showcased Jackson's innovative "mass choreography" where he wears the T-shirt.
The final winning bid for the t-shirt was $20,740.
Other items at the Bonhams and Butterfields auction included a rug featuring Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley, which was given as a wedding gift to the couple in 1994. To view all of the items sold at this auction click Here and search Michael Jackson.
Source: Bonhams
Jackson Confidant Jack Wishna Opens Up About Michael & The Tour That Never Was



Jackson Confidant Jack Wishna Opens Up About Michael & The Tour That Never Was


LAS VEGAS, Nev. -- In 2006, Michael Jackson was buzzing in an interview in Ireland with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush as he worked on some music -- but just weeks later, Jackson left Ireland for Las Vegas, convinced to do so by his good friend Jack Wishna. And today, Wishna, the Jackson confidante, is opening up.

"It was December 23rd 2006, it was the day before Christmas Eve and we arranged it where a private jet would pick Michael Jackson up in Dublin, Ireland, and take him directly to Las Vegas," Wishna said in an interview for Access Hollywood and Las Vegas television station KVBC with correspondent Alicia Jacobs.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: In Memoriam: The Stars We Lost During Summer 2009

And Wishna revealed the vision he shared with Jackson.

"When he came off that plane, it was the old Michael Jackson of the 'Bad Tour,' type thing, it was the Michael Jackson that I grew up with," he said.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: The Jackson Family

And although Jackson's use of prescription drugs became big news after his death, Wishna said he never saw any of that kind of stuff around.

"Never saw any drugs," Wishna said. "Never saw any intravenous, or needles or anything like that. Never met any doctors around Michael."

Naming their project "Rock City," Jackson was going to be required to perform just three days a month.

But once he was settled into his new home with his children and the comeback collaboration was underway, Wishna said Jackson's behavior turned erratic.

"As he stayed in Las Vegas, he started to get debilitated while he was here and debilitated from a mental health standpoint, debilitated from a physical standpoint," Wishna said.

"The family started to, you know, bother him again... His father Joe. It just started - a lot of the weirdness started to come back," he continued.

Wishna said he often had to conduct damage control, especially after one night when Jackson watched a fight, incognito in a wheelchair.

"My phone rings... It's The Associated Press and the person on the other end of the phone says Jack, 'What do you know about Michael being in a wheelchair last night with a coat over his head and sunglasses over his coat," Wishna recounted. "If you say, 'Michael, why did you do that?' That's the way he wanted to go out and if he wanted to go out that way, that's the way he wanted to go out."

Eventually, Wishna came to the decision that the negative publicity surrounding Jackson's antics were detrimental to the success of "Rock City."

"This was probably about June of 2007 and I said, 'Michael, I think we should shelve it. I think we should put it on the shelf, come back to it when you are' -- these are the words that I used - 'mentally, physically, and vocally capable of being a part of this project,'" he explained.

Wishna was both right and wrong. As the world discovered from "This Is It," Michael's vocals and dance moves were at the top of his game, but his drug abuse tragically sabotaged it all.

"I believe Michael was troubled every single day of his life," Wishna said. "I believe that contributed to his untimely death."

BTW the fight the are talking about is a UFC match Michael saw. Pictures are in the archive.
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Re: Jackson Confidant Jack Wishna Opens Up About Michael & The Tour That Never Was

posted already
Re: Jackson Confidant Jack Wishna Opens Up About Michael & The Tour That Never Was

lol Thanx
Re: Jackson Confidant Jack Wishna Opens Up About Michael & The Tour That Never Was

well..since mr. wishna, MJ's 'good friend' decided to speculate...let me speculate. MJ didn't want to tour. MJ went by his own credo..'i listen to everybody, but i make the final decision.'. Michael gave tha man the impression he was willing to listen to the idea of performing. but, in reality, MJ wanted to raise his children, and do his own idea of continuing to work on music. but, when in vegas, Mike's dad, kinda went the way of wishna, and others, and kept trying to push MJ to perform. Mj just wasn't ready to perform. instead of being confrontational, like most people would be...where they would scream and hollar..MJ acted out being tired of being told what to do, all the time. wishna interpreted it as 'weird', and 'mental', and all that crap, that certain people like to associate with MJ. as if, wearing a hat, and being in a wheelchair is equal to killing somebody's mother or somn.
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10

thanks for posting :flowers:
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10

Hey everyone! It's been a very long time since I've posted any news. Would like to let you know I am back and will be giving you updates during the weekend! Are you ready for some news?:)

Michael Jackson News for January 9, 2010:


King of Pop's animals closer to eviction from Page wildlife park

PAGE -- Organizers of a wildlife preserve featuring a shrinking number of exotic animals from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch have been denied relief against eviction.
Superior Court Judge Fred Newton's Tuesday ruling paves the way for the city of Page to proceed with evicting two remaining giraffes and a camel from the Banjoko Wildlife Preserve. Two other giraffes died in the past seven weeks, and the deaths are being investigated to rule out foul play.
The ruling denies a request by Voices of the Wild Foundation for relief and dissolves any stay granted earlier. The case was remanded to the trial court for all further proceedings.
The foundation's Freddie Hancock said the turn of events has been devastating. She and husband Tommy Hancock obtained some of the exotic animals from the ranch once owned by the late Michael Jackson. Several exotic birds and snakes are being kept at their Lake Powell WaterWorld business in Page.
"It's been an absolute nightmare," Freddie Hancock said Thursday. "They are like our kids. They are not animals to us. This is way more than my mind will accept."
The first giraffe died Nov. 20. Scottsdale veterinarian Richard Hoffman prepared a report on that death, and is performing a biopsy and reviewing lab results of the death of another giraffe last Saturday.
Also investigating the second death are the state veterinarian's office and a specialist in exotic and large animals from the Department of Agriculture, said Lt. James Bartell of the Page Police Department. Reports of the two deaths will be compared, Bartell said Friday.
Freddie Hancock said she took it a step further and said her attorney has contacted the FBI to investigate.
"I feel the city has responsibility for what happened with the giraffes, by preventing us from putting up a perimeter fence," she said.
A year ago, the city revoked its lease with the foundation, citing the Page-based group's failure to obtain a $100,000 bond or irrevocable letter of credit as required by the lease. The lease was approved by Page City Council in February 2008. The preserve is located on city land in the southeastern corner of Page, near Highway 98 and Coppermine Road.
A stipulated judgment was drawn up last Jan. 23 giving the foundation another 60 days to obtain the bond or letter of credit. The foundation and its attorney, Bruce Griffen, argued the city failed to provide a bond form.
The ruling said the city did respond to inquiries from sureties about the bond form and offered to accept any form that included the correct conditions.


Action against Jackson doctor said to be likely

By Linda Deutsch
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - Nearly seven months after Michael Jackson's unexpected death, prosecutors are prepared to seek an indictment of his doctor on a charge of involuntary manslaughter, the Associated Press has learned.
The fate of Conrad Murray has been the subject of speculation since he found Jackson unconscious at home in June. Jackson was preparing for a strenuous concert comeback in London, and Murray, a cardiologist, had been hired as his personal physician for the tour.
A law enforcement source who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation remains open said yesterday that Murray would be prosecuted on a theory of gross negligence alleging that his treatment of Jackson was an extreme departure from the standard of care normally followed by physicians.
The District Attorney's Office is waiting for Los Angeles police to turn over the case before presenting it to a grand jury, the source said.
However, a spokeswoman for the office denied that any decision had been made.
"We have been working closely with the Los Angeles police during the pendency of this investigation," spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said. "There is no case before us at present, and no final decision has been made."
A final legal action could be weeks away.
The coroner has ruled Jackson's death at age 50 was a homicide caused by acute intoxication by the powerful anesthetic propofol, with other sedatives contributing.
Propofol depresses breathing and the heart rate while lowering blood pressure, so it is supposed to be administered by an anesthesia professional in a medical setting.
The singer died after Murray administered propofol and two other sedatives to get the chronic insomniac to sleep, court documents state. A spokeswoman for Edward Chernoff, an attorney for Murray, said the doctor neither prescribed nor administered anything that should have killed Jackson.


E! Entertainment to Tell Michael Jackson's Death from Jackson Family's Point of View

teary-eyed, Jermaine Jackson explained his feelings before the cameras.
"The world doesn't know what Michael had meant to our family."
After millions worldwide mourned, remembered and celebrated music icon's life, we now hear what Michael Jackson's family has endured.
E! Entertainment is airing a program that focuses on the singer's death and how those closest were affected.
Michael Jackson's passing this summer was followed by a televised memorial at L.A.'s Staples Center. There was also wall to wall coverage by Fox, VH-1, E News and MSNBC channels and a month's worth of television specials on the man's life, career and sudden death.
Onstage, the man had no peer. He graced the hallowed venues of MSG (Madison Square Garden) and England's Wembley Stadium. Fans have DIED in concerts as crowds rushed to stages. He was as revered and beloved as The Beatles and Elvis Presley were combined!
Away from the stage, whispers emerged about his odd behavior and affection for children. These allegiations did little to soil the reputation of pop musics' true king.

Michael Jackson HIStory for January 9, 2010:

1998 - Michael Jackson's hits album "The Michael Jackson Mix" hit #27 in the U.K.

1998 - Janet Jackson's single "Together Again" was certified Gold by the RIAA.

2002 - Michael Jackson received the Artist of the Century Award on the American Music Awards.

Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10

Hey everyone! It's been a very long time since I've posted any news. Would like to let you know I am back and will be giving you updates during the weekend! Are you ready for some news?:)

Tribute to Michael on the iPhone

Today, fans of Michael Jackson who have an iPod or an iPod touch will have the canhce to discover a new application on the AppStore. It's the first TRIBUTE-BOOK to the King of Pop. Writen by belgian fan Christophe from MJBackstage, this e-Book will give you a personal and emotional look to Michael's Art and human being. It's only 2,99 € (3,99 $).

You can download it here http://itunes.apple.com/be/app/eternal-michael/id345948041?mt=8

If you miss the King of Pop, this book is for you. Eternal is a tribute to Michael Jackson by one of his biggest fan, a belgian journalist who is also president of Belgian fan club MJBackstage.

An emotional and very personal look to the most famous artist the world ever knew. A tribute to Michael the singer, Michael the dancer, Michael the drawer… THE artist. But also a tribute to his unique human being…

The King of Pop's footprint on the world will remain indelible forever. With this short electronic homage that the author wants to pay to Michael, he would like to capture his unique life, the very essence of his genius. His art is truly... ETERNAL !


Enjoy !
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10 (Update on Post #12 for Jan 9, 2010) Iphone tribute

hi :waving: it's saturday it's still :sun: out :D

did anyone celebrarte Elvis Bday yesterday :D

Michael Jackson’s Doctor Got New Lawyer

The new lawyer for Dr. Conrad Murray, who is expected to be facing charges in relation to the death of Michael Jackson, claimed that “he’s the best of the best when it comes to cases involving Propofol and death,” according to a feature on TMZ.com.
J. Michael Flanagan spoke to TMZ about his new case, and he said in the interview that he was “probably the only attorney in town that has successfully tried a Propofol case involving death”.
He was referring to a case that he handled in 2004, where he represented a nurse who was accused of administering the drug to a patient by mistake; the patient later died. She was charged with involuntary manslaughter – the same charge that may be leveled against Murray – and was acquitted.

here is link:http://hometestingblog.testcountry.com/?p=6056



Caption: Uri Geller (Picture) outside the GMTV studios London, England ....


URI GELLER is taking legal action against a leading American news channel over an interview with MICHAEL JACKSONs former dermatologist - he wants an apology following the medic's "false and unfounded" allegations about the psychic's friendship with the late superstar.
The late King of Pop's former skin doctor Arnold Klein spoke to U.S. talk show host Larry King in July (09) and alleged Geller had profited from the controversial 2003 documentary which saw Jackson interviewed by British journalist Martin Bashir.
The TV entertainer, who was a longtime pal of the Thriller hitmaker, has strongly denied making any money from the interview and claims he has been subject to a hate campaign since Klein's comments were broadcast on U.S. channel CNN.
Geller is taking his complaint to the High Court in the U.K. after he failed to get an apology from CNN bosses over the "totally false and unfounded" allegations.
Geller's solicitor, Paul Tweed, explained the action in a letter to the news channel, which reads, "During the course of the interview Dr Klein made a number of false and grossly defamatory allegations about our client... that he cynically exploited his friendship with Michael Jackson for personal financial gain.
"For the avoidance of doubt, we would make it clear our client was not enriched in any way as a result of the Michael Jackson/Martin Bashir interview. Any monetary consideration our client received as a result of the introduction that he made in good faith between Martin Bashir and Michael Jackson was donated to charity in its entirety. The arrangement for all proceeds to go to charity had been firmly made prior to the programme being aired."
The Living With Michael Jackson documentary saw the singer admit that many children had shared his bed, although he denied any sexual contact.
Following the screening of the TV show, Jackson was investigated by California police and charged with seven counts of sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy - he was later acquitted of all charges at his trial in 2005.

here is link:http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/geller-sues-over-jackson-claims_1128067

Five surprises for the music industry in 2009

From a decade-end sales spurt to the resurgence of vinyl, 2009 had some surprises - and good news - for the beleaguered music industry.


Following years of lost revenue from illegal file sharing, the recording industry finally has a reason to cheer: unit sales rose in 2009 for the second year in a row, up by 1.54 billion in 2009, a 2.1 percent increase from the previous year.
About 40 percent of those sales were digital, Nielsen SoundScan says in its year-end report, up from 32 percent in 2008. That’s might seem like a no-brainer considering how consumers interact with music today via MP3 players and computers. Here are some less obvious trends:
Vinyl continues to spin. Remember those black discs? When the industry first started phasing them out for CDs in the mid-1990s, vinyl records were thought to be going the way of the 8-track tape. Not any more. A new generation of enthusiasts is responsible for rising vinyl sales. Nielsen SoundScan reports that vinyl sales grew 33 percent in 2009 from the previous year, an all-time sales record for the format.
Michael Jackson lives on in his music. By the second half of his career, Mr. Jackson had become more of a tabloid star and his music sales had slipped accordingly. Jackson is not on Nielsen SoundScan’s bestsellers list (which dates back to 1991), but after his death in 2009, Jackson's albums sold over eight million copies – twice as much as reigning teen star, Taylor Swift, making Jackson the biggest-selling artist for the year.
The Beatles are back. The Fab Four broke up in 1970, but with almost 3.3 million in album sales, the Beatles were the biggest-selling group of 2009. They also had the top selling album of the decade with “Beatles 1,” a best-of collection that sold nearly 12 million copies. Rapper Eminem was the best-selling artist of the decade with 32.2 million units sold, and the Beatles were right behind with 30 million units.
Country is king. Even though country music was the fourth-highest selling music category in terms of album sales (following alternative, Christian/gospel, and classical), country music stars dominated the last decade. Eight of the top 10 most-played artists of the decade – on radio, TV, or the Internet – were country stars. Taylor Swift's "Fearless" was the biggest-selling album of 2009.
Starbucks is saving music retail. Mass shuttering of Tower Records and Virgin Megastores outlets are making it harder to purchase a CD, but the slack has been taken up by non-traditional outlets such as Starbucks and CVS. Sales at these alternate outlets reached an all-time high in 2009 with 110 million units sold, accounting for about 30 percent of all album sales. Non-traditional outlets were the only retail segment to see growth in music sales, compared with losses at mass merchant stores, chain outlets, and independent music stores.

here is link:http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0108/Five-surprises-for-the-music-industry-in-2009

Jackson Doc Hires Attorney with Experience Handling Propofol Case

The Insider" has learned that Michael Jackson's former personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, has hired a new attorney.

Murray's attorney Ed Chernoff tells "The Insider": "J. Michael Flanagan was added to Dr. Conrad Murray's defense team this past week."
Flanagan told the Associated Press that he once handled a case involving Propofol years ago and has represented cases with heavy media attention before.
Citing a source, the AP reported earlier Friday that prosecutors will seek an involuntary manslaughter indictment of Dr. Murray related to the June 25 death of the King of Pop. Murray's attorney Ed Chernoff told ET Friday in part, "We have refused to comment on stories involving unnamed sources and will continue to do so. However, we can confirm that we have not received notice of an impaneled grand jury and Dr. Murray has not been invited to testify."

here is link:http://www.theinsider.com/news/3146...torney_with_Experience_Handling_Propofol_Case
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10 (Update on Post #12 for Jan 9, 2010) Iphone tribute

E! Entertainment to Tell Michael Jackson's Death from Jackson Family's Point of View

teary-eyed, Jermaine Jackson explained his feelings before the cameras.
"The world doesn't know what Michael had meant to our family."
After millions worldwide mourned, remembered and celebrated music icon's life, we now hear what Michael Jackson's family has endured.
E! Entertainment is airing a program that focuses on the singer's death and how those closest were affected.
Michael Jackson's passing this summer was followed by a televised memorial at L.A.'s Staples Center. There was also wall to wall coverage by Fox, VH-1, E News and MSNBC channels and a month's worth of television specials on the man's life, career and sudden death.
Onstage, the man had no peer. He graced the hallowed venues of MSG (Madison Square Garden) and England's Wembley Stadium. Fans have DIED in concerts as crowds rushed to stages. He was as revered and beloved as The Beatles and Elvis Presley were combined!
Away from the stage, whispers emerged about his odd behavior and affection for children. These allegiations did little to soil the reputation of pop musics' true king.

E! Entertainment is as two-faced as they come!:doh:
Last edited:
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10 (Update on Post #12 for Jan 9, 2010) Iphone tribute

hi :waving: it's saturday it's still :sun: out :D

did anyone celebrarte Elvis Bday yesterday :D



Caption: Uri Geller (Picture) outside the GMTV studios London, England ....


URI GELLER is taking legal action against a leading American news channel over an interview with MICHAEL JACKSONs former dermatologist - he wants an apology following the medic's "false and unfounded" allegations about the psychic's friendship with the late superstar.
The late King of Pop's former skin doctor Arnold Klein spoke to U.S. talk show host Larry King in July (09) and alleged Geller had profited from the controversial 2003 documentary which saw Jackson interviewed by British journalist Martin Bashir.
The TV entertainer, who was a longtime pal of the Thriller hitmaker, has strongly denied making any money from the interview and claims he has been subject to a hate campaign since Klein's comments were broadcast on U.S. channel CNN.
Geller is taking his complaint to the High Court in the U.K. after he failed to get an apology from CNN bosses over the "totally false and unfounded" allegations.
Geller's solicitor, Paul Tweed, explained the action in a letter to the news channel, which reads, "During the course of the interview Dr Klein made a number of false and grossly defamatory allegations about our client... that he cynically exploited his friendship with Michael Jackson for personal financial gain.
"For the avoidance of doubt, we would make it clear our client was not enriched in any way as a result of the Michael Jackson/Martin Bashir interview. Any monetary consideration our client received as a result of the introduction that he made in good faith between Martin Bashir and Michael Jackson was donated to charity in its entirety. The arrangement for all proceeds to go to charity had been firmly made prior to the programme being aired."
The Living With Michael Jackson documentary saw the singer admit that many children had shared his bed, although he denied any sexual contact.
Following the screening of the TV show, Jackson was investigated by California police and charged with seven counts of sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy - he was later acquitted of all charges at his trial in 2005.

here is link:http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/geller-sues-over-jackson-claims_1128067

Omg :doh: Uri/Urine Shut Up already! Geeeze. He is drivin' me nuts. He is such a mediawhore. Stop tryin' to get into the spotlight using Michael's name! He probably didn't even consider Urine a friend anyways. Because all the pics I have seen with Mike and Urine together, Michael doesn't look happy. But of course Urine is all :D :smilerolleyes:
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10

Michael Jackson HIStory for January 9, 2010:

1998 - Michael Jackson's hits album "The Michael Jackson Mix" hit #27 in the U.K.

1998 - Janet Jackson's single "Together Again" was certified Gold by the RIAA.

2002 - Michael Jackson received the Artist of the Century Award on the American Music Awards.

1988 - "Man In The Mirror" was released off Michael's 7th major solo album Bad.

The very day I was born. :cheeky:
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10 (Update on Post #12 for Jan 9, 2010) Iphone tribute

Thanks so much for this. That IPhone tribute sounds great, hopefully it's available to UK users.
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10 (Update on Post #12 for Jan 9, 2010) Iphone tribute

7th January 2009
A man is seeking $3.3 million for the city of Los Angeles from Michael Jackson's estate to cover the cost of the King of Pop's public memorial, court filings show.
Jose F. Vallejos filed a creditor's claim for the money on Wednesday, stating he is entitled to seek reimbursement as a taxpayer.
The estate declined to comment on the filing.
Los Angeles paid millions of dollars for police overtime and sanitation costs for the July memorial at Staples Center, which is owned by entertainment giant AEG Live. City leaders have wrangled for months over how to try to recoup some of the money from AEG Live, but no resolution has been reached.
There have been indications the city came out ahead after hosting the star-studded memorial broadcast around the world. A city report found the July 7 memorial was a $4 million boon for hotels, restaurants and other businesses.
Vallejos' petition claims the estate benefited from the use of public resources that amounted to an illegal gift of public funds. The filing states the money should be returned to the city treasury.
Attempts to reach Vallejos failed. A phone message left for his attorney, Jeff Grotke, was not immediately returned.
The administrators of Jackson's estate will have to decide on the merits of paying out claims.
Source: AP
6th January 2010
Sony is preparing to release a new Japanese PlayStation 3 bundle based on the late Michael Jackson. CrunchGear reports that Jackson's huge status in Japan and close relationship with Sony spurred on the new "This Is It" bundle which hits stores in Japan on January 27, 2010.
Priced at $350, the "Michael Jackson – This Is It Special Pack" will be available in Japan starting January 27.
There is no word on whether this Michael Jackson themed pack will launch outside of the Japanese market at this time.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/l/235af;Gamespy.com
6th January 2010
Round 3 of the 100 Best: The Greatest Madison Square Garden Shows of All Time ended today! Michael Jackson appeared twice on the list for his 1988 BAD Tour concert and his 2001 30th Anniversary Shows.
The top-ten finishers will move on to the finals.
Click on the link below to view the results:-
Source: MSG
6th January 2010
According to a new interview with Michael Jackson's choreographer, Travis Payne, the late King of Pop was a big fan of Lady Gaga and had tried to set up a meeting to discuss a possible joint project.
The revelation comes from a video posted on December 30 on YouTube by Amsterdam-based producer/actor Raffles van Exel, who asks Payne which artists Michael Jackson was interested in collaborating with before his death last June.
Payne did not specify in the video when these conversations took place. He said that last November, he got a call from Lady Gaga and told her the story about the conversation with Jackson. "She got moved by it," he recalled.
Click on the link below to watch the interview:-
Source: MTV/ Youtube
5th January 2009
On January 2, the track "Another Day," reportedly a clip from an unreleased collaboration between Michael Jackson and Lenny Kravitz, began circulating online. The clip seems complete this time and is without voice-overs, with both Michael and Lenny and it features new lead and background vocals.
The authenticity has since been confirmed in a January 4th video, Kravitz said that the clip was indeed based on his song (1994's"Storm"), that it was recorded by Jackson, and that Kravitz both produced and provided instrumentals for the track.
Kravitz's collaboration with Jackson was announced shortly after Jackson's death in June 2009, when Kravitz wrote in a letter to http://www.facebook.com/l/235af;Spinner.com, "I got to work with Michael on a track that has not been released and it was the most amazing experience I've had in the studio."
In his video, Kravitz states that he did not leak the track, that the DJs heard in the clip are not part of the song, and that he hopes "fans will one day hear the finished track in its entirety, the way me and Michael intended it to be."
"Another Day," which Rolling Stone says appears to have leaked via the fan site MJ Star, is the second track to be released from a vault of material by Jackson. In July 2009, a clip of "A Place With No Name," Jackson's version of America's "A Horse With No Name," made it online.
According to Rolling Stone, Jackson's manager has confirmed that the artist left behind hard drives full of unreleased songs, including collaborations with Ne-Yo, Akon, and http://www.facebook.com/l/235af;Will.i.am, plus material from the 1980s.
Celebrity news website http://www.facebook.com/l/235af;TMZ.com reports that Sony Music wants all clips of "Another Day" pulled from the internet.
Click on the link below to listen to the song:-
Click on the link below to watch Lenny Kravitz statement on TwitVid:-
Source: Twidvid/ Independent
16th December 2009
During the Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2009 Will Smith, who hosted the event along with his wife Jada, was joined onstage by other participating artists in order to pay tribute to the King of Pop. The artists sang 'Man In The Mirror'.
The concert took place Friday December 11, 2009.
Click on the link below to watch the performance:-
Source: http://www.facebook.com/l/235af;nobelpeaceprize.org/ Youtube
Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

I found this at MTV.com and I thought it would be interesting sharing it with you. I still don't know if it was tragical or funny but either here it goes...:scratch:


Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site
Message asked God to take Ahmadinejad just as he did MJ, Farrah Fawcett and Patrick Swayze.

On Monday, in a prank as brazen as it was odd, the Web site of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was hacked by a dissident who also happens to be a Michael Jackson fan.

A message posted on the site addressed God, who had taken Jackson from the Earth in 2009, suggesting that he should take Ahmadinejad in '10.

"Dear God, in 2009 you took my favorite singer — Michael Jackson, my favorite actress — Farrah Fawcett, my favorite actor — Patrick Swayze, my favorite voice — Neda [a reference to Neda Agha-Soltan, an Iranian who was killed during last year's protests of the country's presidential election]," the message read. "Please, please, don't forget my favorite politician — Ahmadinejad, and my favorite dictator — [Iranian cleric Ali] Khamenei in the year 2010. Thank you."

Ahmadinejad's site has since been taken offline — either intentionally or because its servers were overloaded by visitors hoping to catch a glimpse of the hack — but screen captures of the hack quickly spread throughout the Internet, as commenters marveled at the audacity of the attack and its message.

The hack comes in the wake of last year's election protests, in which Iranian students and others took to sites like Twitter — which the Iranian government reportedly attempted to ban — to post footage of marches and convey their outrage to the rest of the world. In December, a group calling itself the "Iranian Cyber Army" attacked Twitter with a hack that redirected users to a site that claimed, "We control and manage [the] Internet by our power."
Re: Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

Oh great, another thing for the media to use to make us look like freaks. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

I think the story is very sad and tragic.

I will merge this into the weekends news thread in a few moments.
Re: Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

wow.....I guess that person ment business.....however i dont condone the person saying that God needs to take someone.......All the people that he/she mentioned are so sadly missed......thank you for the read..
Re: Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

I think it's brillaint :p I couldn't ever imagine living in a country that tried to control so much of people's lives like that. The students are always the ones willing to push back. Good for them ;)
Re: Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

it's not a fan. Michael's fans will never wish anybody's death. and the media are using his beautiful name again to put more humiliation on him because that's only what they can do with their "writing skills"
Re: Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

wow.....I guess that person ment business.....however i dont condone the person saying that God needs to take someone.......All the people that he/she mentioned are so sadly missed......thank you for the read..

Personally I don't think God takes anyone's life. I think he permits that a person go at a certain time and for reasons that we still don't know fully.
God wants us to live, not to die. Be sure about that! The irony at the MTV post was interesting to read though exactly because of all the tragedy that has happened this past year with sudden loss of loved artists besides our beloved MJ.

John 10:10

10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Re: Weekends Daily News Jan 8 - 10 (Update on Post #12 for Jan 9, 2010) Iphone tribute

E! Entertainment is has two-faced as they come!:doh:

absolutely. oh my god. of course, this means they knew this, but they didn't want to admit it, till now. because of this attitude, there are people who believe Michael made a 'comeback', by dying. and, because of this, from the media, some believe it was his 'greatest comeback'. although people shouldn't let the media convince them, that what they say, is true.
Re: Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

He's not ONLY Michael's fan...he's also a fan of Farrah Fawcett, and Patrick Swayze [RIP]. The media still will do anything to bring ONLY Michael in to a NEGATIVE News. This is a tragic situation thats going on in that country...but instead of saying "An Iranian Student...they said A Michael Jackson fan"... It is very sad what is going on there...God protect them all...But really...the media needs to get off!

Re: Michael Jackson Fan Hacks Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Web Site

OMG, why do fans feel the need to post such ridiculous articles?

I am sorry but I am getting really annoyed lately at the amount of stupid unneccessary articles being posted in the community.