Website: Caucasion Nation


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wanted to hear your thoughts on this website, particularly the last article (poem).
Also, look at the comments.

I can't believe there are still people out there that have such distorted views of the world. It gets me so upset. People should just learn to love one another, no matter what they look like/where they're from. This is one of the many things Michael has taught me through his songs and through his way of life.

An accurate summation of my thoughts on this subject come from an extract out of Martin Luther's "I have a Dream":

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Here' the link (considering becoming a member just to let my emotions run wild at them)
It's really wired and pathetic this racism stuff.. They go on on about how people should not be allowed certan things because of their color of skin or the story behind their people..

If where judging people by how their forfathers lived, then I don't understand why it's the african amaricans that is looked down on. It's the white amarican's forefathers that walked into a land that was not theirs and slaughterd the indians. It's also them that kept africans as slaves for many many years...

But I don't think it should be that way. The past is unchangeable. I think the americans should unite instead of holding on to old stories.


3 words that is the key to it all!
The world has all kinds in it. It is full of hatered and ignorance. Our best hope is to educate our children and teach them of love and indifference to the past ignorances and self worth as it applies to these types of people. Our future is our children hands. If we teach them right from the wrongs in the world then slowly these types of hatered sites and that way of thinking will be abolished.

I don't recommend joining just to cause problems. Rise above that level and steer clear of the hatered and degrediation. They have no future.
Yeah I guess I shouldn't join. I don't want to stoop down to their level.
I mean, whoop de doo, he can trace his past back to 720 AD - that doesn't make him a better person. The fact is, many people had their history stolen from them when they were made slaves etc. Their history was taken from them due to no fault of their own.

anyway, My thoughts on race is simple - evolution and adapting to one's environmnt. Because there are different environments throughout the world, people were made differently to cope under the pressures of nature in their regions. I do believe God had something to do with creation of man etc. but I'm not really that religious. We're all the same species - that's why we can all reproduce aka it is natural to be with any other human being that you fall in love with. Sure, if each race's DNA was different, and this was not possible, then it would be breaking the laws of nature, but it isn't. Races are so intermingled now that there is hardly such a thing as race - just your background and history - and that is the most important thing.

Words that spring to mind are the rap in Black or White :p

People need to move on from their old ideals and embrace a new world of hope and acceptance of people from all walks of life.
Thanks for the posts guys :)
"Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination come in many forms...

By increasing "our education" about the diverse societies of our past, present, and future generations, We as, the people of the world come to understand the power of LOVE...PEACE...and HARMONY... It is the hope of many, that this healing process will eliminate racial and ethnic stereotyping..!"

Susie Deeds (c) 1993

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth
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Too right Sdeidjs. People who choose to be ignorant and one-sided are only kidding themselves.