We Were 'Smoothe Criminals'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So, I don't know if any of you have read a few of my comments on the board about having been in a dance group back in middle school where we did a dance routine of Smoothe Criminal.

I hunted and hunted, and finally found the pictures.

OMG. We tried to look like Michael, but we just look flat out funny. LOL I was probably oh....12?

I would like to know what we would have looked like if half of us had actually sat down and WATCHED Smoothe Criminal LOL

We wore plastic fedoras, winter gloves with puffy paint, stretchy sequin bracelets, stupid bow ties LOL, heavy eyeliner, red lips, the black pants with the stripe down the side...oh man..LOL Um and please don't make fun of our sh*&tty green shoes LOL They matched another costume we had...ugh...

Here they are...




Can you find me? LMAO

Go ahead, make fun now LOL

PS. I did the sequins on my hat wrong...can you tell? LOL
I have it on video tape as well LOL If I can manage to get it on the computer I will post a link. I think I would pee myself in hysterics if I watched it again LOL

We did spins and kicks and the arm movement things oh gosh...LOL
Aww that's so cute!
Share the video if you can. I'd like to see it. :)
Oh gosh, I am searching for it now. I found our Phantom of the Opera...LOL There were only 3 girls and 1 guy in that. Gotta dig for Smoothe Criminal