We seem to have an infestation of spambots


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
There are several nonsensical topics on here that I suspect are spambots. It's pretty annoying to see them, and it was a problem that I had when I was a member of an old board. They were selling much more vulgar things than yoga mats...

So could a moderator take care of this? I thought I would bring it to people's attention. Feel free to delete this if it's unnecessary.

- Jesta
Guys thanks for reporting. If you could just keep reporting as and when necessary, we do get to these as soon as we can. :flowers:
I have been putting in measures to cease this activity, however on occasions they will work their way through.

I will look into adding more precautions, however no matter how much I add the odd one or two will always slip the net. call it part and parcel of being a hugely popular forum.