We must remember when 'This is it' Started...


So sad. I never had thoght This Is It would get this meaning.

But this was really it! :(

That man gave me more exitement and joy than anyone else. Noone can replace him.

You were my life!
I remember feeling how excited I was when I watched Michael announce his comeback. Who thought it would end like this? :cry:
It's not just the anouncement for me.:(

I remember the day I was screaming "I'm going to see Michael!!!!!" when I finally got tickets after trying to get them for three days.
I remember that as if it was yesterday.......
When I think about it sometimes I find it so hard to believe this is real.
I was so excited at that time...I do remember though getting a bad vibe when I heard him repeating "This is it" a few times. I didn't dwell on that because the excitement was greater. But it's so sad how everything turned out in the end. Honestly, I still can't believe it!
I get indescribably depressed whenever I think of how I was sitting in front of the TV like a child waiting for him to come out and say it already... And when he did, I felt kind of strange , like...What? This is IT? The end? Never thought it would end this way...Just 6 months before...
I remember telling my friend at the day after this annoncement that I refuse to leave the earth before I see Michael Jackson in concert :cry:
As the days draw nearer for TII i am getting really depress because it will be the last of mj to see. At work today i went to the rest room and began to just remember stuff about mj and the tears just came flowing. I had to hide in there for a while cause my eyes were all red and puffed up. I did not want ppl seeing me cry.
so depressing
To know that MJ is no longer here to create beautiful music, dazzle us with his dance moves.
I will see THIS IS IT as many times as I can get Tickets!
Oh God.. I was so freaking happy in March :cry: thank you so much Michael :pray:

I can't even watch the conference in full anymore.. makes me cry so much :cry: I remember watching it LIVE.. I was so happy knowing Mike was in the UK right then and there... oh God why did it end like this :( ? Miss him so much.

OMG I also remember going in to school the next day, chanting THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT! I'll be seeing Michael in July. Wow.. it seems like yesterday, but at the same time, so long ago :(

WHAT A YEAR guys..! :(
I was going to see him for my first time in my life... I was dreaming of that moment since I was 7...
Now I'll never see him... It hurts so much. :cry:
Oh God... we miss him so much. :cry: :cry:
Gosh, when I remember that, the all things that happened then, first rumours from Ed Hardy in Febryary, then waiting for press conference and watching it live, then buying tickets, after that tears of joy... and then waiting for the best day in my life - July 22nd... When I remember it all I just have tears in my eyes, horrible feeling :(
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^^^ same here. Waiting upon the 26th July to come. I was saying on the 25th June "TOMORROW WILL BE A MONTH TIL I SEE MICHAEL JACKSON"

God.. If only we knew what was coming :cry:
i'd give so much to go back to then.
getting those tickets was the happiest day of the year.
june 25th was the saddest.
It's not just the anouncement for me.:(

I remember the day I was screaming "I'm going to see Michael!!!!!" when I finally got tickets after trying to get them for three days.
I remember that as if it was yesterday.......

same here....and if its come true....it will be my 14 years dreams come true, but now that i watched TII movie....i realize that it might be a dream that too good for the world to see...he is so good and this world is so bad
so yeahhh i guess all i can do is just continue dreaming....