We Are The World (Youtube edition)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Great job.:clapping::clapping::clapping:
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Re: We are the world (Youtube edition)

OMG They sound better than the Haiti 25 one they did last week.
Re: We are the world (Youtube edition)

Great job.:clapping::clapping::clapping:


see? That's what I'm talkin' about! They were amazing! They stuck to the simplicity that the original We Are The World has. Unlike the "new" version. :doh: This was so much better than the 25th anniversary version. The 25th anniversary version idk, but it was crap. Seriously, they added auto tune, a rap, changed the beat. They didn't need to do that. They should have kept the simplicity of the original We Are The World like these people on youtube did. :yes:
We Are The World 25 For Haiti (YouTube Edition)

We Are The World 25 For Haiti (singers from youtube edition)
They did a GREAT job on this (Beautiful) _I like it better then the official edition
they didnt butcher it they stayed true to the song Michael wrote

All the artists and their channels are listed in the video description
or you can just click on their faces in the video to go to their channel
(pretty cool)

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Re: We Are The World 25 For Haiti (YouTube Edition)

Thanx for this.
Re: We Are The World 25 For Haiti (YouTube Edition)

This is so much better than the official one! Thanks you! :)
The guy who did Mj's part in

the YouTube edition of we are the world is amazing! (See here if you have no idea what I'm on about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hhX0KkQBW4)

His name is Blair Perkins. I checked out some of his other stuff and his vocals are just insane!

Another standout from the vid is Dan Talevski

these boys would make Michael proud. :clapping:

Any non famous talent you want to share with us?
Re: The guy who did Mj's part in

^ Wow thanks for that! Some of those singers are really talented :)
Re: The guy who did Mj's part in

There's some MJ covers. ;)

Great voice by the way. :)
Re: The guy who did Mj's part in

Lol, I found out yesterday that a girl from my highschool is in there too....how small the world can be! :lol:

Love that YouTube version, really awesome!
There was a thread about this somewhere.. I also like this one better than the new version :yes:

That woman singing around 2:40 sounds like Celine Dion! They're all great though.
Yes, this version is a 1000 x better than the new official one!

There was a thread about this somewhere.. I also like this one better than the new version :yes:

That woman singing around 2:40 sounds like Celine Dion! They're all great though.

That's what I thought too! She does :yes:
I absolutely love this version! It's simple and it's amazing. This song is timeless and one shouldn't try to make it sound more modern because it's always relevant and has a modern sound as it is.
Now this version is just WOW! They are way better than the crappy version Mr. Musical Genius produced and arranged just recently. Awesome version way better than WATW25 :clap:
wow! truly AMAZING!:clapping::clapping::clapping:
this version is way better than WATW25
I really liked this version, it was just like the original and so much better than the 25 year reincarnation. Were the singers from this board?