Way to start my day!

Amber Dawn

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
I had a late last night - fell asleep 8am I have to be at work at 1:30pm somehow I accidentally changed the time on my alarm clock so only having 4hrs of sleep I woke up at "12:59" according to my alarm clock I freaked out took like a 2 minute shower to wake up and moved fast! Went out the door at "1:10" got in my car, pulled out of my parking spot. Turned on the radio and I hear some taylor swift song (??) and the first words I hear is "Today Was a fairytale" then I looked at my clock in my car it said 12:10pm and I reversed back into my parking spot and went back inside..

How strange.. Thats never happened before! And the "today was a fairytale" part was SO FUNNY! A Moment you had to be there for..

Maybe today WILL be a fairytale!
I do stuff like that too. A while ago I got up at about 3:00am, and for some reason I thought I was late for school. I ran out of my bed, put clothes on, got my bag ready, brushed my teeth and then noticed it was pitch black outside :doh: I felt like such an idiot, I was glad no one saw me :ninja: :lol:
I think today was a disaster from start to finish.. My boss actually sent me home today. Insomnia I can't sleep I'm so tired I am physically sick because of it too and I am supposed to be back tomorrow.. Usually being online makes me sleepy so im trying that.

no fairy tale after all..
unless you count leaving work early a good thing..

Im glad im not the only one who does stupid things