Watch the ones with the biggest smiles and the idle Jabbers


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
They're the backstabbers.

Now Geraldo coming out with all crap about Michael on Fox news, and here was me thinking that the last interview he had with him was Michaels best and most lucid interview I've seen of him in years and yet all along it was just Geraldo sucking up and getting his exclusive.

I'm getting angrier by the minute at these people, I'm glad this forum is here to help filter out all the crap.
What did Geraldo do? I don't watch Fox News Network at all, so I wouldn't know. But I always thought Geraldo liked and supported Michael Jackson.
I was angry about that too. I was mad at how FOX is patting themselves on the back about getting the last interview and then sitting there spending all their time hashing up plastic surgery and molestation trials. It is an obvious attempt to tarnish him.

I just don't understand why people at FOX hate Michael so much. The man is dead. You would think that they would have some sort of respect for him now. But they just continue to attack him. He is gone. What kind of people do things like this?
What did Geraldo do? I don't watch Fox News Network at all, so I wouldn't know. But I always thought Geraldo liked and supported Michael Jackson.

He was focusing completely on the 'mad' and supposedly drug induced side of Mike, even stating he thought his nose was going to fall off in front of him. The interviewer tried bringing the conversation back to the good artistic aspects but Geraldo kept banging on about his flaws as he saw them even calling MJ pathetic.
C'mon, we could always see through Geraldo. Soon after getting his 'exclusive' with MJ, he was seen on other shows making fun of him.

People can truly be evil; possessed even, don't be surprised. The best thing to do is keep your guard up.
omg...and Fox News has been so negative and all of a sudden someone there said that there are things about him we're not supposed to know and dont have the right to. That if we do keep seeking for his personal life info and criticizing him, we are dehumanizing not only him but ourselves for being the ones to be too interested in someone else's personal life...

what a bunch of hypocrit assholes!