Was This is It publicised in the right way?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was talking to a few of my friends today about TII and one of them asked me what it was. Obviously i explained it was all the rehearsal footage of Michael etc. and they were all like "Oh i thought it was just a movie about his life... i didn't know he was actually in it!" so i was wondering do you think this is it was publicised in the right way? I know we all know about what the movie is about etc. but i guess it's not that clear in the trailer.
Yeah when I went to see TII with my non-fan friend (non-fan then, she is a fan now!! :cheeky: ) she asked me "what kind of storyline does this movie have?" And when I told her that there's no storyline, that it's the concert in rehearsals she was like "oh, I didn't know that".

Maybe it is a little unclear for those who don't know about it.
There should have been more TV ads for it.
I think that the live-album could of helped.

But I'm not sure is the Cinema owners would like it if Sony was selling what was basically the selling point of the film - Michael's voice!

But most of promotion was more then the invincible album was getting.

I think that TV specials could of helped a great deal!!!!
there was tons of tv ads for it in my city, it could depend on the city your in idk, even bestbuys have a longer trailer playing over and over for a while now on almost every tv they have there. as far as i have been seeing anything more from sony and people would get tired of it and annoyed.
True it might have explained better but i don't know if this would have made more people go, i would have thought more would be interested in a movie than a documentary.
Yeah a lot of people I know who went to see it didn't know what it was either! They thought it was going to be a documentary!
The promo was great especially for a music documentary. Radio ads were abundant, television ads were all over the place, the show was mentioned on Oprah, Ellen, Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, among many other programs. There were posters, billboards, and in cinema trailers. I don't know what else Sony could have done. They even gave it a fancy premiere with celebrities and red carpets etc. The truth is: even with all of this media attention, there are always people who just don't absorb it. They see these ads but choose to ignore them or not pay attention. But in the end. TII was a huge success. It will end up grossing $75 million in the US and another $180 million in foreign markets for a worldwide total of $250 mil+. After marketing, advertising, and ownership rights are paid off to Sony...the estate will end up with $120 million in new revenue because of this movie and that is just from the theatrical release. Once that DVD comes out next year, the estate will easily pocket another $80-100 million. (I'm banking on total global DVD sales of 8-10 million)
The promo was great especially for a music documentary. Radio ads were abundant, television ads were all over the place, the show was mentioned on Oprah, Ellen, Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, among many other programs. There were posters, billboards, and in cinema trailers. I don't know what else Sony could have done. They even gave it a fancy premiere with celebrities and red carpets etc. The truth is: even with all of this media attention, there are always people who just don't absorb it. They see these ads but choose to ignore them or not pay attention. But in the end. TII was a huge success. It will end up grossing $75 million in the US and another $180 million in foreign markets for a worldwide total of $250 mil+. After marketing, advertising, and ownership rights are paid off to Sony...the estate will end up with $120 million in new revenue because of this movie and that is just from the theatrical release. Once that DVD comes out next year, the estate will easily pocket another $80-100 million. (I'm banking on total global DVD sales of 8-10 million)

I don't think it will sell that many copies. Many just downloads I'm affraid.