Was there this much hype when the concerts were announced?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
I've always wondered what it would be like when he'd announce a comeback tour and I felt quite disspointed by the way it wasn't hyped enough. For example, newspapers would say "MJ plans comeback" but then they would add "Because he's skint" and no-one in my hometown was talking about it; he's died and he got a mention by head of year, but when he announced a comeback no-one said anything/cared.

Am I generalising? I know it will vary according to which city you live in, I can imagine London was very different, but to me, personally, I was expecting more from it. When I mentioned that his tickets go on sale on the 11th March, people were like "yeah I heard about that but I know he won't do it" compared to when Glastonbury tickets and Muse tickets went on sale later that month, people were focusing on that more.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish he got more attention when he had announced the concerts because despite the advert on ITV I still feel that the concert announcement didn't recieve as much "bandwagon" compared to the days following his death?

Am I reading too much into it?
I was very shocked when the concerts were announced. I was really worried as I said straight away that these shows will kill him. My sister bought tickets and I was warning her againist it as I felt it wouldn't go ahead. I thought he would at least get through some shows though, not this!!
I was very shocked when the concerts were announced. I was really worried as I said straight away that these shows will kill him. My sister bought tickets and I was warning her againist it as I felt it wouldn't go ahead. I thought he would at least get through some shows though, not this!!

You warned her against what? The concerts were going to be awesome. Maybe all the negative energy from people like you had a part in this. "I warned my sister". You look good making a dumb a## statement like this.
the intensity was amongst the fans. when the rumours and then confirmation it was just ablaze with excitement. at that point when it was only a few concerts I felt it was intense in MJ world.
It was intense within the fan community, but with the news, not so much. I mean, it wasn't ignored, but unfortunately, I got the feeling the news and the tabloids felt these shows weren't going to happen. Sadly, they were right, even if by pure coincidence.
i was going crazy i was soo hyped up! I know the news papers were talking about it but it felt really hyped to me
They kept writing he was dying and is too frail to perform. It stabbed me in the heart every time they wrote something like that. They were turning it in a completely different direction!!
The media ALWAYS predicted it wouldn't happen. I was happy to see Michael happy and doing what he loved again but I was more worried than anything. I know the media love to exaggerate, but anyone could see that 50 dates was a lot for anyone and with newspapers and TV giving their opinions on what might prevent the gigs from happing they seemed more and more unlikely.

Here where I live, I don't think anyone was really hyped up about them. I'm 15, there's no way I could have went as I know no one who would be prepared to travel to London just for MJ.. I think a lot of people here felt that way too, either they're too young or had other restrictions such as work, money, timing etc holding them back. Like any other country, everyone would have been so much more excited and dismissive of the papers if it would have been happening here.
I was very shocked when the concerts were announced. I was really worried as I said straight away that these shows will kill him. My sister bought tickets and I was warning her againist it as I felt it wouldn't go ahead. I thought he would at least get through some shows though, not this!!

and why are you posting on an MJ fan forum then?
I thought the times were changing when the concerts got announced. It was broadcast and repeated all the time. All around me I heard people talking. Everyone wanted to go, everyone was keen to see Michael. Yes, there were still people making fun of him, but it was starting to become more about the artist again.
I felt as though it wasn't what Michael really wanted. I felt he was forced to do shows to try and repay debt. I felt as though he had too much on his plate to face such stranuous work. It' wasn't about being negative. In my heart, I knew he wasn't up to it. I just wanted him to have good health first.