was there going to be an Invincible tour?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Before MJ got into a fight with his record label, do you think he was planning on doing an Invincible tour?
Hm.... considering that he got a baby delivered in early 2002 and already had 2 small children, I'd say, no... he had no plans to tour!
I don't think so. As much as he loved performing for fans, I'm sure he always longed for releasing an album without the pressure of touring. Like how the Beatles stopped touring in 67. I mean he expressed that opinion in Private Home Movies where he said he goes through hell touring. I'm sure Invincible was just an opportunity for him to make new music. I don't think he had plans to tour it.
I wish!!!! I would love to have live performances of the Invincible songs.
How can you say that now? Thank god he didn't, who knows if this tragedy from June 25th wouldn't have happened 7 years ago...

lol why this would happen?
I think that Michael would like to make a tour of "Invincible" but SONY has refused to promote his album, and in 2003 he wanted to release a new album but because of the illegal download song album was canceled and instead released a compilation of hits "Number Ones" then the court ....
I read a long time ago somewhere (dont remember where) that he could not tour for this album as it would mean that he was ok with the way Sony promoted the album. Dunno how true it is.
lol why this would happen?

You don't think he would still be alive without the TII tour? Why are you sure this wouldn't have happened in 2002, too? I think he looked in horrible shape at the MSG concerts and in the PH movies (the ones in which he made that joke "I love to tour").

and in 2003 he wanted to release a new album but because of the illegal download song album was canceled and instead released a compilation of hits "Number Ones" then the court ....

Really? You mean "Escape"? Hm, not sure if he really would cancel an album just because of this...
You don't think he would still be alive without the TII tour? Why are you sure this wouldn't have happened in 2002, too? I think he looked in horrible shape at the MSG concerts and in the PH movies (the ones in which he made that joke "I love to tour").

Really? You mean "Escape"? Hm, not sure if he really would cancel an album just because of this...

MSG Michael looks horrible ?!
Well why did he not died in 1999 or 2001? He also did concerts in the past everything was in orde.
About 2003
I'm not sure but I've heard that since the course was.
P.S. Take a good look all the MSG show in the first night and second.
And you will understand that Michael was in pretty good shape, even the critics say.
Before MJ got into a fight with his record label, do you think he was planning on doing an Invincible tour?
i dont know, probably, what im sure is that more videos would have been made, cause Michael loved to do videos( i mean to design them), he loved movies, he was about to direct them, and he loved that, he called them Short films, cause that's what they were, and with Michael's imagination, now i can only wonder what those would have been or if he did a tour what a tour of the Invincible album would have been, i imagine only wonders, cause michael was about music but as a performer also , he's abillities to dance incredibly rare and unique as well as transmiting something noone else ever had, a unique genius, he had such a killer imagination when dancing like he transported you to somewehre else, i love when he danced human nature or stranger in moscow... i love it!
You don't think he would still be alive without the TII tour? Why are you sure this wouldn't have happened in 2002, too? I think he looked in horrible shape at the MSG concerts and in the PH movies (the ones in which he made that joke "I love to tour").

Really? You mean "Escape"? Hm, not sure if he really would cancel an album just because of this...

If you looked the superficial part may be yes, but when he got up there, and i remember when he did Dancing Machine and Billie Jean, i loved him, and he was not on his best looking (the face), but when it came to talent he had it, he just had it, and i mean i never considered James Brown pretty, but when he was performing, Oh my God!,
i dont undertand your point, if i want to see beautiful people i rather go to a fashion show:scratch:i think you should too

I love scape, is so Michael, so him, his latest style, i love it cause of his uniqueness, thats what i love, talent and uniqueness, in a solo artist that the most important thing EVER
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@Draliongirl: Come on, what's that's supposed to mean? Jesus, you can't say anything less than "Michael is amazing" on a MJ fanboard.

I love him, too, and do you really think I was going to see beautiful people when watching MSG?
Of course it was still Michael, but he really looked in a strange shape, he barely looked at the audience, always looked to the floor... and Elizabeth Taylor almost seemed to carry him over the red carpet.

@ds: It's a big difference to do two shows or 10 to 50.

I'm really so glad for Michael he didn't do concerts again 7 years earlier... he said himself it could kill him back then.
@Draliongirl: Come on, what's that's supposed to mean? Jesus, you can't say anything less than "Michael is amazing" on a MJ fanboard.

I love him, too, and do you really think I was going to see beautiful people when watching MSG?
Of course it was still Michael, but he really looked in a strange shape, he barely looked at the audience, always looked to the floor... and Elizabeth Taylor almost seemed to carry him over the red carpet.

@ds: It's a big difference to do two shows or 10 to 50.

I'm really so glad for Michael he didn't do concerts again 7 years earlier... he said himself it could kill him back then.
pardon... i always say what i feel, if he did something that i dont like i will say it, and if something likes me i will do it too:smilerolleyes:

And yes the part where he was walking with elizabeth, well yes he looked tired or bored or he was like i would love to just perform and leave, he didnt like to be on the red carpet you can tell, but on stage it was awesome, sorry that i dont share your same exact point...
Yeah he wanted to do a tour.
This Is It was planned for 2002.

This is from a interview with someone at Sony that Michael trusted.

CR: “This was years ago. I’m going to go back probably eight years ago and Michael told me, ‘Cory, I can’t tour anymore. I’m not gonna tour anymore. Ok?’ I said, ‘why Mike?’ He said, ‘Because it will kill me.’ That’s what he said to me. He said, ‘It will kill me.’ Why would you say something like that? He said, ‘Well, remember when I was preparing for my concert and I passed out at the Sony Studio?’ He said, ‘Well, it’s because when I get ready for a tour I get dehydrated. I don’t eat. I don’t drink. I don’t sleep. I put so much of myself into preparing for a tour.’

He said, ‘I’m not doing it on purpose. This is just something I don’t think about anymore. You understand? I’ve just become so driven that I can’t even think about these things anymore. They made me walk around with an IV last time. He said, ‘So I just decided, my doctors decided that maybe you shouldn’t do this anymore. He said he wanted to make the Invincible album work to the point where that was it. He’s done with the tour. He’s gonna do this Invincible album. He wanted to continue to put out albums. He said, ‘I’ll do albums till I can’t do it anymore, but I just can’t tour.’”
I think he really wanted to do this is it concerts and that he thought he could handle it.He couldn´t sleep and had problems to eat during the rehearsals -or maybe he ate but not enough if he was working hard 8-10 hours every day.In London he was supposed to do 2-3 shows a week, I suppose about 2 hours.He was going to do about half of the shows and then a break for some months and then the rest.He didn´t have to travel.
In the end he was killed by his doctor.
How can you say that now? Thank god he didn't, who knows if this tragedy from June 25th wouldn't have happened 7 years ago...

I meant because I love the Invincible album and would have loved to see live performances.
I didn't think of the tragedy happening back then when I wrote it. :(
Can we really blame the tour for this unfortunate happening though? Or is it more the incompetence of a single person?

This Is It was to be completed over a 9-month span, thats almost a year, 2-3 shows that would've lasted maybe 2-3 hours, per week. Its wasn't ever meant to be a daily concert type of thing like the past. I believe Michael could have done it, and if it was back in 01' when invincible came out, if the tour was on that schedule, it wouldve been done.

But I honestly don't think Michael was interested in touring at that time, even if it was promoted the way it should've been.
Hm, if it is true that Michael first tried other sleeping pills etc. the last night and propofol at the very end, it does show to me that Michael really tried to "do" other more harmless stuff to sleep. And only because this didn't work he wanted this stuff (if it was like that), so all the stress of the rehearsals and his need for sleep because of the pressure seems responsible.
Of course the doc shouldn't have administered it, but I doubt Michael would have wanted Propofol on a "normal" day when he didn't have the world on his shoulders.