was reading


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
well flicking threw a book in tesco yesterday, about Michael Jackson
the one with the similar cover to the number ones album
and i got to the back of the book and read the tribute's that other stars had said
and i had tears rolling down my face
at "you taught the world how too moonwalk"
it pulled my heartstrings, i just thought about the time me and my sister had my mums thriller vinyl on a few weeks ago doing the thriller dance in the living room = [ i want him back, i feel privileged to have had his music in my life for 17years. sad times :(

sorry if this is in the wrong part xx
the likes of paul mccartney, beyonce, i think i saw whitney huston not sure, celion deion was one
"i had his poster on my wall" i shed a tear to that too, i really need to control my emotions in public
qunicey jones and a range of others too.
There is a thread here somewhere of all the tribute messages from lots and lots and lots of famous, and not so famous people.

The full version of Beyonce's tribute is lovely.
Yeah Beyonce's tribute is lovely as you can tell her emotion is sincere.

You are not the only one MJRocksMyWorld09 who feels teary looking at those things in the shops, when I looked at it, I had my ipod on and YANA came on :(
hmm, I know this book. It was published not far from where I live. They pretty much threw it together overnight to make a bit of money. I'd rather get the tribute edition of the visual documentary.