Was Prince Michael at Staples for TII Rehearsals?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dublin, Ireland
First time I saw the movie I thought I saw Prince Michael but I wasn't sure. Today I saw it for the 4th time and I'm almost certain it was Prince I saw watching but I haven't seen anyone mention it.

I can't remember exactly what song MJ is performing but whatever he's performing it doesn't include the dancers. Michael smiles and then the camera goes out into the "audience" which consists of all the dancers and there are some people sitting on chairs and the person in the middle look just like or is Prince Michael. Can someone confirm if its him or not?
I think that was him also. It was so quick I couldn't tell for sure.
First time I saw the movie I thought I saw Prince Michael but I wasn't sure. Today I saw it for the 4th time and I'm almost certain it was Prince I saw watching but I haven't seen anyone mention it.

I can't remember exactly what song MJ is performing but whatever he's performing it doesn't include the dancers. Michael smiles and then the camera goes out into the "audience" which consists of all the dancers and there are some people sitting on chairs and the person in the middle look just like or is Prince Michael. Can someone confirm if its him or not?

Kenny said the kids were never there during concert rehearsals.

But they were there during the dome project stuff looking at the filming.

So if MJ is performing singing/dancing more than likely it wasn't Prince in the audience.

But not sure.... just going by what Kenny said in an interview.
Kenny said the kids were never there during concert rehearsals.

But they were there during the dome project stuff looking at the filming.

So if MJ is performing singing/dancing more than likely it wasn't Prince in the audience.

But not sure.... just going by what Kenny said in an interview.

Thanks for the info

Anyone else shed some light on this'? :scratch:
ooh, thanks. Havent seen it before. Is it on youtube or do I need to download files from 2000 watts?
First time I saw the movie I thought I saw Prince Michael but I wasn't sure. Today I saw it for the 4th time and I'm almost certain it was Prince I saw watching but I haven't seen anyone mention it.

I can't remember exactly what song MJ is performing but whatever he's performing it doesn't include the dancers. Michael smiles and then the camera goes out into the "audience" which consists of all the dancers and there are some people sitting on chairs and the person in the middle look just like or is Prince Michael. Can someone confirm if its him or not?

I think this is during "I just can't stop loving you", but I am not 100% sure. There is this young boy there, but he doesn't look like Prince to me. I think they had previosly stated the kids will not be part of TII.

I also read comments of one the FF (follower fans) at TINI confirming the kids never make to the rehearsals. Unfortunately I do not have the link, but I think that must be in the TINI webpage.
in one interview kenny said that they came to the dome project and was watching while they were recording Michael. He mentioned Paris commenting on the shoot and MJ coming and asking if the kids were behaving. He also said they did not come to rehersal because MJ wanted them to see the actual show at London.

So I assume they were present when they were shooting Smooth Criminal ( MJ is not in thriller or earth song films as far as I can tell).

Also in the court when they were asking for approval for the film , Katherine's lawyer asked whether the children were recorded and they (AEG lawyers) said that they weren't any footage of the children.
i saw ppl during billyjean and i cant stop loving you, i did see frank and miko but the rest looked like dancers
The part you are talking about is 'I'll be there' and it was 4 people sitting on the chairs right? And people were waving their arms in the air to the song?

IMO, that guy you are talking about is not Prince because that person did not look like a child. His body looks bigger than Prince. I know that the person at the end was the female associate choreographer that was teaching the dancers about the crotch grab.
They didn't go to any rehearsals - only the Dome Project shoot, where Paris told Kenny, "We've never seen Daddy on a film set before."
so was that completely fake when they were reporting several months ago that MJ was rehearsing with Prince to sing a duet?
no the kids never went to the rehearsals except for when mj was filming the new smooth criminal film in the middle of may
Well since the show was to b e a surprised for the kids, I doubt they were there aside from the Dome Project
I can't say I noticed. I doubt it would have been him though because Michael was doing the shows for them too so they could see him perform. So, as with fans I don't think he'd have wanted them to see it until it was 100% perfect.
First time I saw the movie I thought I saw Prince Michael but I wasn't sure. Today I saw it for the 4th time and I'm almost certain it was Prince I saw watching but I haven't seen anyone mention it.

I can't remember exactly what song MJ is performing but whatever he's performing it doesn't include the dancers. Michael smiles and then the camera goes out into the "audience" which consists of all the dancers and there are some people sitting on chairs and the person in the middle look just like or is Prince Michael. Can someone confirm if its him or not?

I was thinking the same thing. The camera went round so fast. But I'm sure it was him. It looked like him.
The Dome Project is a project elaborated by Michael. Its main idea would be: during the concerts, 3D images would flash behind Michael, as he performed on stage. It's all high-tech, so it gives the audience the feeling that they can experince everything that's happening in those videos, like they were part of it.
The project included videos for Thriller, Smooth Criminal, Earth Song and The Way You Make Me Feel.

So, for this videos, Michael had to do some filming. The kids were on the set, but they didn't see him singing, just acting.

There is a guy appearing during the I'll Be There performance and then after Billie Jean, but it's not Prince. They kids never went to rehearsals.
Thanks for explaining missaxlc :wub:

And I think this is who you guys are talking about. He looks a bit like Prince, but older... then again, Prince looks 18 in some pics :lol:

hmm if that is who people are talking about i would side on the not being prince..He has an appearance and posture of someone older and I don't think prince would be making that pose if he was watching his dad..He would not be as comfortable, and plus the guy looks bigger lol
I'll have a look tonight. Off to go see it in a few hours! :D
hmm if that is who people are talking about i would side on the not being prince..He has an appearance and posture of someone older and I don't think prince would be making that pose if he was watching his dad..He would not be as comfortable, and plus the guy looks bigger lol

He was waving his hand too during I'll be there but then he stopped. On the video it's a bit clearer than my screen shot, and it does seem like it's him to be honest. Either that or that boy looks exactly like him and he somehow got into the rehearsals :lol: Stranger things have happened..
so was that completely fake when they were reporting several months ago that MJ was rehearsing with Prince to sing a duet?

Yep, tabloid BS.

"Just because you see it on the TV screens or read it the magazine, don't make it factual."
I saw that person but I thought he was a teenager, never thought it was Prince Michael. But I will look again today.

If Michael was rehearsing with Prince Michael I hope there is a demo somewhere. I am quite sure Michael was teaching his children about the music, singing and performing.
It's not Prince. He's way too tall and clearly an older teenager.
First time I saw the movie I thought I saw Prince Michael but I wasn't sure. Today I saw it for the 4th time and I'm almost certain it was Prince I saw watching but I haven't seen anyone mention it.
You're not the only one that thought that! It looks very much like Prince, but I doubted it was him because I heard that Michael was keeping everything a sruprise for the kids. But I've seen the film 3 times, and each time I've thought it looks just like Prince. He has his hands on his head, and has blonde hair. It's so hard to tell cause its such a quick shot, and from quite far....