Was new dance move recorded?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
I remember several months ago a few reports mentioning the new dance move that Michael was working on and that the only clue they could give was that it was a little similar to the moonwalk but different. Does anyone think or know whether this move was recorded during the rehearsals? If so do you think it will be in the 'This is It' movie? Even if it wasnt recorded, it would be neat if someone who witnessed him practicing it could at least try to simulate it.
I remember several months ago a few reports mentioning the new dance move that Michael was working on and that the only clue they could give was that it was a little similar to the moonwalk but different. Does anyone think or know whether this move was recorded during the rehearsals? If so do you think it will be in the 'This is It' movie? Even if it wasnt recorded, it would be neat if someone who witnessed him practicing it could at least try to simulate it.
I have been wondering about that too. I hope it was recorded. :)
If there was a new dance move, and he was to perform it. Im sure it will be in the movie :) He would have had to rehearse it.
Whatever it is, I'm sure it will have jaws dropping just like the first time he did the moonwalk.
If it`s like the moonwalk (already thought about this quite a few times), it could be a variation of the 'melbourn shuffle'. Just guessing here... waiting for teh footage... :)
Part of me thinks we've probably already seen it before. If not I'm sure it got recorded because he would want to see what it looked like on film.
Part of me thinks we've probably already seen it before. If not I'm sure it got recorded because he would want to see what it looked like on film.

I'm pretty sure that was a 'rumour' created for promoting the event. But, if Mike did have some new spectacular 'move' to share, it will be in the movie, OR Kenny Ortega will describe it in detail since he is the only person to have seen it.
im assuming it was because they filmed the entire last rehearsal in high definition video and so if it was part of the new tour it should be there
I find it hard to believe there really was a whole 'new move' but hey, if there is I can't wait to see!
If there was a new dance move, and he was to perform it. Im sure it will be in the movie :) He would have had to rehearse it.

Not entirely true. If he perfected it like he did the Moonwalk, he might skip it in rehearsals. Check out the Billie Jean Dangerous rehearsal on YouTube. He doesn't do the moonwalk there.
Not entirely true. If he perfected it like he did the Moonwalk, he might skip it in rehearsals. Check out the Billie Jean Dangerous rehearsal on YouTube. He doesn't do the moonwalk there.

yes he does lol,i havent watched it in a while but i knoe for a fact,he does it the 2nd go round of the chorus after the 1st one is supposed 2be done
who cares ? at least we will see michael on stage again and doing his music.
Not entirely true. If he perfected it like he did the Moonwalk, he might skip it in rehearsals. Check out the Billie Jean Dangerous rehearsal on YouTube. He doesn't do the moonwalk there.

Ye he does, he does it where he would usually do it the second time during Billie Jean :)

I think out of all the rehearsals he would have at least practiced it once during the rehearsal for the song he would have eprformed it during.
hmmm i tihnk if they did have it on film they'd be advertising and talking about it by now
who cares ? at least we will see michael on stage again and doing his music.

Theres allways one who has to make some STANDOUT statement. Of course it will be great to just see him performing, but a new dance move on top of things would be even better.
I'm sick of articles saying those One more chance photos are from this year. Stupid TMZ.
i have been wondering this same thing. I realllllyyy hope that it exists and is in the movie. If anyone can perfect a move or make his own it's Michael Jackson haha
Not entirely true. If he perfected it like he did the Moonwalk, he might skip it in rehearsals. Check out the Billie Jean Dangerous rehearsal on YouTube. He doesn't do the moonwalk there.

by the time the dangerous rehearsals had taken place he had already done that part of the performance like a thousand times during the decade before it.
Why would he record a movie while he was preparing for the tour, recording pop album and recording album with instrumental music?