Was Michael Jackson An Indigo?

i love how there are a lot of people who say 'they weren't a big fan of MJ..his music wasn't their taste, BUT....'

and that article is full of contradictions as far as the writer's opinion is concerned. promising not to judge MJ, but judging, anyway, and then masking it with a few positives.

indeed, the answer to every MJ question is 'i don't know'. the writer got that part right.

now...let me google what an 'indigo' is.
WHen you find out, please enlighten the rest of us. Cuz I am lost.:yes::D
What is indigo? :scratch: I only got 'a blue colour' from google!
well..if u look up wiki(u know that gives us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth:)) what i think i was looking for, is described as 'alleged', and then goes on to say, children with paranormal and supernatural powers.
i love how there are a lot of people who say 'they weren't a big fan of MJ..his music wasn't their taste, BUT....'

and that article is full of contradictions as far as the writer's opinion is concerned. promising not to judge MJ, but judging, anyway, and then masking it with a few positives.

indeed, the answer to every MJ question is 'i don't know'. the writer got that part right.

now...let me google what an 'indigo' is.

Well said! . . . I've never heard of Indigo either, apparently it's a "New Age" term for people w/ psychic powers (I thought the thread was going to have an image of Michael transformed into an Avatar character, boy was I off lol, I'd glanced it and read "Michael Jackson as an Indigo"):

i didn't read the whole wiki article, because i didn't notice the rest of it, till i went to it, again. and in there, somewhere, is a place where an adult asks a kid if he/she is an indigo, and the kid nods shyly, and says he/she is an avatar.

it's so easy to make the jump to, the popularity of the Avatar movie, around the world, and the hypocrisy of the rejection of some indigo qualities by the people who have a problem with the indigo labeling, as opposed to a brain disorder.

there are some who say they think of MJ when seeing the Avatar movie.

and the world, outside of the MJ fanbase, seems to be helping with the popularity of the Avatar movie, and yet, surely, in that world, outside of the MJ fanbase, there are people who hated MJ.

that's interesting to me.

i am saying this, although i have not seen the movie, 'Avatar'.
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I dont give a sh*it about all these terms.
People are people.

Noone is similar, but theres no need for terms to describe how some people are more different than others.

Michael Jackson where a human being. With a personality. With positives and negatives. Good sides, bad sides. Some points of his life was easy, some was hard. He had both wonderfull times and awfull times.

Something that makes me tick completely is when a term like indigo is brought up and it's becomming something like AD/HD - if you feel a little different, then you think that you are something special like an indigo (if you feel that you have something positive that others dont)

You ARE something special! But you're just like everyone else.. And so was Michael..
I dont give a sh*it about all these terms.
People are people.

Noone is similar, but theres no need for terms to describe how some people are more different than others.

Michael Jackson where a human being. With a personality. With positives and negatives. Good sides, bad sides. Some points of his life was easy, some was hard. He had both wonderfull times and awfull times.

Something that makes me tick completely is when a term like indigo is brought up and it's becomming something like AD/HD - if you feel a little different, then you think that you are something special like an indigo (if you feel that you have something positive that others dont)

You ARE something special! But you're just like everyone else.. And so was Michael..

the question is, why didn't Michael get the same treatment, in the media, as everyone else?
the question is, why didn't Michael get the same treatment, in the media, as everyone else?

well that has nothing to do with being an indigo.
being an indigo is about being more sensitive than what the "norm" allows. Not only in emotional matters but also sensitive to things like auras and stuff like that.

Michael got a different treatment because of the time he became a superstar. Michael was the first of his sort. He was different than anything else ever seen before. And he focused on "odd" stuff like childrens wellfair, the third world, religion and education. He was a philosopher. He had ideas about life that seemed different. But that was only because other people did'nt get what he thought. Like - the thing about being a child - there was more to it than the cliche story about his sadsadsad childhood. That was just the root for his philosophies about this subject.

You can call this being an indigo or whatever.. I just dont see the reason for labeling people with these sorts of names. Everyone can reach the state of mind that Michael had. If they just allow themselves to open up.

So in my opinion IF we are to talk about indigo's then everyone is an indigo inside.

and geez - listen - avatar is a movie. Michael compaired himself to Peter Pan, and you can now compair him to someone in the avatar movie (havent seen it yet), but thats still not reality. Reality is that Michael was Michael. :heart:

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Excelent article, i always thought of that.
Was Michael Jackson An Indigo?

Short answer is: maybe.
While I was not a huge fan of Michael Jackson (his style of music wasn’t my taste), I was certainly aware of him ~ and the undeniable charismic energy he carried. So far as I know, he never took an Indigo assessment, or in any way implied that he was aware that he might carry Indigo energy. But from what he wrote, from his music, and from certain elements of his tormented life, it seems plausible to me that he very well may have been Indigo.

And if that’s true, then it’s also pretty clear that he wasn’t seeking the best spiritual support team to help him better use his significant talents. I’m not going to go into the controversies about his life (and there are so many it will probably take years to discover the truth behind his extremely private ~ often paranoid ~ personal world) ~ nor into the controversies surrounding his financial affairs.

But what I would like to address are the ways that Michael Jackson led a lonely life, by his own admission, and how the help that might have sustained him was there, but he apparently turned instead to comforts of the moment, some of which may have contributed to his untimely and mysterious death. His life was all about performing, expressing a message in forms of his own design, and connecting with others mostly remotely — from a distance.

He was a very Aquarian figure — focused on many of the large issues of our times, caring, and completely unique and unusual. As a star on the international scene, few ever shone brighter — or flamed out so tragically. His life was in many ways very sad; and so was his death.

Let me be a voice for compassion here ~ and remember Michael Jackson as someone with a vision, many Indigo traits, and a voice that kept trying to touch us in ways he could not otherwise. Michael aspired to touch the soul of the world — and for many of us, his music did that. He reminded us about redemption, and a higher vision. He clearly saw into realms that ordinary people never consider; he saw what is possible and tried to tell us about it. Sometimes he succeeded, even when it shocked us.

He blazed trails courageously, sometimes where angels fear to tread. He was “in our face” about gender identity and what it means to be male in a world that lags behind those who dare to take us into many kinds of possible futures. Unfortunately, his message wasn’t always clear or coherent. Maybe he was working his way up to that. Now we may never know what he hoped, what he intended, and what his true vision for humanity was.

I’ve heard that there are around 100 unreleased new Michael Jackson songs; perhaps the rest of his message is in them. I for one hope that his brilliant mind and soul sings through loud and clear on some of them. Michael was both a cultural icon as well as an iconoclast.

Goodbye, Michael. My prayers are for you to now find the peace that seems to have eluded you while you were here. God speed on your path, wherever it leads you from here.

digg_url = 'http://www.indigocoach.net/michael-jackson-indigo/';digg_window = 'new';digg_skin = 'compact';
Excelent article, i always thought of that.
:hi: Thank you very much KHIM, excelent contribution
well that has nothing to do with being an indigo.
being an indigo is about being more sensitive than what the "norm" allows. Not only in emotional matters but also sensitive to things like auras and stuff like that.

Michael got a different treatment because of the time he became a superstar. Michael was the first of his sort. He was different than anything else ever seen before. And he focused on "odd" stuff like childrens wellfair, the third world, religion and education. He was a philosopher. He had ideas about life that seemed different. But that was only because other people did'nt get what he thought. Like - the thing about being a child - there was more to it than the cliche story about his sadsadsad childhood. That was just the root for his philosophies about this subject.

You can call this being an indigo or whatever.. I just dont see the reason for labeling people with these sorts of names. Everyone can reach the state of mind that Michael had. If they just allow themselves to open up.

So in my opinion IF we are to talk about indigo's then everyone is an indigo inside.

and geez - listen - avatar is a movie. Michael compaired himself to Peter Pan, and you can now compair him to someone in the avatar movie (havent seen it yet), but thats still not reality. Reality is that Michael was Michael. :heart:


i agree with the bolded. i didn't know how else to copy this quote, and say that.
Lol.. ya know... Google is available on everyone's internet. :D :tease:

You know Nar, my feelings are hurt. Just a little.:agree::D

Also, VNC, thank you so much for posting what you found. I really appreciate it. Thanks dear!:cheers:
Indigo ppl are more senstive then an avarge person,i myself am an indigo and shamely more then often indigos get hurt alot worse and get attack easily,its hard being extra senstive most of the time and its something one person cant change,from loving michael so long i believe he could be an indigo for sure xoxo
I'm still lost............

From the top again..........
Is an Indigo? a) A blue person. OR b) A person with super-powers.

Why doesn't anybody call him "Human"?????
I dont give a sh*it about all these terms.
People are people.

Noone is similar, but theres no need for terms to describe how some people are more different than others.

Michael Jackson where a human being. With a personality. With positives and negatives. Good sides, bad sides. Some points of his life was easy, some was hard. He had both wonderfull times and awfull times.

Something that makes me tick completely is when a term like indigo is brought up and it's becomming something like AD/HD - if you feel a little different, then you think that you are something special like an indigo (if you feel that you have something positive that others dont)

You ARE something special! But you're just like everyone else.. And so was Michael..
That's exactly how I feel.
Plus, I'm sick of parents who claim "My child must be indigo! He/she is so special and one-of-a-kind!" I'm tired of these categories and labels that people use to feel more rare/special than "the rest of you all".
A lot of us are Indigos...I know I am! I'm sure Michael's children are Crystal children as well. :angel:

P.S. - anyone interested in the subject can read the book "The Indigo Children" by Doreen Virtue. She also has one called "The Crystal Children" for the new generation of kids being born now. :)
Hm..I don't really know what's the meaning of 'indigo' besides the color yeah, lol, guess we have a different name for that in Holland. But reading now what it describes, yes he definitely was such a person.:yes:

But I don't know if I like that 'tag a name on it'...I mostly just keep it to being an exceptional, unique, sensitive person who understands, feels and does much more than the average person on this planet, who knows it's purpose, who has a higher consciousness, is spiritual, etc. I know right away when someone is like that when I meet them.

I know I am too, I have too much of those similarities. These kind of feelings are hard to describe actually...I can totally relate how Michael would've felt misunderstood not only for his acts but also for his 'behaviour' and the way he communicated and stuff. It's sad that 90% of this world has huge ignorant eyecaps on, really. :scratch:
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I'm still lost............

From the top again..........
Is an Indigo? a) A blue person. OR b) A person with super-powers.

Why doesn't anybody call him "Human"?????

:clapping: thats exactly my thoughts about this.
but to explain the "indigo" term - it is both a "blue person" and a person with "super-powers". Blue as in - their aura is said to be the color of indigo. Super-powers as in - they are more sensitive towards the spiritual world than others.

But I dont support this indigo and all other terms that people use to describe why someone is different (either good or bad-different).

As Krshna28, I like the "term" HUMAN better..
There is a quiz on that site - http://www.indigocoach.net/are-you-indigo/

Are You Indigo?
You know who you are, and why you’re here, even though you might not talk about it much with others, and part of your mission is to change the world. 1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You have always had trouble with discipline and authority. You will not tolerate decisions that affect you unless you have participated in creating them.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You feel totally frustrated by having to wait in line and most of the time you won’t do it.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You are a nonconformist; you know better ways to do things and are impatient with others who like more traditional approaches.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You are highly intelligent and/or especially gifted in one or more areas.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You don’t respond to guilt trips and want good reasons for doing things. ‘Because I say so’ is never acceptable to you.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You were rebellious in school against structures and systems that didn’t make sense; rejected authority of teachers, or wanted to rebel but didn’t dare because of pressure from your family; are challenged to find appropriate, meaningful work, finding a ‘caste system’ of employment appalling; prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions, or working alone.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You have trouble with systems you feel are broken or ineffectual (in politics, education, medicine, business, and legal/justice); fury at ‘Big Brother’ controls of government and invasions of privacy by corporations; have a burning desire to make a contribution that changes the world but can’t find a path that seems right for you.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You have always had strong intuition, intense interest in spiritual matters from a young age, have had psychic experiences beyond what other people commonly report, and find most organized religions too confining or limiting.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True

You have awareness of energy fields and possibly other dimensions, sensitivity to electrical currents to the point of sometimes being able to affect them (your watches don’t work, machinery breaks down in your presence, etc.) and always seek meaning in your life and to understand more about how the world works in all its mystery.
1 – Less True 2 3 4 5 – More True