Was Michael Jackson a modern-day prophet?


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
I find myself troubled as I sit here thinking about how it is one year today since Michael Jackson's untimely, tragic and unexpected death. Last year, when the London concerts were announced, I made sure my brother was on the phone the day tickets went on sale and instead of trying for the July dates right off the mark, I told him to get tickets for one of the dates in September, which he managed to do.


I was really excited about going home for the show as I had always wanted to see Michael Jackson performing live and I was walking around in a weird state of disbelief during the days after it happened. I think most people were expecting it to be a huge publicity stunt to promote the tour and that MJ would reappear and reassure us that he was fine...but that moment never came.

Whatever you may think of him, it has to be acknowledged that he was considered and probably always will be one of the most influential figures in entertainment. Michael Jackson's rise in popularity was an important part of the post civil-rights era in the US and opened up black entertainers to the mainstream markets like no other artist has. He also had the ability to own a stage like nobody else - just as he did with this performance at the 1993 Superbowl.

...While I was back in the UK, it was announced that This is It was going to be made and released and I remember being slightly hesitant and cynical about what I was going to see. However, when I went in and saw the film on opening night, I was blown away and delighted to discover that Jackson retained the brilliance and showmanship at 50 that he did all those years before in '93. It was as if no time had passed and it would have without doubt been one of the most eye-popping and spectacular concerts ever held.

On the DVD, there is a whole section on the various costumes and one of these was a suit complete with lights built into it so that it could light up and shoot colourful beams down the arms and legs. It was to be used when he performed Billie Jean. It would have been epic and I felt a mix of excitement and melancholy watching that film.

The odd thing to me is how consistent Michael Jackson's message of peace, love and saving the planet for the children and our children's children was. And yet, the man was persecuted, misunderstood and treated as an outcast by the very media spotlight that helped create this spectacle in the first place. Why do people turn on those who try to spread positive messages in the world? Do we think they have some kind of hidden agenda?

If I believed in God, then I would say Jackson was the closest thing we had in recent times to a modern-day prophet. His followers and fans outnumber any other modern religious or public figure and he always spread his message of healing, love, peace and acceptance. When it comes down to it, I know I definitely believe in MJ and his message because I have proof that he was real.

The tragic impact we're seeing from the BP disaster has been bringing back chilling images of Earth Song. Whenever Jackson spoke about disasters it's like he knew something worse was just around the corner. A quote from This is It says it all "I respect the secrets and magic of nature. That's why it makes me so angry when I see these things that are happening in the world: that every second I hear the size of a football field is torn down in the Amazon. That kind of stuff really bothers me. That's why I write these kinds of songs, you know, to get some sense of awareness and awakening and hope to people." Jackson then went on to say: "The planet is sick, like a fever. If we don't fix it now it's at the point of no return. This is our last chance to fix this problem that we have or it's like a runaway train...The time has come, This is It. It starts with us. US. or else it'll never be done."
The words his children said at the memorial last August were enough to obliterate any doubts (if any) that I had about Jackson's innocence when his daughter Paris said "daddy was the best father you could ever imagine". Some people disagreed with the kids being allowed to speak, but I could sense it was heartfelt and something she felt like she needed to say. After all, Jackson cut his father out of his will over the alleged abuse he suffered as a child because he never wanted to see his own children go through that...

I'll leave you with the parting poignant words of one of my favourite MJ songs. In fact, they almost sound like they could be someone's wedding vows: "In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair, will you still care? Will you be there? In my trials and my tribulations. Through our doubts and frustrations. In my violence, in my turbulence. Through my fear and my confessions. In my anguish and my pain. Through my joy and my sorrow. In the promise of another tomorrow, I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart."

Was Michael Jackson a modern-day prophet? Why does humankind have a tendency to attack or turn against those who try to spread a message of love, acceptance and healing?

R.I.P. Michael Jackson - The King of Pop

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Picture: Fairfax

Unfortuantley all the great men, who do great things with a great spirit and great love are treated like this, by 'civilised society'. As Einstein said, 'to be great, is to be misunderstood', and I believe Michael was more than just misunderstood. He was most likely feared by those who couldn't take his sheer power, and influence over people. There are forces who wish to control the world, and the human population by making obedient slaves of the common man, feeding him lies and numbing his ability to perceive the truth. Such forces fear phenomena's like MJ, because they enlighten and empower masses of people, spreading joy and love like an infection. See, they can't let that happen, becuase joyous and loving peoples cannot be controlled and manipulated.

I think it makes perfect sense, therefore, that Michael was treated so badly. He was treated the worst, becasue he is the best. That is the simple and sad truth. Yet we dare to call this a CIVILIASATION. :no:
He was most likely feared by those who couldn't take his sheer power, and influence over people. There are forces who wish to control the world, and the human population by making obedient slaves of the common man, feeding him lies and numbing his ability to perceive the truth. Such forces fear phenomena's like MJ, because they enlighten and empower masses of people, spreading joy and love like an infection. See, they can't let that happen, becuase joyous and loving peoples cannot be controlled and manipulated.

I believe that in some point michael was a new prophet of the things he did for humanity and of the way he looked and cared for things like no one else does.. in my mind i put him next to jezus but thats just my mind.. :)
There's most definitely more than just one thing that stands out in that regard. I couldn't help but call him King of Pain. (I also couldn't help but call him Martyr of Slander, Defamation and Distortion). He most definitely shouldered an amount of pain in his life that most people wouldn't be able to bear just for 10 minutes.

And hopefully some will be able to extract a lesson or two out of his suffering. I know I try to.
He's the closest thing to believing in God that I will ever get. Yes I do believe he was a modern day prophet.

Adding to all that you have said, think about it. The man performed miracles too. He didnt walk on water, but he moonwalked on our hearts. He healed the sick. - Look at Gavin Arvizo! Look at kids he bought livers and other organs for. There are families out there who have their children around because of him.

Michael was humble and would not consider himself a god, but 'god-like' and I would have to agree.
Yes, as a Christian, I cannot deny the blatant similarities between his life and Jesus' life.

This is not to say that I believe Michael was some 'second coming' or any of that nonsense, but I believe that God used him to further prepare us for the end times.

You know, I never believed in that 2012 stuff, but it scares me that Michael died so closely to it.
Yes, as a Christian, I cannot deny the blatant similarities between his life and Jesus' life.

This is not to say that I believe Michael was some 'second coming' or any of that nonsense, but I believe that God used him to further prepare us for the end times.

You know, I never believed in that 2012 stuff, but it scares me that Michael died so closely to it.

He's the closest thing to believing in God that I will ever get. Yes I do believe he was a modern day prophet.

Adding to all that you have said, think about it. The man performed miracles too. He didnt walk on water, but he moonwalked on our hearts. He healed the sick. - Look at Gavin Arvizo! Look at kids he bought livers and other organs for. There are families out there who have their children around because of him.

Michael was humble and would not consider himself a god, but 'god-like' and I would have to agree.

agree with you 100%. I've learned more from Michael than any religion could ever teach me. among his million other roles, he has been/is my spiritual advisor!
Although he was a very special man, he was just that, a man.
I am sure he would have been horrified if he thought anybody tried to make any more of it than that. Although I cant remember exactly where, I am also sure he has stated that fact himself at times.

If you are meaning the way he tried to live his life then yes he was special.
