Was Mark Lester really Mike's friend???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brooklyn NY
I'm just wondering....because I heard they were close..but now all of a sudden he's claiming to possibly be the father of Paris and he wants a DNA test.

It all just seems wrong to me that he's doing this out of the blue, but u guys might know better than me so that's why I'm asking.
I can tell u he a cornball saying he the father of paris knowing damn well he not. I know i seen pictures of him and Michael and pics of Michael with his daughter. At the end of the day Mark crazier is a nutcase
there is saner locked up (than mark lester)
seriously that man is a backstabbing :censored:
Has he really said to want a DNA test? That's news to me.
The answer to your question would be no, he was not Michael's friend.
He's not MJ's real friend, I believe he's just someone whom and his family live off of MJ's money. Now, MJ's gone which means his ATM machine is gone so he turned bitter and did what he did.
I don't know about him. Is there actually any proof of him saying these things. Or is it just some tabloid junk?
I'm just wondering....because I heard they were close..but now all of a sudden he's claiming to possibly be the father of Paris and he wants a DNA test.

It all just seems wrong to me that he's doing this out of the blue, but u guys might know better than me so that's why I'm asking.

No he is not a friend, he is a loser looking to cash in, because of his actions he has thrown whatever friendship he did have with Michael away and for what!!! I am so disappointed in these fake friends!!!

I think he was. He stood by Michael in the trial when few did. That always wins points with me because Michael had been abandoned by many, and this was the most devastasting period of his life.

But when MJ passed, Lester reacted impulsively and incredibly stupidly during the hysteria of the time. It's very possible he did think he was Paris' "biological" father, got caught up in all the frenzy, felt he was in a pressured situation where he had to do something or a tabloid was going to do it for him, and so he did something despicable. And what he did was despicable because he was NOT thinking of Paris as much as himself at the time.

Has he come out and said something recently?

Because at the time he quickly tried to put the I'm-the-daddy cork back in the bottle and refuted the claim.

Other than Elizabeth Taylor and a handful of others, all of MJ's friends are somewhat a mystery. Quincy Jones' comments about MJ's kids and other remarks, still leave me scratching my head and wondering WTF.
I always liked Mark Lester, but him saying he was/could be the father of Paris is a lie and one that makes me sick. Shame on Mark Lester !

At present I'd say Michael's only true friends both when he was alive, and after his death are Elisabeth Taylor, Miko Brando and Macualey Culkin.
Didn't know lester tried putting the Paris rumour he started back in the bottle, how?

At present I'd say Michael's only true friends both when he was alive, and after his death are Elisabeth Taylor, Miko Brando and Macualey Culkin.[/QUOTE]

What's the deal with Mac Culkin he seemed a bit disrespectful at the funeral didn't take it seriously?

AS for this thread I understand why you asked, in my experince prior to Paris thing he seemed alright. He really stood up for Mike during the trial and didn't seem to be one of these fame-wanters or fake friends like Gellar. It seemed plausible why Mike would be his friend/relatye to him too and he was very moving on This Morning after Mike died. I even remember when we were following Mike when he came to London and he went to Lester's house so make's sense Mike saw him as a friend if he made the effort to visit him when in town.

That's why it's so perplexing why he did what he did, as before this he seemed one of the better ones.
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According to his own ex wife Lester would sell Michael to the tabloids off, giving the stories about Michael, selling the TONS of gifts Michael would bring each time he visited LEster and his family, according to Friedbrain he was one of his sources, and we all know what horrible articles Friedbrain wrote. And that fucking asshole aint the father of no MJ child PERIOD he should g. t. h.
According to Mark Lester, his ex-wife didn't like the friendship

with MJ, and he wasn't shocked when she spoke badly about him

to the media after MJ died.
When I think of Mark a song by the O'Jays comes to mind:

(What they do!)
(They smile in your face)
All the time they want to take your place
The back stabbers (back stabbers)

I don't know about him. Is there actually any proof of him saying these things. Or is it just some tabloid junk?

Yes, he got paid to blab to a tabloid. I believe it was 'The Sun.'

What's the deal with Mac Culkin he seemed a bit disrespectful at the funeral didn't take it seriously?

Why do you think so? Because he was smoking and talking to his GF? I don't remember him laughing or goofing around...

According to his own ex wife Lester would sell Michael to the tabloids off, giving the stories about Michael, selling the TONS of gifts Michael would bring each time he visited LEster and his family, according to Friedbrain he was one of his sources, and we all know what horrible articles Friedbrain wrote. And that fucking asshole aint the father of no MJ child PERIOD he should g. t. h.

There you go.
I don't think Mac was being disrespectful at the funeral. When I've been to funerals people do talk with each other and laugh before it, I was laughing with my cousins before my grandfather's funeral but when it starts it all stops. Personally I thought Al Sharpton actually tweeting during the ceremony was more disrepectful. Anyway with friends like Mark Lester who needs enemies. I remember when it came out and even my work colleagues who aren't fans of MJ said that Lester was out for money.
I think he was. He stood by Michael in the trial when few did. That always wins points with me because Michael had been abandoned by many, and this was the most devastasting period of his life.

But when MJ passed, Lester reacted impulsively and incredibly stupidly during the hysteria of the time. It's very possible he did think he was Paris' "biological" father, got caught up in all the frenzy, felt he was in a pressured situation where he had to do something or a tabloid was going to do it for him, and so he did something despicable. And what he did was despicable because he was NOT thinking of Paris as much as himself at the time.

Has he come out and said something recently?

Because at the time he quickly tried to put the I'm-the-daddy cork back in the bottle and refuted the claim.

Other than Elizabeth Taylor and a handful of others, all of MJ's friends are somewhat a mystery. Quincy Jones' comments about MJ's kids and other remarks, still leave me scratching my head and wondering WTF.

I agree with this, Mark was most definitely a 30 year trusted friend of Michael's while he was alive.

I believe Mark did act stupidly and let us not forget it was uri geller the mind manipulator /hypnotist who told Mark that Michael had told him Paris was his daughter, Mark probably really believed him, but it is Uri who is a liar and set MJ up before. Michael was afraid of Uri.

Mark did go away afterward when it backfired, so he obviously did not think it through properly.
lesters just the typical friend who went looney after either mj cut them off or after june 25th. fans were shocked by his actions cause he had been friends with mj for so long and had kept his friendship private which is normally a factor in a friendship with mj being real or not.. for years alot of fans didnt even realise how close they were.but then after june he went loopy. coming out with that story because according to him he had been cut off from the kids and couldnt make contact with them and was worried about who they were around etc. so like any idiot he went to the press with this story thinking if it got him some attention he would be able to make contact with the kids again DOH! (yeah thats gonna get you contact with the kids again i dont think) even his own kids were trying to defend him on facebook at first acting like they didnt know what he had done yet two minutes later defending him like they were reading from a script. the fact anyone could defend such actions by saying they were doing what they were doing in order to try and make contact kinda shows how much they had lost it.no wonder he kinda tried to backtrack in the weeks after it. using a child like that and not caring about any repercusions sums them up.yet they were claiming they were doing it for the kids in the first place. a totally screwed up logic.its even more laughable when u look at debbie and mark and then think of what their kid would look like blonde and pasty like them x2
Didn't know lester tried putting the Paris rumour he started back in the bottle, how?

Lester did some interviews basically saying that whatever the biology of Paris, Michael WAS her father. He reiterated/emphasized that MJ raised her and love her.

That's why it's so perplexing why he did what he did, as before this he seemed one of the better ones.

A few things could have been happening....

1. I do believe there was some truth in the story that the Sun had proof that he'd given sperm and they were going to tie it to Michael and run with a story that Paris was his daughter anyway. And somehow make it all sound even worse.

2. Plus, crazy a$$ Uri Geller said MJ had confided to him that Lester was the father, and Lester believed what the spoon bending liar said.

3. Lester also could have thought he was being Paris' savior. That is, at the time, it was up in the air who would get custody, and there was perceived tormoil happening behind the scenes in the Jackson family. With his being a long time friend of Michaels' with an established relationship with Paris (far better than Debbie's for sure), he was stepping up as a possible alternative with not only an emotional attachment to her, but a possible biological one.

4. He genuinely was hurt. He felt he was very much a part of Michael's inner circle and was offended and upset because he was being totally ignored. (that's the selfish immature part. His feelings were NOT important at all. Paris' were. And his blapping to the world the father she adored wasn't really her father certainly wasn't going to help her cope)

Then too, all of the above could be a crock, and he was a money grubbing parasite like so many others who slithered their way into Michael's life.

I prefer to think he made an ENORMOUS blunder in judgement as he was a good friend when Michael needed one most.
its even more laughable when u look at debbie and mark and then think of what their kid would look like blonde and pasty like them x2

True that! All of marks kids have very light skin, very blue eyes and very blonde hair! Paris don't even look like that, gee I wonder why? She has olive skin, dark hair and green blue eyes kinda like Joseph Jackson eyes! Lester was not doing any favors to know one but, himself! He wasn't being anyone savior for the kids to have an alternative cause MJ had not only one kid (Paris) he had 3 altogether which included Prince and blanket too! All Lester would have done was split them up by playing favorites! Smart move, NOT!