Was Edward Scissorhands one of Michael's Fav movies?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
Because it's one of mine too. I just read that article on Michael's unique fashion sense and they say Michael supposedly loved the character. It would make total sense since Edward and Michael seem to have so much in common (in terms of the events in their lives and personalities). I would just like to know if it's true. Call me crazy but it would somehow make me feel a little closer to him knowing that was something we had in common. God knows we all wish we could be closer to him in some way at this time.
Edward scissorhands is an amazing movie. Quite sad though.

Here's the info from IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099487/

Basically a film about a kind, extremly talented soul who's different, being labelled a 'freak' and falls in love with a girl. But he eventually gets chased out of town and lives in isolation. It's very touching, and I can definately understand why Michael would like this movie :)
I love Edward Sissorhands. One of my favorite movies! Its directed by Tim Burton my favorite director and stars Johnny Depp as Edward and Wynona Ryder as Kim the girl he falls in love with. Its also got Vincet Price in it as the inventor who made Edward. wonderful flim! i have the dvd and movie poster.
Ghosts reminds me very much of Edward Scissorhands, so I wouldn't be surprised if thats where he got the inspiration.
yeah ghost is kinda like Edward SissorHands. Michael was playing a guy who was loved by kid but feared by adults. so he lived in a castle alone where he could be free to be himself just like Edward who also lived alone and was free to be himself. both michael and edward have alot in common bc both wanted to be normal. makes sence if this movie was one of michael's favorites. i always associated this movie with michael.
I have no idea of what Michael thought of the movie. It is one of my favorite movies because the character of Edward does somehow remind me of Michael and some of the things he had to go through. It is an amazing story and I hope Michael saw it and loved it.
Who knows? But I could see why Michael might be drawn to this movie. I love it too and can kind of identify with Edward. I'm a big Tim Burton fan as well. :)
I love this movie. I remember reading an article about Michael where Edward was mentioned but I really can't recall where. If he did like the movie I can understand why. I also enjoyed Powder (which is totally irrelevant to this conversation :lol: ) but they're both about being different and trying to be accepted for who they are. I love movies like this.
Didn't Michael own the original Scissorhand props used in the movie? I thought I saw them in his collection that was to be auctioned by Juliens's before he had it stopped. I figured he must've liked the movie.
If that's true could someone post the video where we can see that? I definitely see him using those for a Halloween costume.lol P.S. I'm a huge Tim Burton fan too (still prefer his Batman's over Nolan's). Did you know he and Michael were born the same year, same month, four days apart?
same here! LOVE Johnny Depp!! such a amazing actor and he is drop dead gorgouis! yeah i think michael did own a prob from the movie. it was edwards sissorhands that he owned. if anyone can find the article where michael mentioned the movie or video please post!
I think it would have been cool if Michael, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp all had done a movie together. I could see them all becoming good friends haha. I love them all. :)
I saw a magazine cover a year ago,it was back from 1991 when Scissorhands came out,had Depp on the cover and when I read the article it said that Michael actually wanted to play the part.
awwwww! Michael would have been perfect for that role! Everytime i see that movie i always think of Michael. Johnny Plays the role just perfect but Michael would just been so great. too bad he didnt get to play it.
Edward Scissorhands is an awesome movie, LOL. I never thought about it much until now but it really is like Michael, infact he would have been a much better actor in it. :D