Warrant sought for Michael Jackson’s Vegas physician over child support


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Jul 25, 2011
Kaymon thank you very much:

Warrant sought for Michael Jackson’s Vegas physician over child support
By Jeff German (contact)

Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2009 | 4:10 p.m.

Clark County prosecutors are seeking an arrest warrant for the Las Vegas physician at the heart of the investigation into Michael Jackson's death over the physician's failure to pay $13,311 in child support.

Merle Lok, a Family Court hearing master, recommended the warrant today at the request of the district attorney's office after Dr. Conrad Murray did not show up for a "review hearing" in his child support case. The money is owed to Nenita Malibiran in Santa Clara County in Northern California.

Family Court Judge Robert Teuton now must decide whether to issue the warrant.

District Attorney David Roger said his office also is considering asking the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners to suspend Murray's license to practice medicine here because of the delinquent child support payments.

"While Dr. Murray may have other problems, he still has an obligation to pay support for his child," Roger said. "It's rare that we get to the point where we have to go after a person's professional license to get them to fulfill their financial responsibilities."

Federal drug agents and Los Angles police searched the Las Vegas home and office of Murray in July as part of the investigation into Jackson's death. The 5,268-square-foot home, valued at $1.5 million, is in the exclusive Red Rock Country Club.

Murray, the pop star's personal physician, reportedly gave Jackson the anesthetic propofol the night before his June 25 death.

Investigators also searched the 56-year-old cardiologist's office in Houston in July.
So Murray will go to jail for defaulting on child support & murder of the world's biggest and most beloved entertainers of all time.

Oh Murray's gonna have a really nice welcome in prison alright.
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Well at least he won't be free much longer and when California's DA decides to charge him with something at least they won't have to go looking for him...
So Murray will go to jail for defaulting on child support & murder of the world's biggest and most beloved entertainers of all time.

Oh Murray's gonna have a really nice welcome in prison alright.

One can only hope.
WTF?! Is this a damn soap opera or something? Not even Hollywood can dream up of this sh*t!
Jackson doctor may face arrest over child support

By OSKAR GARCIA (AP) – 28 minutes ago

LAS VEGAS — The doctor at the center of an investigation into Michael Jackson's death may face arrest and could lose his medical license after missing a hearing to explain late child support payments, the Las Vegas district attorney said Thursday.

Clark County District Attorney David Roger told The Associated Press that a district judge could approve an arrest warrant for Dr. Conrad Murray that's recommended by a family court hearing master within 10 days.

"At that time, we'll send our investigators out to locate and arrest Dr. Murray," Roger said.

Roger says Murray, who owes $13,000 in unpaid child support to a California woman, can object to the warrant before a judge approves it.

Murray's lawyer in the Jackson case, Edward Chernoff, is not representing Murray in the family court case, Chernoff spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik said Thursday.

"Ed's dealing with one thing and one thing only, and that's the investigation into Michael Jackson's death," Sevcik said.

Sevcik said she did not know whether the 56-year-old doctor had another attorney for the child support case.

Roger said he also plans to ask the state medical board to suspend Murray's medical license because of the unpaid support. Roger said his office would soon file a motion in family court and send a letter to the board saying Murray is behind on his payments.

Murray would have 30 days after that to make good on past payments, or risk suspension of his professional license, Roger said.

Nevada laws allow prosecutors to go after professional licenses belonging to those behind on child support.

"We're not singling out Dr. Murray, this is an option that we frequently use in order to make sure that people pay their obligations," Roger said.

Prosecutors in Los Angeles are weighing charges against Murray in the pop singer's death. Murray told police he administered a powerful anesthetic to the singer shortly before Jackson died June 25.

Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

This is just for the child support issue. I don't care about that. All I do care about is that he doesn't get away with what happened to Michael. Murray admitted to giving Michael the stuff that killed him. He shouldn't be allowed to just walk away from that.
if he gets arrested they better make sure nothing happens to him. easy way of not having the hassle of getting mj justice
Are they getting scared because they can't find him and they want to hold on to him just in case he decides to skip the country???
Roger says Murray, who owes $13,000 in unpaid child support to a California woman

there is another one in California too. oh beautiful , very beautiful indeed.
So Murray will go to jail for defaulting on child support & murder of the world's biggest and most beloved entertainers of all time.

Oh Murray's gonna have a really nice welcome in prison alright.

someone should tell him not to forget his vaseline jar :bugeyed he is gonna need it there :hysterical:
Maybe I'm misinformed, but I thought it was confirmed that Murray's home is under constant police/law enforcement surveillance, basically a prisoner in his own home except for whatever he must do outside the home and only then again under surveillance. Exactly how would that play into his not appearing for this hearing confuses me, is he not in LV but maybe in Texas? Did someone advise him to not attend this hearing, did he refuse out of fear, illness, etc?
What ashame, this man is a reckless waste that did not give two hoots about MJ, and did a horrible job when given the responsibility to take care of MJ.

These sad feelings are coming back to me now that the shock of Michael's death has sunk in. Reality has now begun to sink in and it is not a good feeling. I have searched my mind and heart trying to see the lesson to be learnt, by the death of this wonderful man and I cannot come up with any. Which only makes the reality of his passing more hard to accept.
Uh oh! first things first!

Arrest for MJ's murder......then anything else falss in place after that!
omg r u serious? how stupid.

they don't need to 'locate' him, the cops are already right outside his door, in plain view, in case he tries to skip town
omg r u serious? how stupid.

they don't need to 'locate' him, the cops are already right outside his door, in plain view, in case he tries to skip town

If that's the case then why hasn't he been picked up for missing court? Isn't the warrant already out?
God, that is not right... Prison rape (or rape in any place) it's not something to make fun of.

god dude don't take it so seriously ok?
he/she is just trying to lighten-up the mood thats all and there not the first ones to say a joke like that others have too maybe not in this thread
Sick that they chase him for not paying child support but not for manslaughter. Something is sick in the US of A
f that's the case then why hasn't he been picked up for missing court? Isn't the warrant already out?
the warrant hasnt been granted yet.