Warning to all UK fans


Proud Member
Sep 25, 2009
London, England
Hi guys

I just need to give you all a heads up. By now everyone has heard about the VH1 re-enactment about Michael's death. Just seen on Sky News that the picture from this re-enactment of an uncanny Michael lookalike on the autopsy slab is going to be on the front page of the Daily Star on Sunday tomorrow. Just wanted to warn everyone as whilst this is not the real photo it is still horrific to see so be careful if you go into anywhere that sells newspapers as its an upsetting image to be confronted with.

Soph xx
dont tell me the fools at the star think its a real pic lol
Thanks for the warning. I am lost for words....anything, anything, anything for money.
Thanks for the warning Sloride :( Will it be on the front page? :mello:

Yep. That's why I thought it was best to let everyone know, as if you walk into a shop tomorrow that is what you're going to see. If it was inside I would have posted this in Enough is Enough. They don't think its a real picture, they know its from the video, calling it 'Autopsy Video Outrage' yet they put it on their front page. Its disgusting.
Thanks for the warning, will they ever give him the respect he deserves......sadly I think not :(

I hate the British media SO much. They have never been nice towards Michael.
I hope the public complain about it. Thanks for the warning!
Awh that's very thoughtful Sloride :huggy: Thanks for the heads up.

Of course they're gonna put it on the front page. They will probably "forget" to mention that it's not real until the people buy it and read inside.
O.M.G. That's twisted and... well, yeah, about as low as I'd expect some British papers to go, unfortunately. :no:

Of course they're gonna put it on the front page. They will probably "forget" to mention that it's not real until the people buy it and read inside.
Anything to sell papers. :( Thanks for the heads up. I've got to go to Tesco later & you can't avoid the newspaper counter 'cos it's right there in front of you as you walk in the door. I'll have to look up to the ceiling!
That is f*cking awful!!!

I hate the British tabloids!!!! Bunch of low life scums write them and read them.
God I hope my dad doesn't buy it. He always buys the news papers and then gives them to me if there are any nice images of Michael cos I collect them. I wont be keeping this one for sure.
How f*****g low can you f*****g go?

Ever heard of class?

EDIT: f*** me, I've gone on the website and am even more angry. They use a picture of him on slab in a towel with the headline "JACKSON AUTOPSY FURY" like it's real, and not a re-enactment.
why did u go on their website. giving them hits is what they want by using this pic

They don't think its a real picture, they know its from the video, calling it 'Autopsy Video Outrage' yet they put it on their front page. Its disgusting.
kinda makes them even worse, they have obviously just used the pic to get attention and make the gen public think its a real photo.then used the fake outrage story as a reason for putting it on the front page to begin with. if u are outraged u dont put it on the front page. sad and desperate. didnt even know the daily star had a sunday version. they are prob the most tack tabloid of the lot. not really a paper more like the world weekly news the enquirer used to make in the usa.well alsong as the real pics never end up in a paper who cares.
that's sad, poor MJ, the thing with news papers, whenever he was in the paper, I buy it, but only for the pictures, I doubt many people actually believe the stories though.