Warning to all fans!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
If you are a steady YouTube user, do not attempt to communicate with a user named TheFreeAdviceMan. His full name is Jean Pierre Fenyo. He is going around YouTube and some fan sites and contacting fans claiming to be a messenger for MJ.

I know I am one who expresses things about hoax sites and videos, and this is directly related to this. Because the internet is fludding with these things, this man is taking advantage of fans. I have had dealings with this man on YouTube and Facebook trying to uncover his true agenda. He is NOT a messenger for MJ, and what I or anyone think about any hoax or not, should not guide you in any communication with this man.

His tactic is to let you forward messages to MJ and you WILL recieve a reply even though he says it is unlikely. He has studied MJ to a great length and uses this knowledge to fool fans.

I just want to put this warning out here, because I don't know his real intentions.

I just know he is a con artist. He will wait for you to contact him, but if he sees you are one to believe he will contact you.
Just recently I was thinking that something like this may happen in the future. Here we go... . It is just crazy!
If you are a steady YouTube user, do not attempt to communicate with a user named TheFreeAdviceMan. His full name is Jean Pierre Fenyo. He is going around YouTube and some fan sites and contacting fans claiming to be a messenger for MJ.

I know I am one who expresses things about hoax sites and videos, and this is directly related to this. Because the internet is fludding with these things, this man is taking advantage of fans. I have had dealings with this man on YouTube and Facebook trying to uncover his true agenda. He is NOT a messenger for MJ, and what I or anyone think about any hoax or not, should not guide you in any communication with this man.

His tactic is to let you forward messages to MJ and you WILL recieve a reply even though he says it is unlikely. He has studied MJ to a great length and uses this knowledge to fool fans.

I just want to put this warning out here, because I don't know his real intentions.

I just know he is a con artist. He will wait for you to contact him, but if he sees you are one to believe he will contact you.

Thanks for letting us know :)
How exactly do you know that guy is being fake or trying to take advantage? Any proof?

I have seen you post comments here on things, which were quite rude and not true, which has hurt members and you have been banned, so I can't take your word so soon. Sorry.
How exactly do you know that guy is being fake or trying to take advantage? Any proof?

I have seen you post comments here on things, which were quite rude and not true, which has hurt members and you have been banned, so I can't take your word so soon. Sorry.

Thats your problem. You can contact him and find out. He is on Facebook and his channel on YouTube is called TheFreeAdviceMan. Contact him and ask him if you can talk to Michael. What you believe is of no interest of mine. I put this warning out because I understand the dangsers of facing con artists on the internet, and fans are right now targets. Here is some good advice for you. You should never take anyone's word for anything. Always question everything and research everything. You simply have no basis to believe me or disbelieve me. The most important lesson in life. You don't know until you know. Belief is not knowledge.

And I haven't been rude. I have spoken true words and some can't stand that and they pretend to be offended.

I know how that works. Some people are feelgood addicts and when someone like me, and trust me there are many like me, come along and say the words they don't want to hear, they act offended.

I am above that and about the truth. I can't go around holding hands to people who are to scared to face reality. If they are to scared to face the real world, then they should stay indoors and lock the door.
Thats your problem. You can contact him and find out. He is on Facebook and his channel on YouTube is called TheFreeAdviceMan. Contact him and ask him if you can talk to Michael. What you believe is of no interest of mine. I put this warning out because I understand the dangsers of facing con artists on the internet, and fans are right now targets. Here is some good advice for you. You should never take anyone's word for anything. Always question everything and research everything. You simply have no basis to believe me or disbelieve me. The most important lesson in life. You don't know until you know. Belief is not knowledge.

And I haven't been rude. I have spoken true words and some can't stand that and they pretend to be offended.

I know how that works. Some people are feelgood addicts and when someone like me, and trust me there are many like me, come along and say the words they don't want to hear, they act offended.

I am above that and about the truth. I can't go around holding hands to people who are to scared to face reality. If they are to scared to face the real world, then they should stay indoors and lock the door.

Ofcourse I (we) shouldn't believe anyone just like that...I'm not doing that and I've learned plenty on that subject and I definitely ain't scared of the truth or the 'real world'. So don't go on that road and talk like you think you know me or the rest of us, please.

My only question is why are you warning people here? Isn't it fair to give some proof on why you think it is that way...? We've had enough judgement in here so that is a fair question.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and we ALL seek for the truth...whether people like to be focussing on positive things and close their eyes for the negative still, or are able to face the reality, stand up and investigate already etc.

Just don't try to come here rushing in and speading comments like you're the only one who knows it all and tell people they are nuts, which you certainly did. C'mon now.......just learn from it.
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I know how that works. Some people are feelgood addicts and when someone like me, and trust me there are many like me, come along and say the words they don't want to hear, they act offended.
If one were ever to preach without sounding ridiculous, this is it.

How exactly do you know that guy is being fake or trying to take advantage? Any proof?
Ofcourse I (we) shouldn't believe anyone just like that...I'm not doing that and I've learned plenty on that subject and I definitely ain't scared of the truth or the 'real world'. So don't go on that road and talk like you think you know me or the rest of us, please.

My only question is why are you warning people here? Isn't it fair to give some proof on why you think it is that way...? We've had enough judgement in here so that is a fair question.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and we ALL seek for the truth...whether people like to be focussing on positive things and close their eyes for the negative still, or are able to face the reality, stand up and investigate already etc.

Just don't try to come here rushing in and speading comments like you're the only one who knows it all and tell people they are nuts, which you certainly did. C'mon now.......just learn from it.

Well some people are complete bonkers for various reasons. Here and everywhere else.

To prove to you how I know this man is a con artist I have to relay my entire conversation with him here. I am not gonna do that. This is not a debate. I am putting this warning out because there is a need to. What anyone feel about it is not my business. Deal with it as you please.

And I'm sick and tired of hearing about this "everyone has the right to their own opinion"

No one has ever said that anyone doesn't have that right. Don't ever claim I did say that.

But there is on little rule lots of people seem to forget or don't understand.

Just because you have the right to have an opinion doesn't mean that you always know what you're talking about. And this right that everyone has and wich I for the nth time agree on, comes with responsibility. To yourself and everyone else.

Life is not a free ride, and to make something out of it you have to learn. And the only way to do that is to recognize that you do not know anything, and there are lots of people who knows plenty more. I am not saying that I am one of those, so don't put words in my mouth. But this is something, especially kids don't understand. And I blame their parents for that, and their schools.

But I have experience and I have the proper education to speak about certain issues.

That dos not make me arrogant, it makes me honest. People who walk around spouting opinions like they know something when they don't are the arrogant one's

Why must one explain this over and over and over again?

This is why we go to school, so that we learn and understand what one must do to survive and make something out of your life. And that comes with a price. Sacrifice and education, in all things.

But please don't sidestep the issue here. This is about a warning, and as it happens to be, people LIKE this man has appeared on MJJC.

Be careful, and be glad that anyone bothers to do something about it.

The Internet is not for the gullible. It is a dangerous place, and if you do not know what you are doing, then people will exploit that.
Alright guys, lets not get personal in here. :flowers:
Well some people are complete bonkers for various reasons. Here and everywhere else.

To prove to you how I know this man is a con artist I have to relay my entire conversation with him here. I am not gonna do that. This is not a debate. I am putting this warning out because there is a need to. What anyone feel about it is not my business. Deal with it as you please.

And I'm sick and tired of hearing about this "everyone has the right to their own opinion"

No one has ever said that anyone doesn't have that right. Don't ever claim I did say that.

But there is on little rule lots of people seem to forget or don't understand.

Just because you have the right to have an opinion doesn't mean that you always know what you're talking about. And this right that everyone has and wich I for the nth time agree on, comes with responsibility. To yourself and everyone else.

Life is not a free ride, and to make something out of it you have to learn. And the only way to do that is to recognize that you do not know anything, and there are lots of people who knows plenty more. I am not saying that I am one of those, so don't put words in my mouth. But this is something, especially kids don't understand. And I blame their parents for that, and their schools.

But I have experience and I have the proper education to speak about certain issues.

That dos not make me arrogant, it makes me honest. People who walk around spouting opinions like they know something when they don't are the arrogant one's

Why must one explain this over and over and over again?

This is why we go to school, so that we learn and understand what one must do to survive and make something out of your life. And that comes with a price. Sacrifice and education, in all things.

But please don't sidestep the issue here. This is about a warning, and as it happens to be, people LIKE this man has appeared on MJJC.

Be careful, and be glad that anyone bothers to do something about it.

The Internet is not for the gullible. It is a dangerous place, and if you do not know what you are doing, then people will exploit that.

This whole bolded part I agree with and counts for me as well. Share your proof, share what your view on it is, and try to learn from others as well. Be open for it, listen to others and don't judge before you have the truth.

You came in the Psychic-thread and said things there which didn't make a worthy contribution and basically said we're fools. That, in my opinion, is not the way to go. Yes, the internet IS a dangerous place and I've seen enough naive people here.....it's good for us to warn each other, but when you got an opinion to share make sure you don't make it sound as if it's the only truth.

It's a take and give in this life...you can't say things without taking a view on the other side of the story. You may not believe that in the end, but then just agree to disagree and move on.
How exactly do you know that guy is being fake or trying to take advantage? Any proof?
Sometimes it's best to just thank someone for the heads up, and go your merry way instead of asking for 'proof' to something that's really not important.
If you are a steady YouTube user, do not attempt to communicate with a user named TheFreeAdviceMan. His full name is Jean Pierre Fenyo. He is going around YouTube and some fan sites and contacting fans claiming to be a messenger for MJ.

I know I am one who expresses things about hoax sites and videos, and this is directly related to this. Because the internet is fludding with these things, this man is taking advantage of fans. I have had dealings with this man on YouTube and Facebook trying to uncover his true agenda. He is NOT a messenger for MJ, and what I or anyone think about any hoax or not, should not guide you in any communication with this man.

His tactic is to let you forward messages to MJ and you WILL recieve a reply even though he says it is unlikely. He has studied MJ to a great length and uses this knowledge to fool fans.

I just want to put this warning out here, because I don't know his real intentions.

I just know he is a con artist. He will wait for you to contact him, but if he sees you are one to believe he will contact you.

:smilerolleyes: Lawd have mercy... Those bold parts should tip off anyone. :lol:
Sometimes it's best to just thank someone for the heads up, and go your merry way instead of asking for 'proof' to something that's really not important.

Speak for yourself..

To each their own opinion..I would want to know what the proof is before I believe anyone. People are falsely accused all the time. If I feel the person who is giving the warning has no INTEGRITY, I am not going to listen to them.
If however the person has INTEGRITY, I will listen and take action. The truth hurts enough as it is, you don't need to be arrogant and disrespectful when you are trying to warn the very people you are trying to enlighten.:scratch:

Truthfully, if anyone confesses to be the Messenger for Michael..that would already make Me NOT LISTEN TO THEM!!

There are people who are gifted with abilities and I listen ONLY,
I don't try to get them to contact Michael..

Michael is free to talk to anyone He wants, and I believe Michael does and CAN..:wub:

I do however appreciate that there is someone out there that is keeping an eye on these CON ARTISTS!! And that it is a Michael Fan that is doing it..:yes:

MJ TinkerBell..:wub:
I contacted this man to find out if he was a conman... I claimed I wanted to speak to michael... this was the reply I received:

I am not a messenger for anyone. All that is PURE FICTION !

But some people, no matter what I tell them, think that by leaving a message in quotation marks as a comment to one of my videos they will get HIS attention.

That is what they believe or think.

I can only say that that is PURE FICTION !

In any case; you can leave a message but do not divulge personal any details that are confidential and do not believe anyone who contacts you thereafter who states that they are the person you are trying to contact. HE does not seem to reply to anyone.

Again: this is PURE FICTION and all is an ILLUSION !



Although I thank the OP for his concern... it seems this person has been the unfortunate victim of slander.
Speak for yourself..

To each their own opinion..I would want to know what the proof is before I believe anyone. People are falsely accused all the time. If I feel the person who is giving the warning has no INTEGRITY, I am not going to listen to them.
If however the person has INTEGRITY, I will listen and take action. The truth hurts enough as it is, you don't need to be arrogant and disrespectful when you are trying to warn the very people you are trying to enlighten.:scratch:

Truthfully, if anyone confesses to be the Messenger for Michael..that would already make Me NOT LISTEN TO THEM!!

There are people who are gifted with abilities and I listen ONLY,
I don't try to get them to contact Michael..

Michael is free to talk to anyone He wants, and I believe Michael does and CAN..:wub:

I do however appreciate that there is someone out there that is keeping an eye on these CON ARTISTS!! And that it is a Michael Fan that is doing it..:yes:

MJ TinkerBell..:wub:

I tihnk you misunderstood my post.

All I said was that it's really not necessary to start a discussion about whether or not the person we are being warned about is fake or not. To be honest, anytime some random person claims to have contact with MJ should NOT be taken very seriously.....which BTW also applied when Michael was still alive, and just the question "How exactly do you know that guy is being fake or trying to take advantage? Any proof?" is a bit ridiculous....because how would anyone suggest this person 'prove' this? It's not like we can call Michael and ask him? :scratch:

In the end, it doesn't even matter. We are being warned, so we should say thank you and go our merry way, keeping in mind the warning. If it turns out no warning was needed, then fine. If it turns out the warning was very much needed, then we should be thankful that someone took the time to come here, post a thread to make sure we don't fall for someone who might try to abuse our emotions.
To each their own opinion..I would want to know what the proof is before I believe anyone. People are falsely accused all the time. If I feel the person who is giving the warning has no INTEGRITY, I am not going to listen to them.
If however the person has INTEGRITY, I will listen and take action. The truth hurts enough as it is, you don't need to be arrogant and disrespectful when you are trying to warn the very people you are trying to enlighten.:scratch:

Michael is free to talk to anyone He wants, and I believe Michael does and CAN..

I do however appreciate that there is someone out there that is keeping an eye on these CON ARTISTS!! And that it is a Michael Fan that is doing it..

Well there are a lot of opinions about people connecting with DEAD people.
As a matter of fact, I think it's bullocks that Michael is sending out messages to people, since he is DEAD. And don't get me wrong, I do believe in reincarnation, in more things after life (not heaven). But please don't be so naive to say Michael contacts people. PLEASE...

And regarding the con artist..

THANK you TheBob for telling people. It has absolutely nothing to do with me, since I'm just too down to earth to even believe in that kind of matters. But still, a thank you.

It's not a matter of THIS particular con artist, whether you believe HIM or not, whether you believe TheBob or not, whether you want PROOF of what TheBob is saying... That is just plain bullsh*t.

Why you might ask?

Because you can take this as a GENERAL WARNING, to NOT take the internet for granted. Because it isn't.

Don't blow things up!

And if people got banned for whatever reason, for (in some peoples eyes) disrespecting others and saying things without any solid arguments or facts, doesn't instantly make them bad people.

RESPECT. That's all I want to see. And sadly, I'm not seeing it a lot these days.
jeeeees... chill out everyone. If anyone had bothered to read my post (#18) youll see its all academic now and the guy ISNT a con artist, and as said himself that he was victim to rumour.

Lets all be nice boys and girls, thank the OP for warning us of something he felt may harm his fellow fans if it were true, and get on with our lives. lord have merrrrcy.
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Although I thank the OP for his concern... it seems this person has been the unfortunate victim of slander.
This was what I meant that could happen.

My 'ridiculous sentence' (nice to read that, thanks) was just simply meant as a question to find out what the TheBob actually wanted to state. He stated it as if it's the only truth that this YT person is to be warned about...who is he to judge?

Ofcourse we can not ask Michael.......that's not what it's about.:smilerolleyes: TheBob has been posting a LOT of harsh comments which added fuel to the total chaos that has been here lately which we all wanted to see going, as far as I was concerned.

And that people I liked, are now jumping in for a person that is one of the bad atmosphere creators and are adding unnecessary posts literally beats me....? :mello:
Yes, he WAS banned for a good reason, read his posts, and that's why I was not just thanking him and letting it be. I'm not a person who keeps her mouth shut when I see 'injustice' being served....whether he might have been right or not or if it's just a simple warning, DON'T judge a person just like that. He could've bring that differently. If there's one thing I've learned so far it's never to judge.....and we've had enough of that here so yes, if I want to say something about that I'll do that.

Justice, peace and bonding is a thing I will fight for and I thought we all would together. The fact that people are closing their eyes for certain things, aren't thinkin' the way they should and join the chaos I cannot change but I wish it would've been different.

Anyway, I'm not gonna post anymore after this. My message was clear and I hope people will understand what I mean.
This was what I meant that could happen.

My 'ridiculous sentence' (nice to read that, thanks) was just simply meant as a question to find out what the TheBob actually wanted to state. He stated it as if it's the only truth that this YT person is to be warned about...who is he to judge?

Ofcourse we can not ask Michael.......that's not what it's about.:smilerolleyes: TheBob has been posting a LOT of harsh comments which added fuel to the total chaos that has been here lately which we all wanted to see going, as far as I was concerned.

And that people I liked, are now jumping in for a person that is one of the bad atmosphere creators and are adding unnecessary posts literally beats me....? :mello:
Yes, he WAS banned for a good reason, read his posts, and that's why I was not just thanking him and letting it be. I'm not a person who keeps her mouth shut when I see 'injustice' being served....whether he might have been right or not or if it's just a simple warning, DON'T judge a person just like that. He could've bring that differently. If there's one thing I've learned so far it's never to judge.....and we've had enough of that here so yes, if I want to say something about that I'll do that.

Justice, peace and bonding is a thing I will fight for and I thought we all would together. The fact that people are closing their eyes for certain things, aren't thinkin' the way they should and join the chaos I cannot change but I wish it would've been different.

Anyway, I'm not gonna post anymore after this. My message was clear and I hope people will understand what I mean.

Mrs.Music don't get me wrong, but I won't judge TheBob about something I hear from others. I haven't seen his posts. I don't know him. Is it a bad thing to say that he might not be a bad person? That is, because I'm not a kind of person to simply take things for granted. And that's not directed to you. :)

I also said, I don't care about that guy claiming that he can talk to Michael, I said it's a good thing a warning is shouted out in GENERAL, about the internet. About MJ fans being victims of serious con artists. About people believing MJ is still alive (the hoax crap), the extremly high prices on items. People fall for all of that. And yes, I can get all of that out of TheBob's message. For me it wasn't (only) about that YouTube guy.

I'm like Switzerland, I'm neutral.

So don't get me wrong, I'm not defending anybody, but myself (at this point, that is).