Warning... Fans, Friends, a new Era has begun...(videos included of Michael)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Miami, Fl
A new era has begun and by saying so, I need to remind you all that more the days passes by, the more "revelations" will come to light...

We have few things happening here :

-Conrad Murray's arrest happening soon...
-Deal with the fact that rumors will continue to grow (i.e. pictures of michael autopsy)
-New "secrets" or incredible and weird saying such as "michael liked to pee in public)

and More outrageous claims, lawsuits, hearsay from left and right....

We are ALL being tested, how can we NOT love michael by seeing this :


How can we NOT be outraged by what happened to Michael.... there is so much to say, I can't list it all....

Incredible claims were made and it definitely make us wonder when we hear that michael died surrounded by people that did not have his best interest at heart when, at the end of the day, ANY fans would have been more then happy to do that for free... just to be there... with him... we are all in shock, we don't understand what's going on....

but, amidst all these incredible event surrounding michael, we have to deal with the same people : Diane Dimond (aka known as DIE-And DEMON) and nancy disgrace....

I can't look at a VH1 program that says "the last days of mike" without having Diane dimond sayiing "he was an addict"... etc... and that's only one instance...i can't stand it.

Now, again... we need to go back to the core of why we are such a powerfull, resourcefull fan base : love for michael AND each other...

there will always be those who claims they know more about michael, some will say that they are the only nr 1 fan and they are better fan then you or me... So be it...

But, we are living and entering an area where we will see someone who will have handcuffs on, maybe new videos of michael, new revelations surrounding his death...... (and yeah, i'll put it here.. .maybe he is still alive too)...

point is : L.O.V.E..... i use that now, like michael, cause that's a powerfull term...

Even myself, i was surprised on how aggressive i was on some thread.... i don't react that way, i get caught up in the moment... and then i realize that i have let my guard down and the inner kid took over... and that's not the way to go.

I respect you all, i may not see eye to eye with you all at times... but, everyone has a way to think, but, again, R E S P E C T... we are all mourning, we are all in shock (that's how i can describe it) and it makes us react a certain way, but, please... understand that our actions can be desastrous.

Let's unite... we have so much to do... plan a tabloid trash burn day, unite ourself, let's find out what will happen to neverland, etc.... buy the dvd "this is it" and make it the nr1 dvd ever... etc... etc...

Dr. klein will come up with a new claim next month... we all know that and TONS and TONS of other people so called "close" to michael are going to make claims... and horrific statement, against michael.....

We need to see things objectively... by it starts with respect.

love this one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXNBmQptCL4&feature=related

or this one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ1bEAhhhh8

that is what michael is about... and that's why we love him....

There are lots of conspiracy theories.... : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w92sRw2B41c

or this one... (veyr interesting one ) :


new claim, like i said, or theories will come up... it's how you and i deal with it....

remember, let's all be respectfull... i won't let my guards down anymore.... will see things objectively and pray for things to be more positive....

We are family and united thanks to 1 person :

you've got a point there. I am hoping a new era has begun of a larger segment of the public and critics (haters, once) understanding more and more about the essence of Michael Jackson. I think the movie reviews and many of the online comments are significant.
you made alot of sense with this post. I think its good that we all don't get carried away with ourselfs and going after daft stories about MJ and his passing.

Im sure all of us are mad and frustrated till this day with the surroundings of MJ and his passing, as why did this happen and how???? Im trying my best not to listen and read about all the stories and conspiracy stuff.
what man doesn't like to piss outside. I know dudes who will pass a restroom to go outside and piss, bullshit.
nice thread we as fans, friends etc. have to school the new era about michael
The main thing to remember is that Michael cannot be hurt anymore, these idiots can ramble on endlessley with their ever more ridiculous nonsence, and it can't touch him, and we must try not to let it touch us, much as I want to ram their vile words up their backsides at times, it only hurts us if we let it and frankly these people were never worthy of Michael's time and attention and they are not worthy of ours.
The main thing to remember is that Michael cannot be hurt anymore, these idiots can ramble on endlessley with their ever more ridiculous nonsence, and it can't touch him, and we must try not to let it touch us, much as I want to ram their vile words up their backsides at times, it only hurts us if we let it and frankly these people were never worthy of Michael's time and attention and they are not worthy of ours.

Amen :clapping:
Yes indeed. Michael is easy to L.O.V.E.
He's intelligent, funny, and adorable with charisma to spare.

Thanks for the links Claudio. I'm gonna finish watching them.
I agree with what you had said Claudio. And thanks for those links. Especially the link where Michael is having that water fight. That reminded me of my days at my church camp where used to have them there. I probably would have beaten Michael if I did that with him.

The main thing to remember is that Michael cannot be hurt anymore, these idiots can ramble on endlessley with their ever more ridiculous nonsence, and it can't touch him, and we must try not to let it touch us, much as I want to ram their vile words up their backsides at times, it only hurts us if we let it and frankly these people were never worthy of Michael's time and attention and they are not worthy of ours.

I agree with you.
I agree... I dont believe all those rumors... i turn off my tv if they show things about him ! i dont read newspapers abouthim... because its one BIG lie..... !
I dont want to be a part of make rumors go on... :)
what man doesn't like to piss outside. I know dudes who will pass a restroom to go outside and piss, bullshit.

lol to be honest I can't!

hahahahah! it just WON'T WORK!
hahahahah LOL!

OK,this may be the most private information I ever posted on the internet. Ever. :D
Claudio thank you. You spoke from my heart.

Yesterday, i also replied to the dr klein thread, just some hours later i thought - hey, maybe that is just another made-up story like we grew accustomed to throughout all the years.

after mourning a while, it seems the madness has begun again.

i wonder what we really can do about it

we should write books, publish memories, write letters - to form a united bond against those media people who just stick to their picture that they have of him.

i hope for the best - that the people see the movie, see Michael and his heart - and that they ignore all this stuff by "friends"

all the best to you all