WARNING! Britney and other stars without makeup!

I wish make up was never invented so everyone could just be who they are.

I actually think Jessica Simpson looked cuter without make up.
Actually, some of them look better without the make up. Marlin Manson is an exeption, there's no "better" in his case, and I doubt it ever will be. I gotta admit that he has a few awsome songs though.
Without make up they all look like my neighbours, lol. Make up can really change your look a lot sometimes.
yeah I know, but look at Kate Moss on this pic, she look terrible with this heavy make up, like drunk, shiney drug addict (witch she probably is, but that's not the case :D) , or Jerry Hall and Courtnety Cox. What were they thinking putting that red lipstick on? :/
This thread would be instantly closed if it contained Michael without any make-up....

Just saying......
Pamela is the only one in that list that has any natural beauty. It's easy to tell with the make-up off, that's when the truth comes out.
Pamela is the only one in that list that has any natural beauty. It's easy to tell with the make-up off, that's when the truth comes out.

I respectfully disagree. Like 'BruceWayne' said, I think Jessica Simpson looks great even without makeup.
I think it's really mean how some of those were almost criticised for having freckles. What's wrong with freckles? They're natural and cute. I actually thought a lot of those looked better and YOUNGER without all the makeup.