Want to take Publicity into your own hands? ALL Fans change their main Facebook Pictures to MICHAEL


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2011
London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Look at how many of us there are! Michaels fan page on Facebook has the largest number of online fans than any other site (over 20,000,000)!! Imagine if everyone changed their profile pictures to the cover of the new 'MICHAEL' album!! People would be bombarded with it!! People would see it. People would take note!

Listen, it may seem a small step and to some even tedious, but little things like this or wearing an MJ shirt or requesting an MJ song etc are ALL effective in their own way.

So who's with me? Change yours now and spread the word! Let's watch and see over the next number or days/weeks and watch it spread until all we see are 'MICHAEL' covers all over Facebook!

Who's with me?

Ps. If you need the copy if the picture, I have it on my Facebook and can be found using my email - Ardmore_man@Hotmail.com - Alternitively, you can get the picture by going to Google images and typing 'Michael album cover' and it will appear. Also in your status you can copy links from mjjcommunity.com to direct new fans to this site where they can join up! Double whammy!! :punk:

Good luck MJ fan family.
Let's do that! That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for Manchild!