Want to say im sorry to all of the Micheal jackson so california fans gruop


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i want to make a public apologize to all of the fans that go every 3 to vist MIcheal i was being childish in regard of taking pictures of MJ grave was being way over procreative of his grave but i do have a reason because of all the Micheal Jackson hater out there im really scard that they might try to do harm to his body i know there grads 24/7 but it still worries me alot but i had no reson calling you " fan paparazzi" or any other name you as fan fell that its ok to take pictures i also dont have a right to send you tweet about this too

i hope its ok for me to join you next month since the time changes and i can get the 4:20 train in LA union station