WannaCry ransomware attacks worldwide


Proud Member
May 25, 2008
Since Friday, a ransomware called "WannaCry" attacking more than 150 countries worldwide locking up files in computers attacking mainly businesses and institutions like hospitals making them pay in Bitcoins or files will be lost. The ransomware virus attacks mainly old Microsoft computers who hadn't done much updating the computer and even updating anti-virus least often. The virus has receded, but those kind of cyberattacks will keep up in the future. Just recently, Saskatchewan government was attacked by a similar ransomware, not confirming a "WannaCry" virus and also Disney was attacked by the ransomware virus threatening them to pay up or 20 minute snippets of Disney films will be out publicly and Disney refused to engage.

I tell ya, that ransomware is baaaaaaad news. I mentioned previously, I've dealt with a ransomware before (a similar ransomware which is the Chief Of Police Canada virus) and I sure as hell not gonna go thru with that experience again if hits my hometown. Good thing my laptop is Apple, but I feel bad for Microsoft users for having to go thru that cyberattack suffering such panic attacks over it, I've been in that road like most people have as I heard.
Good thing my laptop is Apple, but I feel bad for Microsoft users for having to go thru that cyberattack suffering such panic attacks over it, I've been in that road like most people have as I heard.

Microsoft actually patched the hole a good month or so ago, so anyone with a Windows 10 device that's been updated in the past month is immune from the attack.

However, anyone with an outdated W10 system or running Windows 7 and older is at risk. It's quite an issue as many businesses deliberately refuse to upgrade their computers because software simply isn't compatible with more recent OS' for one reason or another (Windows XP is still widely used by hospitals for example due to complex, needed medical software that has been poorly supported since - XP came out almost a week before Invincible!!!!!).
(Windows XP is still widely used by hospitals for example due to complex, needed medical software that has been poorly supported since - XP came out almost a week before Invincible!!!!!).

I think that the vast majority of ATMs around the world still use Windows XP as well.

This is downright frustrating if you think that these two sectors (banking & medical) are supposed to be protected the most, not only because of their crucial role but also due to the huge importance of their web safety.
I'm using one of the library's computers which is Windows Vista, the other computer around the place is brand new from a few years passed. Nothing happened to it yet, the AVG they had is a little beefed up, I'm not sure not fully. When I was about to go for my email, Microsoft gave the message about WannaCry ransomware and about beefing up security and get anti-virus and anti-malware programs up to date.
I'm on Windows 7 and luckily have been keeping up with my system updates. There was a roll-up patch back in March that actually fixed the issue (KB4012215 if anyone needs the exact update number). I did block TCP port 445 on Windows Firewall just to be extra careful.
I'm on Windows 7 and luckily have been keeping up with my system updates. There was a roll-up patch back in March that actually fixed the issue (KB4012215 if anyone needs the exact update number). I did block TCP port 445 on Windows Firewall just to be extra careful.

Good thing you did or any ransomware would've infect you computer and you would've had an anxiety attack like everybody else had. Though as I've said that WannaCry affects businesses, organizations andf institutions. If I ever see that popped up in front of my eyes and I tell ya I don't wanna go thru that experience again like I have once, I've went thru anxiety all weekend until around Tuesday and I told the librarian (whom is my aunt) about that, I even printed the exact ransomware and the next day, it was gone. What a relief.