Proud Member
Since Friday, a ransomware called "WannaCry" attacking more than 150 countries worldwide locking up files in computers attacking mainly businesses and institutions like hospitals making them pay in Bitcoins or files will be lost. The ransomware virus attacks mainly old Microsoft computers who hadn't done much updating the computer and even updating anti-virus least often. The virus has receded, but those kind of cyberattacks will keep up in the future. Just recently, Saskatchewan government was attacked by a similar ransomware, not confirming a "WannaCry" virus and also Disney was attacked by the ransomware virus threatening them to pay up or 20 minute snippets of Disney films will be out publicly and Disney refused to engage.
I tell ya, that ransomware is baaaaaaad news. I mentioned previously, I've dealt with a ransomware before (a similar ransomware which is the Chief Of Police Canada virus) and I sure as hell not gonna go thru with that experience again if hits my hometown. Good thing my laptop is Apple, but I feel bad for Microsoft users for having to go thru that cyberattack suffering such panic attacks over it, I've been in that road like most people have as I heard.
I tell ya, that ransomware is baaaaaaad news. I mentioned previously, I've dealt with a ransomware before (a similar ransomware which is the Chief Of Police Canada virus) and I sure as hell not gonna go thru with that experience again if hits my hometown. Good thing my laptop is Apple, but I feel bad for Microsoft users for having to go thru that cyberattack suffering such panic attacks over it, I've been in that road like most people have as I heard.