Wanna Be Startin Released this week in the UK.


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007

Just a quick note to everybody here that WBSS 08 has been officially released as a download single on itunes UK.

With no official promo and little airplay in the UK, I don’t know how well this song will perform in the charts, but didn’t want to sit back and do nothing.

If you want to support this song the download the song from itunes or other official (i.e chart contributing) download site this week.

You can also request the song on UK radio stations.


It was playlisted on KISS FM a long time ago and has been played quite often.
You can add a request on this page:



Text your request to 64100. You must write the DJs name first, then a space, then write the request. The current DJ is always at the top of the site.

Capital FM:
Capital FM also playlisted the song, but because I don’t listen to that station I have no idea how often it has been played.


Text: 83958
Phone: 0207 48 48 958
Email: http://www.capitalradio.co.uk/contactus.asp

Choice FM:

the song is listed on the choice FM playlist and they have been playing it regularly


You can request the song by:

TXT: 61236
PHONE: 08700 702 969

OR by emailing specific DJS:


BBC Radio1

Radio 1 has so far not been playing the song, but I started a discussion on the message board a little while ago. To contribute, visit the chart & Playlist message board.


Please request your favourite stations to play the song to increase the listener base. Perhaps with our help the single will have atleast some impact on the chart (I think the highest the single has reach so far on itunes is #113, which is obviously terrible!)

If you have any other station details please add them here. Let’s not let the first track to include new MJ vocals become a complete failure…
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I really hope this single will do fine. And I hope some promotion will come.
personally i cant stand the song but i was given a demo cd as a freebie so i keep it for my collection but thats about it.
I love the mix, its a real club banger. If i heard that song in a club i'd be straight on the dance floor.

Wanabee is one of my fav songs anyway. I think they have done great with it. Its better than the girl is mine
I like WBSS as well. It sounds great on the radio. It's a summery dance song. I love when Akon is singing a verse and Michael's background layered vocal comes in.
I love it very much, it would be great if they finally would release it as a single and even make a video for it.
I love it very much, it would be great if they finally would release it as a single and even make a video for it.

That's the pont of this thread. They HAVE released it in the UK as a download only single, and there IS a video on the UK TV networks.
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Just out of interest?
Does anyone know how we can find out figures for UK radio airplay? I followed the US airplay chart quite closely when WBSS 08 was released in the states and it was quite interesting to see how it was performing over the weeks and how airplay shifted between different genres of station as time went on.
Oh god! Are some fans so desperate that they feel they have to push some sh*t-tastic remix onto various radio stations in order to get reassurance for being fans of MJ? Well I'm just gonna make one thing clear: I won't support this campaign!!! I'm not going to do what bobmoo79 is currently doing: act like a desperado fanatic requesting songs that don't deserve to get any airplay in the first place, and when it doesn't work the way I want it to, use it as a stick to beat MJ with, saying things like: Mike is someone from the past, he's no longer relevant, his fanbase has shrunk, Madonna's better yadayadayada.....ENOUGH WITH THIS BULLSH*T ALREADY!!!!!

All throughout last year and this year, we've had other musicians paying tribute to MJ and his music, TV shows dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Thriller plus the rest of his legacy, so many other things that show and have proven that Michael is still relevant musically........but I guess that's not enough for so-called fans like bobmoo79, because according to him/her, MJ's future and legacy depends on the performance of a bunch of below-average remixes, otherwise he's over. Ridiculous! I love MJ and wanting nothing but the best for him, but that doesn't mean I'm going to request, play and support anything (and when I say anything, I MEAN anything!) that has his name on it. I say let the remix die! And I'm sure alot of fans feel the same way as I do, most of us are not purchasing the remix singles or pushing them up the charts, NOT because we are no longer fans but because we know Michael can do much better than this and it's way below his standard. I'm sure that when Michael does release brand new music, old fans and possibly new fans will come back and support his work 100%. To use the example of the none-existent promotion of the Thriller 25 singles as "proof" that Mike has lost it, or is no longer relevant, or that his fanbase has "shrunk" is just plain assinine imo.

I don't give a crap if bobmoo79 or anybody else got upset at what I've just said. I had to get it off my chest; I've had enough with staying silent, while watching fans going about as if it's their duty to disrespect and hurl abuse at MJ! :mat:
whoa there! I would NEVER say Madonna is better than Michael Jackson. ROFL

Whether you like it or not, his fanbase has shrunk substantially and continues to shrink the longer he takes to release new material. That is a fact of life and happens to all artists between albums. The longer the gap, the more it shrinks. Simple,really.
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whoa there! I would NEVER say Madonna is better than Michael Jackson. ROFL

Whether you like it or not, his fanbase has shrunk substantially and continues to shrink the longer he takes to release new material. That is a fact of life and happens to all artists between albums. The longer the gap, the more it shrinks. Simple,really.

That's not a fact, that's just an assumption of yours. :pth:
If Michael's fanbase has shrunk so much, how come Thriller 25 has done so well and is now listed as the second best-selling album of 2008?? Did it get up there on it's own? :rolleyes2: And besides Michael gains and loses fans all the time. If some people became fans due to LWMJ and the trial, who knows what Thriller 25 might have done in order for people to sit up, take notice and discover what is the REAL deal about MJ. Now you can go on and on about how Thriller 25 made MJ look like a has-been but whatever. It was the 25th anniversary of a ground-breaking album so Michael and Sony had a valid excuse to push and promote it onto Youtube, various other music sites, launch various radio stations dedicated only to MJ, play his music and dedicate tributes on popular TV shows etc. This was all a re-introduction to Michael the entertainer, the legend, the artist instead of Michael the tabloid target, the weirdo, the alleged criminal etc. etc. And it was a success. He doesn't need some cheap remixes in order to prove he's still "got it".

Just laughable how some fans keep trying to convince themselves that Michael's over; it's almost like they want him to fail just so they can walk around with smirks on their faces and say "I told you so!"
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That's not a fact, that's just an assumption of yours. :pth:
If Michael's fanbase has shrunk so much, how come Thriller 25 has done so well and is now listed as the second best-selling album of 2008?? Did it get up there on it's own? :rolleyes2:

What's with all the aggression, misfit? LOL
You seriously think his fan base is as big now as it was during Thriller? What about BAD? What about Dangerous? Do you think it's as big now as it was during HIStory? or Vince? You are deluding yourself if you think it didn't shrink overal during those eras, and you're deluding yourself if you think it hasn't shrunk since Vince. The man contributor to groing a fan base is to release successful albums, go on successul tours etc, but Mike hasn't done any of these things. It's normal for his fan base to shrink and I don't understand why you seem to be so offended by that notion. Do you really need to feel that Mike is still as popular as he used to be to validate your own fandom?

As you said, Thriller 25 IS currently the 2nd best selling album this year worldwide, selling around 2 million copies, which is fairly successful these days but it won't stay there until the rest of the year. It will surely sink down the charts as new albums by the likes of Mariah Carey, Madonna, Usher etc gain sales. If it's the 5th best selling album by the end of the year (and I would bet my whole years salary that it won't be) then he will have equaled Invincible. In fact, I'd bet a whole year's salary that it won't even by Top 10 by the time the end of the year come around. I can't even believe I am debating this with you because it's just too stupid.

More proof that bobmoo79 is just spewing crap out of his a$$!! :laugh:

Again, I don't understand why you're so aggressive.
I was stating that since it's release as a single it has only reached 113 in the UK itunes chart. That is a FACT that holds true.
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It's normal for his fan base to shrink and I don't understand why you seem to be so offended by that notion.

I'm offended because you seem to imply that MJ has absolutely NO fans left whatsoever, when that's not the

Do you really need to feel that Mike is still as popular as he used to be to validate your own fandom?

He is popular, maybe not as much as he was during Thriller "Michaelmania", but he still is popular regardless. The tributes, people naming him as their influence, young teenagers discovering his artistry etc. speak for themselves. Something anti-MJ busybodies like you enjoy overlooking. :rolleyes2: As a matter of fact, YOU'RE the one who seems to need validation of your own fandom with your constant insulting of MJ and talking about his legacy and his achievements like they're horsesh*t, just because he's had to deal with personal drama during the last few years and hasn't had the time to please your spoilt brattiness.

The man contributor to groing a fan base is to release successful albums, go on successul tours etc, and Mike has done all of these things.

There, that's better. ^_^

It will surely sink down the charts as new albums by the likes of Mariah Carey, Madonna, Usher etc gain sales. If it's the 5th best selling album by the end of the year (and I would bet my whole years salary that it won't be) then he will have equaled Invincible. In fact, I'd bet a whole year's salary that it won't even by Top 10 by the time the end of the year come around.

Who cares? Just be grateful that it did as well as it did and it gave MJ some positive publicity(and less slack from the media) at least for a brief amount of time. And it's funny you mention Mariah Carey and Madonna since both of their CDs were outsold by Thriller 25 and they're slowly but surely shortening in sales per week, which flushes your Maddy/MC = gain MJ = lose theory down the toilet.

I was stating that since it's release as a single it has only reached 113 in the UK chart. That is a FACT that holds true.

No offence, but the UK charts aren't the be-all, end-all of an artist's success. That's just as stupid as ppl saying that The Eagles have the best-selling album of all time, when as a matter of fact, they only have it in the US. Just because the remixes "flopped" in the UK, doesn't mean the same thing happened worldwide. Generalisation can only get you so far! :yawn:
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No, you misinterpreted what I said. "Less fans" does not equal "no fans".
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Whether you like it or not, his fanbase has shrunk substantially and continues to shrink the longer he takes to release new material. That is a fact of life and happens to all artists between albums. The longer the gap, the more it shrinks. Simple,really
yet his fanbase after 40 years in the biz and almost hitting 50 is still bigger than the supposed big artists of today.considering the amount of new fans that arrived on the scene since 05 at hotels/events id hardly be worried. the gen public buy the music cause they like it.they may not call themselves fans. they dont sit around thinking mj hasnt released anything in years so even if i like the new music when it comes i wont buy it anyway. if thatwere the case mj would have stopped selling 20 years back
yet his fanbase after 40 years in the biz and almost hitting 50 is still bigger than the supposed big artists of today.considering the amount of new fans that arrived on the scene since 05 at hotels/events id hardly be worried. the gen public buy the music cause they like it.they may not call themselves fans. they dont sit around thinking mj hasnt released anything in years so even if i like the new music when it comes i wont buy it anyway. if thatwere the case mj would have stopped selling 20 years back

You may be right.
None of us will really know if/when a new album is released and if he goes on a tour.
The sales figures for both those events will give us a much better idea than we have now.
More proof that bobmoo79 is just spewing crap out of his a$$!! :laugh:
Hey misfit
UM PLEASE - quit attacking other fans in here :(
you are very RUDE and MEAN for doing that.
You can voice you opinion without personal attacks on the members here
you can disagree in a more respectful way ...

It is NOT appreciated :smilerolleyes:

I dont agree with Bobmoo either
Michaels fans base is growing as far as I can see
and his T-25 is 2nd BEST selling Album in the world right NOW
but ther is no need for bashing - at the same time I see nothing
wrong with fans wanting to help promote Mjs Material or him
anywhere - That is what fans do .. stand behind an promote
Michael wherever and however they can - It is an admirable
thing to do and more fans should be PRO_active fans in my opinion.
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