Evan Chandler comes across as a male chauvinist pig. He really believed that if he could humiliate Michael Jackson, he'd get everything he wanted. Typical criminal thinking. They don't think things through, the repercussions. If they did, criminals wouldn't focus on their warped egos. It's some kind of lack of self-control. Evan believed he could control Jordy, his ex wife and most of all, Michael Jackson. For whatever reason, Evan felt threatened by Michael Jackson. He felt emasculated (made weaker or less effective) by Jordy, June and Michael. He told Dave Schwartz as much. If Evan's timeline was not met, then the one with the most money caves to Evan the dentist. Michael thought if he gave Evan money, Evan would stop acting like he'd been castrated and emasculated (to deprive (a man) of his male strength, role, etc.) Speed up to date, we now have Jimmy and Wade feeling the same as Evan Chandler, emasculated (to make (a man) feel less masculine) by Michael Jackson's Estate.