Wade Robson ET Interview Video on the Private Side of Michael Jackson

Thanks for sharing this. I adore Wade. Such a creative genius. I love that he and Michael knew each other, they're both so brilliant and endlessly talented. No doubt Wade learned a hell of a lot from Mike.
has the footage of michael singing at his mum's birthday been uploaded yet???
Wonderful words. He seems like a very talented and sincere guy. Bless him to have been able to work with Michael.

God, I remember doing the song 'I Feel Pretty,' from West Side for my audition to AMDA. I love the musical and would have loved to talk to Michael about it, the choreography, the music, the story behind it, the cultural aspect of it...*sighs* I really hope there's a heaven.

Thanks for sharing this though.
Thank you for the link. I love listening to people talking about MJ who really knew him - there's always so much respect there.

Does anyone know if we get ET on satellite in the UK, please? Those clips at the end are VERY tantalising!

Yay for Wade, fellow Aussie! (Well... I'm actually Polish and only been 'Aussie' for the last 6 years, but you know what that's like - when something's good you own up to it:cheeky:)
He's very talented, and he 'performed' brilliantly on the stand at Michael's trial, will always be fond of him for that

Have a look at this, ignore the dancers, just look at Wade...
